
run_goa_analysis(genes, goeaobj=None, symbol2geneID=None)[source]

Run a GO analysis. This is a convenience wrapper around the goatools package [Klopfenstein18] and like goatools performs the enrichment analysis independent of the availability of webservices using a databases downloaded once for reproducibility.

  • genes – A single list of gene symbols or a dict-like of gene lists.

  • goeaobj – A go_enrichment_ns:GOEnrichmentStudyNS like the one returned by setup_goa_analysis(). If None, uses the instance buffered by the last call to setup_goa_analysis().

  • symbol2geneID – a Series mapping gene symbols to gene ids. If None, uses the instance buffered by the last call to setup_goa_analysis().


Returns a DataFrame containing the result of the enrichment analysis.