Source code for tacco.utils._utils

import warnings
import anndata as ad
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
from sklearn.utils.sparsefuncs import mean_variance_axis
from scipy.optimize import nnls
from numpy.random import Generator, PCG64
import scipy.spatial.distance
import multiprocessing
import os
import joblib
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
import scanpy as sc
import time
import gc
import mkl
import tempfile
from numba import njit, prange
from ..get._counts import _get_counts_location
from .. import get
from . import _dist
from . import _math

def _infer_annotation_key(adata, annotation_key=None):
    ''' Return annotation key, if supplied or unique. '''
    if annotation_key is not None:
        return annotation_key
    if adata is None:
        raise ValueError('adata cannot be none it no annotation key is specified!')
    keys = set(adata.varm.keys()) | set(adata.obsm.keys()) | set(adata.obs.columns)
    if len(keys) == 1:
        return next(iter(keys))
    elif len(keys) > 1:
        raise ValueError('adata has more than a unique annotation key, so it has to be specified explicitly!')
        raise ValueError('adata has no annotation keys!')
def _get_unique_keys(annotation_key, other_keys):
    ''' Get unique keys. '''
    if other_keys is None:
        return annotation_key
    elif isinstance(other_keys, str):
        return {annotation_key, other_keys}
        return {annotation_key, *other_keys}

[docs] def cpu_count(): """\ Return the number of available CPU cores. Returns ------- The number of available CPU cores. """ if 'NSLOTS' in os.environ: # if Sun Grid Engine is used, we can get the number of allocated cores here return int(os.environ.get('NSLOTS')) mkl_threads = mkl.get_max_threads() if mkl_threads is not None: return mkl_threads return multiprocessing.cpu_count()
[docs] def parallel_nnls( A, B, n_jobs=None, batch_size=50 ): """\ Runs multiple nnls in parallel. Parameters ---------- A A 2d :class:`~numpy.ndarray`. B A 2d :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or a `scipy` sparse matrix with the second dimension identical to the first dimension of as `A`. n_jobs How many jobs/cores should be run on. If `None`, runs on all available cores. batch_size The number of problems to assign to a job/core per batch. Returns ------- A :class:`~numpy.ndarray` containing the results. """ def _nnls(A,B): if scipy.sparse.issparse(B): return np.array([ nnls(A, B[g].A.flatten())[0] for g in range(B.shape[0]) ]) else: return np.array([ nnls(A, B[g])[0] for g in range(B.shape[0]) ]) if not isinstance(A,np.ndarray): raise ValueError(f"`A` can only be a numpy array but is a {A.__class__}!") if not scipy.sparse.issparse(B) and not isinstance(B,np.ndarray): raise ValueError(f"`B` can only be a scipy sparse matrix or a numpy array but is a {B.__class__}!") if n_jobs is None: n_jobs = cpu_count() result = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( joblib.delayed(_nnls)(A, B[g:(g+batch_size)]) for g in range(0,B.shape[0],batch_size) ) return np.vstack(result)
[docs] def solve_OT( a, b, M, epsilon=5e-3, lambda_a=None, lambda_b=None, numItermax=1000, stopThr=1e-9, inplace=False, ): """\ Solve optimal transport problem with entropy regularization and optionally Kullback-Leibler divergence penalty terms instead of exact marginal conservation. The algorithm used for solving the problem is the generalized Sinkhorn-Knopp matrix scaling algorithm from in [Chizat16]_. The python implementation is based on [Flamary21]_. Parameters ---------- a A 1d array-like containing the left marginal distribution b A 1d array-like containing the right marginal distribution M A 2d array-like containing the loss matrix epsilon The entropy regularization parameter lambda_a The left marginal relaxation parameter; if `None`, enforce marginal exactly like in balanced OT lambda_b The right marginal relaxation parameter; if `None`, enforce marginal exactly like in balanced OT numItermax The maximal number of iterations stopThr The error threshold for the stopping criterion inplace Whether `M` will contain the transort matrix upon completion or be unchanged. `M` has to be a :class:`~numpy.ndarray` with `dtype=np.float64` for this. Returns ------- Depending on `inplace` returns a 2d :class:`~numpy.ndarray` containing\ the transport couplings, which either is the inplace updated `M` or a\ newly allocated array. """ # high precision is necessary a = np.array(a, dtype=np.float64, copy=False) b = np.array(b, dtype=np.float64, copy=False) _M = M M = np.array(M, dtype=np.float64, copy=False) if inplace and _M is not M: raise Exception('`inplace` is `True` but impossible, as `M` is not a `np.float64` `np.ndarray`!') dim_a, dim_b = M.shape if len(a) != dim_a: raise Exception('Marginal `a` and cost `M` have incompatible shapes %s and %s!' % (a.shape, M.shape)) if len(b) != dim_b: raise Exception('Cost `M` and marginal `b` have incompatible shapes %s and %s!' % (M.shape, b.shape)) if epsilon <= 0: raise Exception('Entropy regularization `epsilon` must be positive!') if numItermax <= 0: raise Exception('The number of iterations `numItermax` must be positive!') if stopThr <= 0: raise Exception('The number of iterations `stopThr` must be positive!') u = np.ones(dim_a, dtype=np.float64) / dim_a v = np.ones(dim_b, dtype=np.float64) / dim_b if inplace: K = M else: K = np.empty(M.shape, dtype=np.float64) np.divide(M, -epsilon, out=K) np.exp(K, out=K) fa = 1 if lambda_a is None else lambda_a / (lambda_a + epsilon) fb = 1 if lambda_b is None else lambda_b / (lambda_b + epsilon) err = 1. for i in range(numItermax): uprev = u vprev = v Kv = u = a / Kv if fa != 1: u = u ** fa Ktu = v = b / Ktu if fb != 1: v = v ** fb if (np.any(Ktu == 0.) or np.any(np.isnan(u)) or np.any(np.isnan(v)) or np.any(np.isinf(u)) or np.any(np.isinf(v))): # we have reached the machine precision # come back to previous solution and quit loop warnings.warn('Numerical errors at iteration %s' % i) u = uprev v = vprev break if i % 10 == 0: # we can speed up the process by checking for the error only all # the 10th iterations err_u = abs(u - uprev).max() / max(abs(u).max(), abs(uprev).max(), 1.) err_v = abs(v - vprev).max() / max(abs(v).max(), abs(vprev).max(), 1.) err = 0.5 * (err_u + err_v) if err < stopThr: break _math.row_scale(K, u) _math.col_scale(K, v) return K
def _run_OT(type_cell_dist, type_prior=None, cell_prior=None, epsilon=5e-3, lamb=None, inplace=False): # check sanity of arguments if type_prior is not None and type_prior.isna().any(): raise Exception('type_prior contains na!') if type_prior is not None and (type_prior<0).any(): raise Exception('type_prior contains negative values!') if cell_prior is not None and cell_prior.isna().any(): raise Exception('cell_prior contains na!') if cell_prior is not None and (cell_prior<0).any(): raise Exception('cell_prior contains negative values!') if type_cell_dist.isna().any().any(): raise Exception('type_cell_dist contains na!') # dont carry references to the distance around forever and thereby making garbage collection impossible, therefore copy the indices types = type_cell_dist.index.copy() cells = type_cell_dist.columns.copy() if type_prior is None: ntypes = len(types) p = np.full((ntypes,), 1 / ntypes) else: p = type_prior[types] / type_prior.sum() p = p.to_numpy() if cell_prior is None: ncells = len(cells) q = np.full((ncells,), 1 / ncells) else: q = cell_prior[cells] / cell_prior.sum() q = q.to_numpy() cost = type_cell_dist.loc[types].to_numpy().T cost /= cost.max() C = solve_OT(q, p, cost, epsilon, lambda_b=lamb, inplace=inplace) C = pd.DataFrame(C, columns=types, index=cells) return C
[docs] def scale_counts( adata, rescaling_factors, counts_location=None, round=False, ): """\ Scales the count matrix in an :class:`~anndata.AnnData` in various locations inplace. Parameters ---------- adata The :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with the counts to scale rescaling_factors The gene-wise rescaling factors counts_location A string or tuple specifying where the count matrix is stored, e.g. `'X'`, `('raw','X')`, `('raw','obsm','my_counts_key')`, `('layer','my_counts_key')`, ... For details see :func:`~tacco.get.counts`. round Whether to round the result to integer values Returns ------- `None`. This is an inplace operation. """ if adata.is_view: raise ValueError(f'Got a view of an anndata.AnnData as an argument to scale inplace! This does not (reliably) work, supply a copy.') counts_location = _get_counts_location(adata, counts_location=counts_location) # scale the counts right where they are if counts_location[0] == 'X': _math.col_scale(adata.X, rescaling_factors, round=round) elif counts_location[0] == 'layer': _math.col_scale(adata.layers[counts_location[1]], rescaling_factors, round=round) elif counts_location[0] == 'obsm': _math.col_scale(adata.obsm[counts_location[1]], rescaling_factors, round=round) elif counts_location[0] == 'varm': _math.col_scale(adata.varm[counts_location[1]], rescaling_factors, round=round) elif counts_location[0] == 'uns': _math.col_scale(adata.uns[counts_location[1]], rescaling_factors, round=round) elif counts_location[0] == 'raw': scale_counts(adata.raw.to_adata(), rescaling_factors, counts_location=counts_location[1:], round=round) else: raise Exception('The counts location "%s" cannot be interpreted!' % str(counts_location))
[docs] def find_unused_key( dict_like, start='unused', ): """\ Finds an unused key. Parameters ---------- dict_like A dict-like or a list/tuple of dict-likes to find a key which is unused in all of them. start The keys "<start><N>" are checked for increasing `N` until an unused key is found. Returns ------- The unused key. """ if not isinstance(dict_like, (list,tuple)): dict_likes = [dict_like] else: dict_likes = dict_like new_key = start counter = 0 for dict_like in dict_likes: while new_key in dict_like: new_key = start + str(counter) counter += 1 return new_key
[docs] def get_average_profiles( type_key, reference, rX=None, pca_offset=None, pca_trafo=None, normalize=True, cell_weights=False, buffer=True, ): """\ Get average profiles for a certain annotation from a reference :class:`~anndata.Anndata`. If these profiles are not available as a `varm` entry already, they are created. Parameters ---------- type_key The annotation key for which average profiles should be returned. This can be a `.obs` or `.varm` key. Can also be a :class:`~pandas.Series` contining a categorical annotation which is not available in `.obs`. reference The :class:`~anndata.Anndata` from which the average profiles should be retrieved. rX An expression matrix to use instead of the one provided in `.X`. pca_offset An offset to subtract from the mean_profiles; mostly interesting for working in pca space pca_trafo A linear transformation to apply to the mean profiles; mostly interesting for working in pca space normalize Whether to normalize profiles to sum to 1 over genes for every profile cell_weights Whether to weight every cell equally instead of every read buffer Whether to save the average profiles in `.varm` Returns ------- The mean profiles in a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`. """ new_key = None if isinstance(type_key, pd.Series): new_key = find_unused_key(reference.obs) reference.obs[new_key] = type_key type_key = new_key found_key = [] normalization = None if type_key in reference.varm: found_key.append('varm') if len(found_key) == 1: # only use this hit, if there was no better hit before mean_profiles = reference.varm[type_key].fillna(0) normalization = mean_profiles.sum(axis = 0).to_numpy() if pca_offset is not None: mean_profiles = mean_profiles - pca_offset[:,None] if pca_trafo is not None: mean_profiles = pca_trafo.T @ mean_profiles if type_key in reference.obs.columns: found_key.append('obs') if len(found_key) == 1: # only use this hit, if there was no better hit before if rX is None: rX = reference.X if cell_weights: # weight every cell equally instead of every read rX = rX.copy() _math.row_scale(rX, 1/np.array(reference.X.sum(axis=1)).flatten()) mean_profiles = {} for l, df in reference.obs.groupby(type_key): rX_l = rX[reference.obs.index.isin(df.index)] mean_profiles[l] = np.array(rX_l.mean(axis=0)).flatten() mean_profiles = pd.DataFrame(mean_profiles) if new_key is not None: del reference.obs[new_key] if len(found_key) < 1: raise ValueError('The key "%s" is not found in the reference!' % (type_key)) if normalize: # normalize profiles to sum to 1 over genes for every profile if normalization is None: # some paths might need other normalization... normalization = mean_profiles.sum(axis = 0).to_numpy() mean_profiles /= normalization # recover the gene index if it makes sense if len(mean_profiles.index) == len(reference.var.index): mean_profiles.set_index(reference.var.index, inplace=True) if buffer and 'varm' not in found_key: reference.varm[type_key] = mean_profiles return mean_profiles
[docs] def preprocess_single_cell_data( adata, hvg=True, scale=True, pca=True, inplace=False, min_cells=10, min_genes=10, verbose=1, ): """\ Preprocess single cell data in a standardized way from bare counts as input. Parameters ---------- adata The :class:`~anndat.AnnData` to process hvg Whether the dat should be subset to highly variable genes scale Whether the data should be scaled pca Whether the pcas should be calculated inplace Whether the input :class:`~anndat.AnnData` instance should be changed to contain the processed data min_cells The minimum number of cells a gene must have to be not filtered out min_genes The minimum number of genes a cell must have to be not filtered out verbose Level of verbosity, with `0` (no output), `1` (some output), ... Returns ------- The processed :class:`~anndat.AnnData` """ if verbose>0: print('SCprep', end='...') start = time.time() if not inplace: adata = adata.copy() if pd.api.types.is_integer_dtype(adata.X.dtype): if inplace: raise ValueError(f'The integer valued data cannot be normalized inplace! Specify `inplace=False`.') else: adata.X = adata.X.astype(float) adata.obs['log10counts'] = np.log(np.array(adata.X.sum(axis=1)).flatten()) / np.log(10) if min_cells is not None: sc.pp.filter_genes(adata, min_cells=min_cells) if min_genes is not None: sc.pp.filter_cells(adata, min_genes=min_genes) sc.pp.normalize_per_cell(adata, counts_per_cell_after=1e4) _math.log1p(adata) if hvg: n_bins = min(adata.shape[0], 20) # catch edge case with less than default n_bins samples sc.pp.highly_variable_genes(adata, subset=True, n_bins=n_bins) if scale: sc.pp.scale(adata) if pca: sc.pp.pca(adata, random_state=42) if verbose>0: print('time', time.time() - start) return adata
[docs] def umap_single_cell_data( adata, inplace=False, verbose=1, **kwargs, ): """\ Preprocess single cell data in a standardized way from bare counts as input and include the generation of a umap embedding. Parameters ---------- adata The :class:`~anndat.AnnData` to process inplace Whether the input :class:`~anndat.AnnData` instance should be changed to contain the processed data verbose Level of verbosity, with `0` (no output), `1` (some output), ... kwargs Extra keyword arguments are forwarded to :func:`~tacco.utils.preprocess_single_cell_data` Returns ------- The processed :class:`~anndat.AnnData` """ if verbose>0: print('SCumap', end='...') start = time.time() if not inplace: adata = adata.copy() if pd.api.types.is_integer_dtype(adata.X.dtype): adata.X = adata.X.astype(float) # follow inplace=True requirements of preprocess_single_cell_data adata = preprocess_single_cell_data(adata, inplace=True, verbose=max(0,verbose-1), **kwargs) sc.pp.neighbors(adata, random_state=42), random_state=42) if verbose>0: print('time', time.time() - start) return adata
[docs] def tsne_single_cell_data( adata, inplace=False, verbose=1, **kwargs, ): """\ Preprocess single cell data in a standardized way from bare counts as input and include the generation of a tsne embedding. Parameters ---------- adata The :class:`~anndat.AnnData` to process inplace Whether the input :class:`~anndat.AnnData` instance should be changed to contain the processed data verbose Level of verbosity, with `0` (no output), `1` (some output), ... kwargs Extra keyword arguments are forwarded to :func:`~tacco.utils.preprocess_single_cell_data` Returns ------- The processed :class:`~anndat.AnnData` """ if verbose>0: print('SCtsne', end='...') start = time.time() if not inplace: adata = adata.copy() if pd.api.types.is_integer_dtype(adata.X.dtype): adata.X = adata.X.astype(float) # follow inplace=True requirements of preprocess_single_cell_data adata = preprocess_single_cell_data(adata, inplace=True, verbose=max(0,verbose-1), **kwargs), random_state=42) if verbose>0: print('time', time.time() - start) return adata
def _transfer_pca(tdata, reference, n_pca=100, zero_center=True): tX = tdata.X offset = None if zero_center: offset = np.array(reference.X.mean(axis=0, dtype=np.float64)).flatten() if scipy.sparse.issparse(tX): tX = tX.toarray() tX = tX - offset if n_pca is None: rX = reference.X if zero_center: if scipy.sparse.issparse(rX): rX = rX.toarray() rX = rX - offset return tX, rX, offset, None # perform pca in reference data ..., n_comps=n_pca, zero_center=zero_center, use_highly_variable=False) # ... and transfer it to the test data tdata.obsm['X_pca'] = tX @ reference.varm['PCs'] return tdata.obsm['X_pca'], reference.obsm['X_pca'], offset, reference.varm['PCs']
[docs] def generate_mixture_profiles( average_profiles, include_pure_profiles=False, ): """\ Creates symmetric pairwise mixture profiles. Parameters ---------- average_profiles A 2d :class:`~numpy.ndarray` with features in the rows and profiles in the columns include_pure_profiles Whether to include pure profiles in the result, too. Returns ------- A tuple consisting of a :class:`~numpy.ndarray` containing the mixture\ profiles and a sparse matrix giving the mixtures. """ if not isinstance(average_profiles, np.ndarray): raise ValueError('`average_profiles` has to be a numpy array!') n_genes, n_profiles = average_profiles.shape n_mixtures = (n_profiles * (n_profiles - 1)) // 2 if include_pure_profiles: n_mixtures += n_profiles rows = np.empty(2*n_mixtures, dtype=np.int64) cols = np.empty(2*n_mixtures, dtype=np.int64) data = np.full(2*n_mixtures, 1/(2*n_mixtures), dtype=average_profiles.dtype) counter = 0 for i in range(n_profiles): j0 = i if include_pure_profiles else i+1 for j in range(j0, n_profiles): rows[2*counter+0] = counter cols[2*counter+0] = i rows[2*counter+1] = counter cols[2*counter+1] = j counter += 1 mixtures = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(n_mixtures, n_profiles)).tocsr() # get mixture profiles _mixtures = mixtures.copy() _math.row_scale(_mixtures,1/_mixtures.sum(axis=1).A.flatten()) mixture_profiles = _math.gemmT(_mixtures, average_profiles) return mixture_profiles, mixtures
[docs] def flat_inverse_mapping( condensed_mapping, ): """\ Given a condensed mapping construct a flat inverse mapping. Parameters ---------- condensed_mapping A mapping from coarse to a list-like of (or a single) fine categories as :class:`~dict`, :class:`~pandas.Series`, etc. or anything else with a `.items` method. Returns ------- Returns a :class:`~pandas.Series` containing a mapping from fine to coarse\ categories. """ inv_mapping = {} for key,values in condensed_mapping.items(): if not pd.api.types.is_list_like(values): values = [values] for val in values: if val in inv_mapping: raise ValueError(f'There are multiple mappings given for value "{val}"!') inv_mapping[val] = key return pd.Series(inv_mapping)
[docs] def merge_annotation( adata, annotation_key, mapping, result_key=None, ): """\ Merges annotation into coarser groups, e.g. from subtypes to types. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with annotation in `.obs` or `.obsm`. Can also be a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`, which is then treated like the `.obs` of an :class:`~anndata.AnnData`. annotation_key The `.obs` or `.obsm` key where the annotation and profiles are stored in `adata`. If the key is found in `.obsm` and `.obs`, the `.obs` key is used. mapping A mapping from coarse to a list-like of (or a single) fine annotation categories as :class:`~dict`, :class:`~pandas.Series`, etc. or anything else with a `.items` method. The fine annotation categories which are not given coarse annotation categories are left unchanged. result_key The where to store the resulting annotation. If the `annotation_key` is a `.obs` key, the result will be stored as `.obs`, if `annotation_key` is a `.obsm` key, it will be stored as `.obsm`. If `None`, do not write to `adata` and return the annotation instead. Returns ------- Depending on `result_key`, either returns the original `adata` with\ annotation written in the corresponding `.obs` or `.obsm` key, or just the\ annotation as a new :class:`~pandas.Series` or :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`. """ inv_mapping = flat_inverse_mapping(mapping) if isinstance(adata, pd.DataFrame): if annotation_key not in adata: raise ValueError(f'The annotation_key "{annotation_key}" was not found in the columns of the dataframe!') for val in adata[annotation_key].unique(): if val not in inv_mapping: inv_mapping[val] = val result = adata[annotation_key].map(inv_mapping) if result_key is not None: adata[result_key] = result if hasattr(adata[annotation_key], 'cat'): adata[result_key] = adata[result_key].astype('category') result = adata elif annotation_key in adata.obs: for val in adata.obs[annotation_key].unique(): if val not in inv_mapping: inv_mapping[val] = val result = adata.obs[annotation_key].map(inv_mapping) if result_key is not None: adata.obs[result_key] = result if hasattr(adata.obs[annotation_key], 'cat'): adata.obs[result_key] = adata.obs[result_key].astype('category') result = adata elif annotation_key in adata.obsm: result = pd.DataFrame(index=adata.obsm[annotation_key].index) for anno in adata.obsm[annotation_key].columns: if anno in inv_mapping: mapped = inv_mapping[anno] else: mapped = anno if mapped in result.columns: result[mapped] += adata.obsm[annotation_key][anno] else: result[mapped] = adata.obsm[annotation_key][anno] if result_key is not None: adata.obsm[result_key] = result result = adata else: raise ValueError(f'The annotation_key "{annotation_key}" was neither found in .obs nor in .obsm!') return result
[docs] def merge_colors( colors, mapping, ): """\ Merges a dict-like of colors into coarser colors. Parameters ---------- colors A dict-like with numeric colors as values. mapping A mapping from coarse to a list-like of (or a single) fine annotation categories as :class:`~dict`, :class:`~pandas.Series`, etc. or anything else with a `.items` method. The fine annotation categories which are not given coarse annotation categories are left unchanged. Returns ------- Returns the merged colors as a :class:`~pandas.Series`. """ inv_mapping = flat_inverse_mapping(mapping) import matplotlib.colors rgbas = {} for k, vs in colors.items(): rgbas[k] = np.array(matplotlib.colors.to_rgba(vs)) result = {} for anno in rgbas: if anno in inv_mapping: mapped = inv_mapping[anno] else: mapped = anno if mapped in result: result[mapped].append(rgbas[anno]) else: result[mapped] = [rgbas[anno]] for mapped in result: result[mapped] = np.mean(result[mapped], axis=0) return pd.Series(result)
[docs] def write_adata_x_var_obs( adata, filename, compression='gzip', **kwargs, ): """\ Write only `.X`, `.obs`, and `.var` to an `.h5ad` file. In many cases, only this "essential" information is required in other tools, which makes it more practicable to read it with custom hdf5 code in non-python environments. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` to export filename The name of the file to write the essential information from the :class:`~anndata.AnnData` to compression Forwarded to :func:`anndata.AnnData.write`; note that the default here is using compression. kwargs Extra keyword arguments are forwarded to :func:`anndata.AnnData.write`. Returns ------- `None`. """ adata = ad.AnnData(adata.X, var=adata.var, obs=adata.obs) adata.obs = adata.obs.copy() adata.var = adata.var.copy() if scipy.sparse.issparse(adata.X): # fix edge case as in if not adata.X.has_sorted_indices: adata.X.sort_indices() adata.write(filename, compression=compression, **kwargs)
[docs] def complete_choice( a, size, seed=42, ): """\ Similar to :func:`numpy.random.choice` with `replace=False`, but with special behaviour for `size>a.shape[0]`. The input array is shuffled and concatenated as often as necessary to give `size` choices. This makes the multiple choices appear as equally as possible. Parameters ---------- a A :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, or something with a `.to_numpy` method or behaving reasonably under :func:`~numpy.asarray` with at least one dimension. size The number of choices without replacement. Can be larger than the `a`. seed Random seed or random generator Returns ------- A :class:`~numpy.ndarray` containing the choices. """ if isinstance(seed, Generator): rg = seed else: rg = Generator(PCG64(seed=seed)) if hasattr(a,'to_numpy'): a = a.to_numpy() else: a = np.asarray(a) a = a.copy() selection = [] while size > 0: rg.shuffle(a) selection.append(a[:size]) size = size - len(selection[-1]) return np.concatenate(selection)
@njit(cache=True) def _modes(cols, n_cat, seed): np.random.seed(seed) modes = np.zeros(cols.shape[1],dtype=cols.dtype) for j in range(cols.shape[1]): counts = np.zeros(n_cat,dtype=np.int64) for i in range(cols.shape[0]): cat = cols[i,j] if cat >= 0: counts[cat] += 1 mode_values = [cols[0,0]] ; mode_values.pop() mode_count = 1 for cat in np.arange(n_cat,dtype=cols.dtype): if counts[cat] == mode_count: mode_values.append(cat) elif counts[cat] > mode_count: mode_count = counts[cat] mode_values = [cat] if len(mode_values) == 0: modes[j] = -1 elif len(mode_values) == 1: modes[j] = mode_values[0] else: modes[j] = np.random.choice(np.array(mode_values)) return modes
[docs] def mode( df, seed=42, ): """\ Calculates the most frequent value per row in a dataframe. If multiple values are the most frequent ones, take one of them at random. Parameters ---------- df A :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` with the values to get the modes from seed The random seed. Returns ------- Returns a :class:`~pandas.Series` with the modes. """ cattype = pd.CategoricalDtype(sorted(list({ u for c in df for u in df[c].unique() if u == u }))) # filter out nans for the categories cols = np.array([ df[c].astype(cattype) for c in df ]) codes = _modes(cols, len(cattype.categories), seed) modes = pd.Series(index=df.index, dtype=type(cattype.categories[0])) modes.iloc[codes>=0] = cattype.categories[codes[codes>=0]] if hasattr(df.iloc[:,0], 'cat'): modes = modes.astype(cattype) return modes
@njit(cache=True) def _heapsort3(arr, co1, co2): # adapted from scipy n = len(arr) l = n//2 while l > 0: tmp = arr[l-1]; tm1 = co1[l-1]; tm2 = co2[l-1]; i = l j = l*2 while j <= n: if j < n and arr[j-1] < arr[j]: j += 1; if tmp < arr[j-1]: arr[i-1] = arr[j-1]; co1[i-1] = co1[j-1]; co2[i-1] = co2[j-1]; i = j; j += j; else: break; arr[i-1] = tmp; co1[i-1] = tm1; co2[i-1] = tm2; l-=1 while n > 1: tmp = arr[n-1]; tm1 = co1[n-1]; tm2 = co2[n-1]; arr[n-1] = arr[0]; co1[n-1] = co1[0]; co2[n-1] = co2[0]; n -= 1; i = 1 j = 2 while j <= n: if j < n and arr[j-1] < arr[j]: j+=1; if tmp < arr[j-1]: arr[i-1] = arr[j-1]; co1[i-1] = co1[j-1]; co2[i-1] = co2[j-1]; i = j; j += j; else: break; arr[i-1] = tmp; co1[i-1] = tm1; co2[i-1] = tm2;
[docs] def heapsort3( arr, co1, co2, ): """\ Sorts an array in-place while following the reordering of the elements in two other arrays. Parameters ---------- arr A 1d :class:`~numpy.ndarray` with the values to sort co1, co2 Two 1d :class:`~numpy.ndarray` instances of the same length as `arr` with should be reordered along with `arr`. Returns ------- `None`, this is an in-place operation. """ if len(arr.shape) != 1: raise ValueError(f'`arr` has to be a 1d array, but has shape {arr.shape}!') if len(co1) != len(arr): raise ValueError(f'`co1` has to be of the same length as `arr` ({len(arr)}) but is {len(co1)} long!') if len(co2) != len(arr): raise ValueError(f'`co2` has to be of the same length as `arr` ({len(arr)}) but is {len(co2)} long!') _heapsort3(arr, co1, co2)
@njit(cache=True) def _coo_tocsr(n_row, Ai, Aj, Ax): nnz = len(Ai) Bp = np.empty(n_row+1, dtype=Ai.dtype) # ensure that all the rows are ordered _heapsort3(Ai, Aj, Ax) # get the start and end indices per row row = 0 ptr = 0 Bp[row] = ptr for n in range(nnz): while Ai[n] != row: row += 1 Bp[row] = n while row < n_row: row += 1 Bp[row] = nnz return Bp
[docs] def coo_tocsr_inplace( A, ): """\ Converts a sparse matrix in coo format into a sparse matrix in csr format without allocating huge temporaries by reusing the memory of the input coo matrix. This is however slower than the out-of-place scipy version. For an alternative using buffering on the harddisc, see :func:`~coo_tocsr_buffered`. Parameters ---------- A A :class:`~scipy.sparse.coo_matrix`. As side effect the matrix gets index sorted, without changing the integrity of the matrix. Returns ------- Returns a :class:`~scipy.sparse.csr_matrix` which shares memory with the\ input coo matrix. """ n_row = A.shape[0] row = A.row col = A.col dat = ptr = _coo_tocsr(n_row, row, col, dat) B = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(A.shape) B.indptr = ptr B.indices = col = dat return B
@njit(cache=True) def _coo_tocsr_1(n_row, Ai, Aj, Ax): nnz = len(Ai) # compute number of non-zero entries per row of A Bp = np.zeros(n_row+1, dtype=Ai.dtype) for n in range(nnz): Bp[Ai[n]] += 1 # cumsum the nnz per row to get Bp cumsum = 0 for i in range(n_row): temp = Bp[i] Bp[i] = cumsum cumsum += temp Bp[n_row] = nnz; return Bp @njit(cache=True) def _coo_tocsr_2(Bp, Ai, Aj, Ax, Bj, Bx, n): n_row = len(Bp)-1 # write Aj,Ax into Bj,Bx for n in range(n): row = Ai[n] dest = Bp[row] Bj[dest] = Aj[n] Bx[dest] = Ax[n] Bp[row] += 1 return Bj,Bx @njit(cache=True) def _coo_tocsr_3(Bp): n_row = len(Bp)-1 last = 0 for i in range(n_row+1): temp = Bp[i] Bp[i] = last last = temp
[docs] def coo_tocsr_buffered( A, blocksize=1000000, buffer_directory=None, ): """\ Converts a sparse matrix in coo format into a sparse matrix in csr format consuming less memory than working in-memory by using hard disc buffer. This is slower than the out-of-place in-memory scipy version, but faster than :func:`~coo_tocsr_inplace`. Parameters ---------- A A :class:`~scipy.sparse.coo_matrix`. The memory of this matrix is reused in the construction of the csr matrix, so it is effectively destroyed. blocksize The number of items to read per hard disc access. This has some effect on performance, but usually the default value is fine. buffer_directory A directory with files containing `A.col` and `` dumped to files named "col.bin" and "data.bin" by their `.tofile()` method. This avoids an additional write operation if the dumped data happens to exist already. Returns ------- Returns a :class:`~scipy.sparse.csr_matrix` which reuses the memory of the\ input coo matrix, thereby destroying it. """ Bp = _coo_tocsr_1(A.shape[0],A.row,A.col, nnz = len(A.row) if buffer_directory is None: tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='temp_buffered_coo_tocsr_',dir='.') buffer_directory = + '/' with open(buffer_directory+'col.bin', 'ab') as f: A.col.tofile(f) with open(buffer_directory+'data.bin', 'ab') as f: else: tempdir = None Bj = A.col Bx = for n0 in range(0,nnz,blocksize): n1 = min(nnz, n0+blocksize) A_col = np.fromfile(buffer_directory+'col.bin', dtype=A.col.dtype, count=n1-n0, offset=n0*A.col.itemsize) A_data = np.fromfile(buffer_directory+'data.bin',, count=n1-n0, offset=n0* _coo_tocsr_2(Bp,A.row[n0:],A_col,A_data, Bj, Bx, n1-n0) if tempdir is not None: tempdir.cleanup() _coo_tocsr_3(Bp) # now Bp,Bj,Bx form a CSR representation (with possible duplicates) B = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(A.shape) B.indptr = Bp B.indices = Bj = Bx return B
[docs] def spatial_split( adata, position_key=('x','y'), position_split=2, sample_key=None, min_obs=0, result_key=None, ): """\ Splits a dataset into spatial patches balancing the number of observations per split. NOTE: This function is deprecated. New code should use the updated :func:`~split_spatial_samples`. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with annotation in `.obs` (and `.obsm`). Can also be a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` which is then used in place of `.obs`. position_key The `.obsm` key or array-like of `.obs` keys with the position space coordinates. position_split The number of splits per spatial dimension. Can be a tuple with the spatial dimension as length to assign a different split per dimension. If `None`, no position splits are performed. See also `min_obs`. sample_key The `.obs` key with categorical sample information: every sample is split separately. Can also be a :class:`~pandas.Series` containing the sample information. If `None`, assume a single sample. min_obs This limits the number of `position_split` by stopping the split if the split would decrease the number of observations below this threshold. result_key The `.obs` key to write the split sample annotation to. If `None`, returns the split sample annotation as :class:`~pandas.Series`. Returns ------- Depending on `result_key` returns either a :class:`~pandas.Series`\ containing the split sample annotation or the inpt `adata` with the split\ sample annotation written to `adata.obs[result_key]`. """ import warnings warnings.warn(f'The function tacco.utils.spatial_split is deprecated. New code should use tacco.utils.split_spatial_samples.', DeprecationWarning) if isinstance(adata, sc.AnnData): adata_obs = adata.obs else: adata_obs = adata if sample_key is None: sample_column = pd.Series(np.full(shape=adata_obs.shape[0],fill_value=''),index=adata_obs.index) elif isinstance(sample_key, pd.Series): sample_column = sample_key.reindex(index=adata_obs.index) elif sample_key in adata_obs: if not hasattr(adata_obs[sample_key], 'cat'): raise ValueError(f'`adata.obs[sample_key]` has to be categorical, but `adata.obs["{sample_key}"]` is not!') sample_column = adata_obs[sample_key] else: raise ValueError(f'The `sample_key` argument is {sample_key!r} but has to be either a key of `adata.obs["{sample_key}"]`, a `pandas.Series` or `None`!') positions = get.positions(adata, position_key) # divide spatial samples spatially into subsamples: keeps all the correlation structure ndim = positions.shape[1] position_split = np.array(position_split) if len(position_split.shape) == 0: position_split = np.array([position_split]*ndim) sample_column = sample_column.astype(str) for idim,ps in enumerate(position_split): new_sample_column = sample_column.copy() for sample, sub in positions.iloc[:,idim].groupby(sample_column): max_ps = ps if min_obs < 1 else min(int((len(sub)/min_obs)**(1/(ndim-idim))), ps) # split only if enough observations are available position_cuts = pd.qcut(sub, max_ps, duplicates='drop') new_sample_column.loc[sub.index] = new_sample_column.loc[sub.index] + '|' + position_cuts.astype(str) sample_column = new_sample_column result = sample_column if result_key is not None: adata_obs[result_key] = result result = adata return result
[docs] def get_first_principal_axis( points, ): """\ Get the first principal axis of a set of points. Parameters ---------- points A :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` with shape N_points by N_dimensions. Returns ------- A :class:`~numpy.ndarray` of shape N_dimensions containg the first\ principal axis (l2 normalized). """ X = points - np.mean(points, axis=0) U,sizes,directions = scipy.linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False, compute_uv=True, check_finite=False) # sizes are already sorted in non-increasing order largest_dir = directions[0] return largest_dir
[docs] def get_balanced_separated_intervals( points, n_intervals, minimum_separation, check_splits=True, ): """\ Find the approximations of intervals with equal number of points in each interval which keep a specified minimum separation between them. Parameters ---------- points A :class:`~numpy.ndarray` with shape N_points. n_intervals The number of intervals to distribute the points into. minimum_separation The minimum separation between the intervals. check_splits Whether to warn about unusual split properties Returns ------- A :class:`~numpy.ndarray` of shape N_points containg integers giving either\ the index of the interval the point was put into or -1 for points falling\ into the separations between the intervals. """ if len(points) < n_intervals: # if there are not enough points to begin with, all are assigned to the separations between the intervals... interval = np.array([-1]*len(points)) else: # we implement only a heuristic - which should be good enough for most practical purposes # this only approxmates equal numbers for points per interval in the limit of homogeneous point distribution and samples much larger than the minimum_Separation*n_intervals # it leads to unequal numbers of points per interval in general, with additional assymmetry for more than two intervals # start with the simpler problem of finding even splits without minimum separation requirement points = np.asarray(points) sorting_indices = np.argsort(points) sorted_points = points[sorting_indices] reodering_indices = np.argsort(sorting_indices) cut_ids = np.round(np.arange(1,n_intervals)*len(points)/n_intervals).astype(int) cuts_left, cuts_right = sorted_points[cut_ids-1], sorted_points[cut_ids] cuts = 0.5 * (cuts_left + cuts_right) # split between two points - maybe the distance between them is already large enough... interval = (sorted_points[:,None] > cuts).sum(axis=1) # then remove the points near the cuts symmetrically for each cut dropped = np.any((sorted_points[:,None] > cuts - minimum_separation/2) & (sorted_points[:,None] < cuts + minimum_separation/2),axis=1) interval[dropped] = -1 interval = interval[reodering_indices] if check_splits: # check some stats about the split stats = pd.Series(interval).value_counts() normed_stats = stats / stats.sum() if len(normed_stats) <= 1: print(f'WARNING: All points are assigned to the separations! Maybe minimum_separation or n_intervals is too large, or the number of points to small?') else: if normed_stats.iloc[-1] > 0.5: print(f'WARNING: The fraction of points assigned to the separations is very high ({normed_stats.iloc[-1]})! Maybe minimum_separation or n_intervals is too large?') if len(stats) < n_intervals + 1: print(f'WARNING: At least one interval did not get any points assigned! Maybe minimum_separation or n_intervals is too large?') return interval
[docs] def split_spatial_samples( adata, buffer_thickness, position_key=('x','y'), split_direction=None, split_scheme=2, sample_key=None, result_key=None, check_splits=True, ): """\ Splits a dataset into separated spatial patches. The patches are selected to have approximately equal amounts of observations per patch. Between the patches a buffer layer of specified thickness is discarded to reduce the correlations between the patches. Therefore the thickness should be chosen to accomodate the largest relevant correlation length. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with annotation in `.obs` (and `.obsm`). Can also be a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` which is then used in place of `.obs`. buffer_thickness The thickness of the buffer layer to discard between the spatial patches. The units are the same as thosed used in the specification of the position information. This should be chosen carefully, as the remaining correlation between the spatial patches depends on it. position_key The `.obsm` key or array-like of `.obs` keys with the position space coordinates. split_direction The direction(s) to use for the spatial splits. Use e.g. ('y','x') for two splits with the first in 'y' and the second in 'x' direction, or 'z' to always split along the 'z' direction. Use `None` instead of the name of a coordinate direction to automatically determine the direction as a flavor of direction with largest extent (first principal axis). split_scheme The specification of the strategy used for defining spatial splits. In the simplest case this is just an integer specifying the number of patches per split. It can also be a tuple to specify a different number of patches per split. sample_key The `.obs` key with categorical sample information: every sample is split separately. Can also be a :class:`~pandas.Series` containing the sample information. If `None`, assume a single sample. result_key The `.obs` key to write the split sample annotation to. If `None`, returns the split sample annotation as :class:`~pandas.Series`. check_splits Whether to warn about unusual split properties Returns ------- Depending on `result_key` returns either a :class:`~pandas.Series`\ containing the split sample annotation or the input `adata` with the split\ sample annotation written to `adata.obs[result_key]`. """ if isinstance(adata, ad.AnnData): adata_obs = adata.obs else: adata_obs = adata if sample_key is None: sample_column = pd.Series(np.full(shape=adata_obs.shape[0],fill_value=''),index=adata_obs.index) elif isinstance(sample_key, pd.Series): sample_column = sample_key.reindex(index=adata_obs.index) elif sample_key in adata_obs: if not hasattr(adata_obs[sample_key], 'cat'): raise ValueError(f'`adata.obs[sample_key]` has to be categorical, but `adata.obs["{sample_key}"]` is not!') sample_column = adata_obs[sample_key] else: raise ValueError(f'The `sample_key` argument is {sample_key!r} but has to be either a key of `adata.obs["{sample_key}"]`, a `pandas.Series` or `None`!') positions = get.positions(adata, position_key) # divide spatial samples spatially into subsamples: keeps all the correlation structure ndim = positions.shape[1] # get consensus split plan from direction and scheme split_direction_array = np.array(split_direction) # use array for checking dimensionality - but cast to lists to preserve None values... split_scheme_array = np.array(split_scheme) if (len(split_direction_array.shape) == 0) and (len(split_scheme_array.shape) == 0): split_direction = [split_direction] split_scheme = [split_scheme] elif (len(split_direction_array.shape) == 0) and (len(split_scheme_array.shape) == 1): split_direction = [split_direction] * len(split_scheme) elif (len(split_direction_array.shape) == 1) and (len(split_scheme_array.shape) == 0): split_scheme = [split_scheme] * len(split_direction) elif (len(split_direction_array.shape) == 1) and (len(split_scheme_array.shape) == 1): if len(split_direction) != len(split_scheme): raise ValueError(f'The length of "split_direction" ({len(split_direction)}) does not fit to the length of "split_scheme" ({len(split_scheme)})!') else: raise ValueError(f'The "split_direction" and "split_scheme" must be of shape 0 or 1!') sample_column = sample_column.astype(str) for direction,n_patches in zip(split_direction,split_scheme): new_sample_column = sample_column.copy() for sample, sub in positions.groupby(sample_column): # get direction vector if direction is None: direction_vector = get_first_principal_axis(sub) else: dir_loc = positions.columns.get_loc(direction) if not isinstance(dir_loc, int): raise ValueError(f'The direction "{direction}" is neither `None` nor does it correspond to a unique coordinate direction!') direction_vector = np.array([0.0]*len(positions.columns)) direction_vector[dir_loc] = 1.0 # project positions on the direction_vector projections = sub @ direction_vector # find optimal division into patches patches = get_balanced_separated_intervals(projections, n_patches, buffer_thickness, check_splits=check_splits) new_values = new_sample_column.loc[sub.index] + '|' + patches.astype(str) new_values.loc[patches == -1] = None new_sample_column.loc[sub.index] = new_values sample_column = new_sample_column result = sample_column.astype('category') if result_key is not None: adata_obs[result_key] = result result = adata return result
[docs] def get_maximum_annotation(adata, obsm_key, result_key=None): """\ Turns a soft annotation into a categorical annotation by reporting the annotation categories with the maximum values per oberservation. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with annotation in `.obsm`. Can also be a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` which is then used in place of `.obsm[obsm_key]`. obsm_key The `.obsm` key or array-like of `.obs` keys with the soft annotation. If `adata` is a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`, this is ignored. result_key The `.obs` key (or `adata` key if `adata` is a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`) to write the categorical annotation to. If `None`, returns the categorical annotation as :class:`~pandas.Series`. Returns ------- Depending on `result_key` returns either a :class:`~pandas.Series`\ containing the categorical annotation or the inpt `adata` with the split\ sample annotation written to `adata.obs[result_key]` (or\ `adata[result_key]` if `adata` is a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`). """ if isinstance(adata, pd.DataFrame): obsm = adata adata_obs = adata else: obsm = get.positions(adata, obsm_key) adata_obs = adata.obs result = obsm.columns[obsm.to_numpy().argmax(axis=1)] result = pd.Series(result, index=obsm.index) if not hasattr(result, 'cat'): result = result.astype(pd.CategoricalDtype(obsm.columns)) if result_key is not None: adata_obs[result_key] = result result = adata return result
[docs] def AnnData_query(self, expr, **kw_args): """\ Query the columns of `.obs` of an :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with a boolean expression and use the result to subset the :class:`~anndata.AnnData`. This provides a convenient shorthand notation for subsetting: E.g. `adata.query('A>4 & B==@value')` effectively expands to `adata[(adata.obs['A']>4) & (adata.obs['B']==value)]`. This is analogous to the functionality of :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.query` and implemented by :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.eval`, so similar restrictions apply. This function is implemented as a monkey patch and should be called as a method of an :class:`~anndata.AnnData` instance. Parameters ---------- expr The query on `.obs` columns to subset an :class:`~anndata.AnnData`. Column names and literals are referenced directly, variables in python scope by a preceeding "@". **kw_args Additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the call to :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.eval`. Returns ------- Returns a view of the subsetted :class:`~anndata.AnnData` instance. """ selection = self.obs.eval(expr,**kw_args) if not pd.api.types.is_bool_dtype(selection): raise ValueError(f'Evaluating the expression {expr!r} did not result to something of boolean arry type, so it cannot be used for subsetting!') return self[selection]
sc.AnnData.query = AnnData_query def _anndata2R_header(): """\ Returns a string to be used as part of an R script in order to be able to natively read basic information (X, var, obs) from h5ad files in R. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- Returns the anndata2R code as a string. """ return """\ library(data.table) library(hdf5r) library(Matrix) # must be loaded before SparseM to enable cast from SparseM to Matrix library(SparseM) read_matrix = function(file, name) { if (name %in% list.datasets(file,recursive=FALSE)) { print('dense') newX = t(file$open(name)$read()) } else if ('X' %in% list.groups(file,recursive=FALSE)) { groupX = openGroup(file, name) groupX_encoding_type = h5attr(groupX,'encoding-type') if (groupX_encoding_type == 'csr_matrix' || groupX_encoding_type == 'csc_matrix' ) { ra = groupX$open('data')$read() ja = as.integer(groupX$open('indices')$read()+1) ia = as.integer(groupX$open('indptr')$read()+1) dim = h5attr(groupX,'shape') if (groupX_encoding_type == 'csr_matrix') { print('csr') newX = new("matrix.csr", ra=ra, ja=ja, ia=ia, dimension=dim) } else if (groupX_encoding_type == 'csc_matrix') { print('csc') newX = new("", ra=ra, ja=ja, ia=ia, dimension=dim) } newX = as(newX,'dgCMatrix') } else { print('unkown encoding for X...') } } else { print('unkown encoding for X...') } return(newX) } read_df = function(file, name) { #print(name) group = openGroup(file, name) #print('---------- group') #print(group) categories = NULL if (group$exists('__categories')) { categories = group$open('__categories') categories_ds = list.datasets(categories) } #print('---------- index') #print(h5attr(group, '_index')) #print('---------- group open') #print(group$open(h5attr(group, '_index'))) #print('---------- group open read') #print(group$open(h5attr(group, '_index'))$read()) #print('---------- df') df = data.frame(row.names=group$open(h5attr(group, '_index'))$read()) if (length(list.datasets(group)) > 1) { # catch case with only the index and no additional column for (col in h5attr(group, 'column-order')) { col_item = group$open(col) if (col_item$get_obj_type() == 'H5I_GROUP') { # catch anndata 0.8 behaviour for categories #print('---------- 0.8') #print('---------- col_item') #print(col_item) temp = col_item$open('codes')$read() temp = col_item$open('categories')$read()[temp+1] } else { #print('---------- legacy') temp = col_item$read() if (!is.null(categories) && col %in% categories_ds) { temp = categories$open(col)$read()[temp+1] } } df[col] = temp } } return(df) } read_adata = function(filename, transpose=FALSE) { file = H5File$new(filename, mode = "r") newX = read_matrix(file, 'X') obs_df = read_df(file, 'obs') var_df = read_df(file, 'var') #print('---------- newX') #print(newX) #print(colnames(newX)) #print('---------- var_df') #print(var_df) #print(row.names(var_df)) colnames(newX) = row.names(var_df) #print('---------- obs_df') #print(obs_df) row.names(newX) = row.names(obs_df) if (transpose) { return(list('X'=t(newX),'obs'=var_df,'var'=obs_df)) } else { return(list('X'=newX,'obs'=obs_df,'var'=var_df)) } } """