Source code for tacco.preprocessing._qc

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import anndata as ad
import scanpy as sc
from scipy.sparse import issparse

from .. import get
from .. import utils
from ..utils._utils import _infer_annotation_key

[docs] def check_counts_validity( X, delta=1e-4, head=1000, raise_exception=True, ): """\ Checks whether matrix looks like it is a unnormalized uncentered count matrix Parameters ---------- X Dense or sparse counts matrix. delta The maximum absolute deviation from integer numbers to tolerate. head The number of sored values of the count matrix to check for dviation from integer numbers. raise_exception Whether to raise an exception for invalid counts or just silently return `False`. Returns ------- Returns whether the count matrix is valid, except when it is not and\ `raise_exception` is `True`. """ if X is None: if raise_exception: raise ValueError('The counts cannot be None!') else: return False if issparse(X): vals = else: vals = X.flatten() if head is not None: vals = vals[:head] if (vals < 0).any(): if raise_exception: raise ValueError('Some of the counts are negative! Provide counts which are non-negative integer counts.') else: return False if (0.5 - np.abs(np.mod(vals, 1) - 0.5) > delta).any(): if raise_exception: raise ValueError('Some of the counts dont look like integers! Provide counts which are non-negative integer counts.') else: return False return True
[docs] def filter( adata, min_counts_per_gene=None, min_counts_per_cell=None, min_cells_per_gene=None, min_genes_per_cell=None, remove_constant_genes=False, remove_zero_cells=False, assume_valid_counts=False, return_view=True, ): """\ Filter one or more :class:`~anndata.AnnData` to satisfy simple quality criteria. In contrast to :func:`scanpy.pp.filter_cells` and :func:`scanpy.pp.filter_genes` this function iterates the filters until convergence. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` containing the expression to filter. It can also be an iterable of :class:`~anndata.AnnData` to apply the filter to all instances and use the intersection of genes for all. min_counts_per_gene The minimum count (per :class:`~anndata.AnnData`) genes must have to be kept. min_counts_per_cell The minimum count (per :class:`~anndata.AnnData`) cells must have to be kept. min_cells_per_gene The minimum number of cells (per :class:`~anndata.AnnData`) genes must have to be kept. min_genes_per_cell The minimum number of genes (per :class:`~anndata.AnnData`) cells must have to be kept. remove_constant_genes Whether to remove genes which do not show any variation between cells remove_zero_cells Whether to remove cells without non-zero genes assume_valid_counts Disable checking for invalid counts (e.g. non-integer or negative). return_view Instead of :class:`~anndata.AnnData` instances, return filtered views into the original `adata`. If nothing is filtered or permuted, return the original `adata`. Returns ------- Returns the filtered `adata`. """ adatas = adata if isinstance(adatas, ad.AnnData): adatas = [adatas] else: adatas = list(adatas) if not assume_valid_counts and (min_counts_per_gene is not None or min_counts_per_cell is not None): # only check for valid counts if the user is requesting filtering for counts for i in range(len(adatas)): if[i].shape) > 0: check_counts_validity(adatas[i].X) changed = True counter = 0 while changed: # iterate filtering until no changes occur counter += 1 changed = False good_genes = adata[0].var.index for i in range(len(adatas)): if (min_counts_per_gene is None and min_cells_per_gene is None and not remove_constant_genes) or[i].shape) == 0: good_genes = good_genes.intersection(adatas[i].var.index) continue if min_counts_per_gene is not None: good_genes = good_genes.intersection(adatas[i].var.index[sc.pp.filter_genes(adatas[i], min_counts=min_counts_per_gene, inplace=False)[0]]) if min_cells_per_gene is not None: good_genes = good_genes.intersection(adatas[i].var.index[sc.pp.filter_genes(adatas[i], min_cells=min_cells_per_gene, inplace=False)[0]]) if remove_constant_genes: if len(adatas[i].obs) == 1: print('WARNING: Encountered a dataset with only a single observation while `remove_constant_genes` is enabled! As this would remove all genes, `remove_constant_genes` is disabled for this dataset.') else: not_constant = adatas[i].X.max(axis=0)!=adatas[i].X.min(axis=0) if issparse(not_constant): not_constant = not_constant.A not_constant = not_constant.flatten() good_genes = good_genes.intersection(adatas[i].var.index[not_constant]) for i in range(len(adatas)): if len(adatas[i].var.index) != len(good_genes): # filter happened adatas[i] = adatas[i][:,good_genes] changed = True elif (adatas[i].var.index != good_genes).any(): # reordering happened: no side effects on cell filtering adatas[i] = adatas[i][:,good_genes] for i in range(len(adatas)): if[i].shape) == 0: continue cell_mask = np.full(len(adatas[i].obs.index),True) if remove_zero_cells: cell_mask &= utils.get_sum(abs(adatas[i].X),axis=1) != 0 if min_counts_per_cell is not None: cell_mask &= sc.pp.filter_cells(adatas[i], min_counts=min_counts_per_cell, inplace=False)[0] if min_genes_per_cell is not None: cell_mask &= sc.pp.filter_cells(adatas[i], min_genes=min_genes_per_cell, inplace=False)[0] if not cell_mask.all(): adatas[i] = adatas[i][cell_mask] changed = True if not return_view: adatas = [adata.copy() for adata in adatas] # realize the views or copy the originals if len(adatas) == 1: return adatas[0] else: return adatas
[docs] def filter_reference_genes( adata, annotation_key=None, min_log2foldchange=1.0, min_expression=1e-5, remove_mito=False, n_hvg=None, return_mask=False, return_view=True, ): """\ Filter :class:`~anndata.AnnData` to include only genes which pass a set of quality and relevance criteria. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` containing profiles in `.varm` to filter on; to use `n_hvg` also the bare counts have to be provided in `.X`. annotation_key The `.varm` key where the annotation is stored. min_log2foldchange Minimum log2-fold change a gene must have in at least one annotation category relative to the mean of the other categories to be kept. Only selects upregulated genes. min_expression Minimum expression level relative to all expression a gene must have in at least one annotation category to be kept. remove_mito Whether to remove genes starting with "mt-" and "MT-". n_hvg The number of highly variable genes to run on. This expects bare counts in `.X`. If `None`, this criterion is switched off. return_mask Instead of a (view of a) :class:`~anndata.AnnData`, return the boolen filter mask. return_view Instead of a :class:`~anndata.AnnData`, return a filtered view into the original `adata`. If nothing is filtered out, return the original `adata`. Returns ------- Depending on `return_mask` and `return_view` returns a filter mask, a\ filtered view, or a filtered copy of `adata`. """ annotation_key = _infer_annotation_key(adata, annotation_key) if annotation_key not in adata.varm: raise ValueError('There are no profiles found in `.varm[%s]`!' % annotation_key) profiles = adata.varm[annotation_key] profiles = profiles / profiles.sum(axis=0).to_numpy() profiles = profiles.to_numpy() profiles += 1e-30 # regularization for numerical reasons good_genes = np.full(profiles.shape[0],True) if min_log2foldchange is not None and min_log2foldchange > 0: fold_genes = np.full(profiles.shape[0],False) meaner = (np.ones((profiles.shape[1],profiles.shape[1])) - np.identity(profiles.shape[1])) / (profiles.shape[1] - 1) for t in range(profiles.shape[1]): fold_genes |= (np.log(profiles[:,t] / (profiles @ meaner[t]))) >= (np.log(2) * min_log2foldchange) good_genes &= fold_genes print(f'min_fold: good gene fraction {good_genes.sum()/len(good_genes)} good count fraction {adata[:,good_genes].X.sum()/adata.X.sum()}') if min_expression is not None and min_expression > 0: good_genes &= (profiles >= min_expression).any(axis=1) print(f'min_exp: good gene fraction {good_genes.sum()/len(good_genes)} good count fraction {adata[:,good_genes].X.sum()/adata.X.sum()}') if remove_mito: good_genes &= ~np.array([ gene.startswith('mt-') or gene.startswith('MT-') for gene in adata.var.index ]) print(f'mito: good gene fraction {good_genes.sum()/len(good_genes)} good count fraction {adata[:,good_genes].X.sum()/adata.X.sum()}') if n_hvg is not None: adata_log = adata[:,good_genes].copy() if adata_log.shape[1] > n_hvg: utils.log1p(adata_log) sc.pp.highly_variable_genes(adata_log, n_top_genes=n_hvg) good_genes[good_genes] &= adata_log.var['highly_variable'] if return_mask: return good_genes if not good_genes.all(): adata = adata[:,good_genes] if return_view: return adata else: return adata.copy()
[docs] def filter_reference( adata, annotation_key=None, fill_na=True, fill_negative=None, return_mask=False, return_view=True, mode=None, ): """\ Filter :class:`~anndata.AnnData` to include only genes and cells where at least one `.varm` and `.obsm` annotation is neither negative nor na. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` containing the annotation to filter on. annotation_key The `.varm` and/or `.obsm` key where the annotation is stored. fill_na Fills na in the annotation with 0. This is done inplace, so the original `adata` might be changed. If `None` and na values are discovered, raises a ValueError. fill_negative Fills negative values in the annotation with 0. This is done inplace, so the original `adata` might be changed. If `None` and negative values are discovered, raises a ValueError. return_mask Instead of a (view of a) :class:`~anndata.AnnData`, return the boolen filter mask. return_view Instead of a :class:`~anndata.AnnData`, return a filtered view into the original `adata`. If nothing is filtered out, return the original `adata`. mode String to indicate whether to restrict filtering on .varm ("profiles") or on .obsm ("annotation"). If `None`, do both. Returns ------- Depending on `return_mask` and `return_view` returns a filter mask, a\ filtered view, or a filtered copy of `adata`. If `return_mask` and `mode`\ is `None`, returns a tuple (cell_mask,gene_mask). """ annotation_key = _infer_annotation_key(adata, annotation_key) def _filter_anno(anno_loc): adata_anno = getattr(adata,anno_loc) if mode is None: if annotation_key not in adata_anno: raise ValueError('The annotation_key "%s" was not found in .%s!' % (annotation_key, anno_loc)) annotation = adata_anno[annotation_key] filled = annotation def _fill_mask(annotation, filled, mask, inplace, anno_loc, val_name): if np.array(mask).any(): if inplace is None: raise ValueError('The anotation in .%s["%s"] contains %s values! Specify `fill_%s` to avoid this Exception.' % (anno_loc,annotation_key,val_name,val_name)) elif inplace: annotation[mask] = 0 else: if annotation is filled: # filled is not a separate entity filled = filled.copy() filled[mask] = 0 return filled filled = _fill_mask(annotation=annotation, filled=filled, mask=filled.isna(), inplace=fill_na, anno_loc=anno_loc, val_name='na') filled = _fill_mask(annotation=annotation, filled=filled, mask=(filled < 0), inplace=fill_negative, anno_loc=anno_loc, val_name='negative') mask = filled.sum(axis=1) > 0 return mask if mode is None: if annotation_key not in adata.varm or annotation_key not in adata.obsm: raise ValueError(f'If `mode` is `None`, the `annotation_key` {annotation_key!r} must be available in both `adata.varm` and `adata.obsm`!') gene_mask = _filter_anno('varm') cell_mask = _filter_anno('obsm') if return_mask: return cell_mask,gene_mask if not gene_mask.all(): adata = adata[:,gene_mask] if not cell_mask.all(): adata = adata[cell_mask] elif mode == 'profiles': if annotation_key not in adata.varm: raise ValueError(f'If `mode` is "profiles", the `annotation_key` {annotation_key!r} must be available in `adata.varm`!') gene_mask = _filter_anno('varm') if return_mask: return gene_mask if not gene_mask.all(): adata = adata[:,gene_mask] elif mode == 'annotation': if annotation_key not in adata.obsm: raise ValueError(f'If `mode` is "annotation", the `annotation_key` {annotation_key!r} must be available in `adata.obsm`!') cell_mask = _filter_anno('obsm') if return_mask: return cell_mask if not cell_mask.all(): adata = adata[cell_mask] else: raise ValueError('`mode` can only be "profiles", "annotation", or `None`!') if return_view: return adata else: return adata.copy()
[docs] def filter_profiles( adata, annotation_key=None, **kw_args, ): """\ Filter :class:`~anndata.AnnData` to include only genes where at least one profile is neither negative nor na. Identical to :func:`~tacco.preprocessing.filter_reference` with `mode='profiles'`. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` containing the annotation to filter on. annotation_key The `.varm` key where the annotation is stored. **kw_args Additional keyword arguments forwarded to :func:`~tacco.preprocessing.filter_reference(..., mode='profiles')`. Returns ------- Depending on `return_mask` and `return_view` returns a filter mask, a\ filtered view, or a filtered copy of `adata`. """ return filter_reference(adata, annotation_key, mode='profiles', **kw_args)
[docs] def filter_annotation( adata, annotation_key=None, **kw_args, ): """\ Filter :class:`~anndata.AnnData` to include only cells where at least one annotation is neither negative nor na. Identical to :func:`~tacco.preprocessing.filter_reference` with `mode='annotation'`. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` containing the annotation to filter on. annotation_key The `.obsm` key where the annotation is stored. **kw_args Additional keyword arguments forwarded to :func:`~tacco.preprocessing.filter_reference(..., mode='annotation')`. Returns ------- Depending on `return_mask` and `return_view` returns a filter mask, a\ filtered view, or a filtered copy of `adata`. """ return filter_reference(adata, annotation_key, mode='annotation', **kw_args)