Source code for tacco.plots._plots

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import anndata as ad
import scanpy as sc
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.lines as mlines
from matplotlib.colors import to_rgb, to_rgba, rgb_to_hsv, hsv_to_rgb, to_rgba_array, PowerNorm, LinearSegmentedColormap, to_hex, ListedColormap, LogNorm, Normalize
from import ScalarMappable
import seaborn as sns
import scipy.stats
import scipy.cluster
from import get_compositions, get_contributions, enrichments
from .. import utils
from .. import tools
from .. import get
from .. import preprocessing
import joblib
import gc
from numba import njit

def get_min_max(vector, log=True):
    if log:
        maximum = np.log(np.nanmax(vector))
        minimum = np.log(np.nanmin(vector[vector > 0]))
        delta = (maximum - minimum) * 0.1
        maximum += delta
        minimum -= delta
        maximum = np.exp(maximum)
        minimum = np.exp(minimum)
        maximum = np.nanmax(vector)
        minimum = np.nanmin(vector)
        #delta = (maximum - minimum) * 0.1
        #maximum += delta
        #minimum -= delta
    return minimum, maximum
def _correlations(x, y, log=False):
    if log:
        x, y = np.log(x), np.log(y)
    x_y_finite = np.isfinite(x) & np.isfinite(y)
    x, y = x[x_y_finite], y[x_y_finite]
    nDOF = len(x) - 1
    x2 = np.sum((x-y-x.mean()+y.mean())**2) / (np.var(y) * nDOF)
    pc = scipy.stats.pearsonr(x,y)[0]
    return pc, x2

def _scatter_plot(ax,x,y,sizes=None,colors=None,alpha=1.0,marker='o',log=False):
    pc, x2 = _correlations(x, y, log=log)
    ax.annotate('r=%.2f'%(pc), (0.05,0.95), xycoords='axes fraction', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top')
    ax.annotate('$\\chi^2_m$=%.2f'%(x2), (0.95,0.00), xycoords='axes fraction', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom')
    if log:

def _composition_bar(compositions, colors, horizontal=True, ax=None, legend=True):
    n_freqs = len(compositions.index)
    x = np.arange(compositions.shape[0])
    fig = None
    if horizontal:
        if ax is None:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11,1*(n_freqs+2)))
        bottom = np.full_like(x,0)
        for t in colors.index[::1]:
            if t in compositions:
                ax.barh(x, compositions[t], height=0.55, label=t, left=bottom, color=colors[t])
                bottom = bottom + np.array(compositions[t])
                ax.barh(x, np.zeros(compositions.shape[0]), height=0.55, label=t, left=bottom, color=colors[t])

        ax.set_xlim([0, 1])
        ax.set_yticklabels(compositions.index, ha='right')
        if legend:
            ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(-0.0, 1.0), loc='lower left', ncol=6)
        if ax is None:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(1*(n_freqs+2),8))
        bottom = np.array(x)*0+1
        for t in colors.index[::-1]:
            if t in compositions:
                bottom = bottom - np.array(compositions[t])
      , compositions[t], width=0.55, label=t, bottom=bottom, color=colors[t])
      , np.zeros(compositions.shape[0]), width=0.55, label=t, bottom=bottom, color=colors[t])

        ax.set_ylim([0, 1])
        ax.set_xticklabels(compositions.index, rotation=30,va='top',ha='right')
        if legend:
            ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left', ncol=1)

    if fig is not None:
    return fig

def _complement_color(r,g,b):
    h, s, v = rgb_to_hsv((r,g,b))
    _r, _g, _b = hsv_to_rgb(((h+0.5)%1,s,v))
    return _r, _g, _b

def _scatter_frame(df, colors, ax_, id_=None, cmap=None, cmap_vmin_vmax=None, out_min_max=None, joint=True, point_size=3, grid=False, margin=0.25, scale=None, title='', rasterized=True):
    pie = False
    if not isinstance(rasterized, bool):
        if rasterized != 'pie':
            raise ValueError(f'`rasterized` has to be boolean or "pie"!')
        if cmap is not None:
            raise ValueError(f'`rasterized=="pie"` cannot use a `cmap`!')
        pie = True
        rasterized = False
        color_array = np.array([colors[c] for c in df.columns.difference(['x','y'])])

        dpi = ax_[0].get_figure().get_dpi()
        point_radius = np.sqrt(point_size / np.pi) / 2 * dpi
        # convert from pixel to axes units
        point_radius = (ax_[0].transAxes.inverted().transform((point_radius, 0)) - ax_[0].transAxes.inverted().transform((0, 0)))[0]
    if id_ is None:
        n_cols = len(colors)
        id_ = np.full(fill_value=-1,shape=(n_cols,2),dtype=object)
    n_types = len(colors)
    for ax in ax_:
    if joint is None:
        _ax_ = ax_[1:]
        _id_ = id_[1:]
    elif joint:
        _ax_ = [None] * n_types
        _id_ = [None] * n_types
        _ax_ = ax_
        _id_ = id_
    axsize = ax_[0].get_window_extent().transformed(ax_[0].get_figure().dpi_scale_trans.inverted()).size
    canvas_size = axsize
    coords = df[['x','y']].to_numpy()
    # use the largest possible amount of space of the axes
    coords_min = coords.min(axis=0) if len(coords) > 0 else np.nan
    _coords = coords - coords_min
    coords_range = _coords.max(axis=0) if len(coords) > 0 else np.nan
    scale_0 = (canvas_size[0]-2*margin) / coords_range[0]
    scale_1 = (canvas_size[1]-2*margin) / coords_range[1]
    if scale is None:
        scale = min(scale_0, scale_1)
    # center the coords
    offset_0 = (canvas_size[0] - coords_range[0] * scale) / 2
    offset_1 = (canvas_size[1] - coords_range[1] * scale) / 2

    # coords_min is mapped to (offset_0,offset_1)
    # => coords_min-(offset_0,offset_1)/scale is mapped to (0,0)
    # canvas_size / scale is the range
    # => extent_min = coords_min - (offset_0,offset_1) / scale
    # => extent_max = extent_min + canvas_size / scale
    extent_min = coords_min - np.array((offset_0,offset_1)) / scale
    extent_max = extent_min + canvas_size / scale
    extent = [extent_min[0], extent_max[0], extent_min[1], extent_max[1]]
    x, y = df['x'], df['y']
    for (t,c),ax,id in zip(colors.items(),_ax_,_id_):
        if pie:
            only_color_array = color_array.copy()
            only_color_array[only_color_array != c] = '#fff0' # transparent white
            weights = df[df.columns.difference(['x','y'])].to_numpy()
            def plotit(ax, id, color_array):
                for _weights,_x,_y in zip(weights, x, y):
                    ax.pie(_weights,colors=color_array,radius=point_radius,center=(_x,_y), frame=True)


                if out_min_max is not None: # get values for backpropagation of the value range
                    out_min_max[id[0],id[1]] = vals.min(), vals.max()

            if joint is None or not joint:
                plotit(ax, id, only_color_array)
                ax.set_title(f'{title}: {t}' if title is not None and title != '' else f'{t}')
            if joint is None or joint:
                if (t,c) == list(iter(colors.items()))[0]: # plot full pies only once
                    plotit(ax_[0], id_[0],color_array)
        elif cmap is None:
            #scale = 200.0 * np.random.rand(n)
            r, g, b = to_rgb(c)
            _r, _g, _b = _complement_color(r,g,b) # complement colors for negative values
            if t in df.columns:
                vals = np.maximum(np.minimum(df[t].to_numpy(),1),-1)
                # dont plot invisible points
                visible = vals != 0
                vals, _x, _y = vals[visible], x[visible], y[visible]
                # separately plot efficient cases
                which1p = vals >= +1
                vals1p, _x1p, _y1p = vals[which1p], _x[which1p], _y[which1p]
                which1m = vals <= -1
                vals1m, _x1m, _y1m = vals[which1m], _x[which1m], _y[which1m]
                # and the rest
                remaining = (vals > -1) & (vals < 1)
                vals, _x, _y = vals[remaining], _x[remaining], _y[remaining]
                color1p = [r,g,b]
                color1m = [_r,_g,_b]
                color = np.hstack([np.array([[r,_r],[g,_g],[b,_b]]).T[(1-np.sign(vals).astype(np.int8))//2],np.abs(vals)[:,None]])
                def plotit(ax, id):
                    if len(_x) > 0:
                        ax.scatter(_x, _y, color=color, s=point_size, edgecolors='none', rasterized=rasterized)
                    if len(_x1p) > 0:
                        ax.scatter(_x1p, _y1p, color=color1p, s=point_size, edgecolors='none', rasterized=rasterized)
                    if len(_x1m) > 0:
                        ax.scatter(_x1m, _y1m, color=color1m, s=point_size, edgecolors='none', rasterized=rasterized)

                    if out_min_max is not None: # get values for backpropagation of the value range
                        out_min_max[id[0],id[1]] = vals.min(), vals.max()

                if joint is None or not joint:
                    plotit(ax, id)
                    ax.set_title(f'{title}: {t}' if title is not None and title != '' else f'{t}')
                if joint is None or joint:
                    plotit(ax_[0], id_[0])
            if t in df.columns:
                vals = df[t].to_numpy()
                def plotit(ax, id):

                    if cmap_vmin_vmax is not None:
                        vmin, vmax = cmap_vmin_vmax
                        norm = Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
                        vmin, vmax = vals.min(), vals.max()
                        norm = None
                    ax.scatter(x, y, c=vals, s=point_size, edgecolors='none', cmap=cmap, norm=norm, rasterized=rasterized)

                    if out_min_max is not None: # get values for backpropagation of the value range
                        out_min_max[id[0],id[1]] = vmin, vmax

                if joint is None or not joint:
                    plotit(ax, id)
                    ax.set_title(f'{title}: {t}' if title is not None and title != '' else f'{t}')
                if joint is None or joint:
                    plotit(ax_[0], id_[0])

def _make_stencil(point_radius):
    extra_size = int(np.ceil(point_radius - 0.5))
    stencil_size = 1 + 2 * extra_size
    stencil = np.zeros((stencil_size,stencil_size))
    # monte carlo evaluate density profile of a disc... There have to be better options, but maybe not more straightforward ones...
    # for one quadrant
    point_radius2 = point_radius**2
    n_samples = int(point_radius2*10000)
    samples = np.random.uniform(0,1,size=(n_samples,2)) * point_radius
    quadrant = np.zeros((1+extra_size,1+extra_size))
    for sample in samples:
        d2 = (sample**2).sum()
        if d2 < point_radius2:
            _sample = sample+0.5
            quadrant[int(_sample[0]),int(_sample[1])] += 1
    # symmetrize octant
    quadrant = quadrant + quadrant.T # using += with numba and matrices gives wrong results: 
    # replicate to other quadrants
    stencil[:-extra_size,:-extra_size] += quadrant[::-1,::-1]
    stencil[extra_size:,:-extra_size] += quadrant[::,::-1]
    stencil[:-extra_size,extra_size:] += quadrant[::-1,::]
    stencil[extra_size:,extra_size:] += quadrant[::,::]
    # normalize
    stencil /= stencil.sum()
    return stencil
def _draw_weights(canvas_size, weights, data, offset_x, offset_y, stencil):
    extra_size = (stencil.shape[0] - 1) // 2
    canvas = np.zeros(canvas_size)
    for w,(x,y) in zip(weights,data):
        xo,yo = int(x+offset_x),int(y+offset_y)
        canvas[(xo-extra_size):(xo+extra_size+1),(yo-extra_size):(yo+extra_size+1)] += w * stencil
    return canvas
def _render_frame(df, colors, ax_, id_=None, cmap=None, cmap_vmin_vmax=None, out_min_max=None, joint=True, point_size=3, grid=False, margin=0.25, scale=None, title='', color_mix_mode='xyv'):
    typing = df[df.columns.intersection(colors.index)]
    coords = df[['x','y']].to_numpy()
    coords_min = coords.min(axis=0) if len(coords) > 0 else np.nan
    coords = coords - coords_min
    coords_range = coords.max(axis=0) if len(coords) > 0 else np.nan
    if cmap is None: # empty dots dont get rendered
        nonzero = np.abs(typing.to_numpy()).sum(axis=1) > 0
        typing = typing.loc[nonzero]
        coords = coords[nonzero]
    n_types = len(typing.columns)
    weights = typing
    dpi = ax_[0].get_figure().get_dpi()
    if id_ is None:
        n_cols = len(colors)
        id_ = np.full(fill_value=-1,shape=(n_cols,2),dtype=object)
    for ax in ax_:
    if joint is None:
        _ax_ = ax_[1:]
        _id_ = id_[1:]
    elif joint:
        _ax_ = [None] * n_types
        _id_ = [None] * n_types
        _ax_ = ax_
        _id_ = id_
    point_radius = np.sqrt(point_size / np.pi) / 72 * dpi
    margin = int(np.ceil(margin * dpi + point_radius))
    axsize = ax_[0].get_window_extent().transformed(ax_[0].get_figure().dpi_scale_trans.inverted()).size
    canvas_size = ((axsize)*dpi).astype(int)
    # use the largest possible amount of space of the axes
    scale_0 = (canvas_size[0]-1-2*margin) / coords_range[0]
    scale_1 = (canvas_size[1]-1-2*margin) / coords_range[1]
    if scale is None:
        scale = min(scale_0, scale_1)
        scale = scale * dpi
    # center the coords
    offset_0 = (canvas_size[0]-1 - coords_range[0] * scale) / 2
    offset_1 = (canvas_size[1]-1 - coords_range[1] * scale) / 2

    # coords_min is mapped to (offset_0,offset_1)
    # => coords_min-(offset_0,offset_1)/scale is mapped to (0,0)
    # canvas_size / scale is the range
    # => extent_min = coords_min - (offset_0,offset_1) / scale
    # => extent_max = extent_min + canvas_size / scale
    extent_min = coords_min - np.array((offset_0,offset_1)) / scale
    extent_max = extent_min + canvas_size / scale
    extent = [extent_min[0], extent_max[0], extent_min[1], extent_max[1]]
    coords = coords * scale
    stencil = _make_stencil(point_radius)
    canvases = { c: _draw_weights((canvas_size[0],canvas_size[1]), weights[c].to_numpy(), coords, offset_0, offset_1, stencil) for c in weights.columns}
    sum_canvas = sum(canvases.values())
    finite_sum = sum_canvas!=0
    colors = {i:np.array(to_rgb(colors[i])) for i in colors.index}
    # alpha just tells us whether there is data on the pixel or not
    def get_alpha(norm_canvas, stencil):
        alpha = np.log1p(np.abs(norm_canvas)) / np.log1p(stencil.max())
        alpha[alpha>1] = 1 # cut off values with too high alpha
        return alpha
    def add_alpha(canvas, norm_canvas, stencil):
        canvasA = np.zeros_like(canvas, shape=(*canvas.shape[:-1],4))
        canvasA[...,:-1] = canvas
        canvasA[...,-1] = get_alpha(norm_canvas, stencil)
        return canvasA

    if cmap is None:
        #norm_canvas = _draw_weights((canvas_size[0],canvas_size[1]), np.ones(shape=len(weights)), coords, offset_0, offset_1, stencil)
        norm_canvas = sum([np.abs(canvas) for canvas in canvases.values()])
        #finite_norm = norm_canvas!=0
        if joint is None or joint:
            canvas = mix_base_colors(np.stack([canvases[t] for t in canvases],axis=-1), np.array([colors[t] for t in canvases]), mode=color_mix_mode)
            for i in range(3): # remove zero weight colors
                canvas[...,i][~finite_sum] = 1
            canvas[canvas>1] = 1 # numerical accuracy issues

            canvasA = add_alpha(canvas, norm_canvas, stencil)

            ax_[0].imshow(canvasA.swapaxes(0,1), origin='lower', extent=extent)
            if out_min_max is not None: # get values for backpropagation of the value range
                out_min_max[id_[0][0],id_[0][1]] = sum(canvases.values()).min()/stencil.max(), sum(canvases.values()).max()/stencil.max()
        if joint is None or not joint:
            for (t,c),ax,id in zip(colors.items(),_ax_,_id_):
                if t in canvases:
                    canvas  = canvases[t][...,None] * colors[t]
                    finite_t = canvases[t]!=0
                    for i in range(3): # normalize the colors by the weights
                        canvas[...,i][finite_t] = canvas[...,i][finite_t] / np.abs(canvases[t][finite_t])
                    canvas[canvas>1] = 1 # numerical accuracy issues

                    canvasA = add_alpha(canvas, np.abs(canvases[t]), stencil)

                    ax.imshow(canvasA.swapaxes(0,1), origin='lower', extent=extent)
                    ax.set_title(f'{title}: {t}' if title is not None and title != '' else f'{t}')

                    if out_min_max is not None: # get values for backpropagation of the value range
                        out_min_max[id[0],id[1]] = canvases[t].min()/stencil.max(), canvases[t].max()/stencil.max()
        norm_canvas = _draw_weights((canvas_size[0],canvas_size[1]), np.ones(shape=len(weights)), coords, offset_0, offset_1, stencil)
        finite_norm = norm_canvas!=0
        if joint is None or joint:
            canvas = sum_canvas.copy()
            canvas[finite_norm] = canvas[finite_norm] / norm_canvas[finite_norm] # normalize the values by the weights

            alpha = get_alpha(norm_canvas, stencil)

            if cmap_vmin_vmax is not None:
                vmin, vmax = cmap_vmin_vmax
                vmin, vmax = canvas[finite_norm].min(), canvas[finite_norm].max()
            norm = Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)

            ax_[0].imshow(canvas.swapaxes(0,1), alpha=alpha.swapaxes(0,1), origin='lower', extent=extent, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
            if out_min_max is not None: # get values for backpropagation of the value range
                out_min_max[id_[0][0],id_[0][1]] = vmin, vmax
        if joint is None or not joint:
            for (t,c),ax,id in zip(colors.items(),_ax_,_id_):
                if t in canvases:
                    canvas = canvases[t].copy()
                    canvas[finite_norm] = canvas[finite_norm] / norm_canvas[finite_norm] # normalize the values by the weights

                    alpha = get_alpha(norm_canvas, stencil)

                    if cmap_vmin_vmax is not None:
                        vmin, vmax = cmap_vmin_vmax
                        norm = Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
                        vmin, vmax = canvas[finite_norm].min(), canvas[finite_norm].max()
                        norm = None

                    ax.imshow(canvas.swapaxes(0,1), alpha=alpha.swapaxes(0,1), origin='lower', extent=extent, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
                    ax.set_title(f'{title}: {t}' if title is not None and title != '' else f'{t}')

                    if out_min_max is not None: # get values for backpropagation of the value range
                        out_min_max[id[0],id[1]] = vmin, vmax

def _set_axes_labels(ax, axes_labels):
    if axes_labels is not None:
        if not pd.api.types.is_list_like(axes_labels) or len(axes_labels) != 2:
            raise ValueError(f'`axes_labels` {axes_labels!r} is not a list-like of 2 elements!')
def spatial_distribution_plot(typing_data, coords, colors, n_cols=1, axs=None, joint=None, normalize=True, point_size=3, cmap=None, cmap_vmin_vmax=None, out_min_max=None, scale=None, grid=False, margin=0.25, render=False, rasterized=True, noticks=False, axes_labels=None, on_data_legend=None):
    n_types = len(colors.index)
    if joint is None:
        n_y = (n_types + n_cols) // n_cols
    elif joint:
        n_cols = 1
        n_y = 1
        n_y = (n_types + n_cols - 1) // n_cols
    n_solutions = len(typing_data)
    if axs is None:
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(n_y,n_solutions*n_cols,figsize=(7*n_solutions*n_cols,7*n_y), squeeze=False)
        fig = None
        if axs.shape != (n_y,n_solutions*n_cols):
            raise Exception('spatial_distribution_plot got axs of wrong dimensions: need %s, got %s' % ((n_y,n_solutions*n_cols),axs.shape))
    _axs = np.full(fill_value=None,shape=(n_solutions,n_cols*n_y),dtype=object)
    _idx = np.full(fill_value=-1,shape=(n_solutions,n_cols*n_y,2),dtype=object)
    counter = 0
    for i in range(n_cols):
        for j in range(n_y):
            for c in range(n_solutions):
                _axs[c,counter] = axs[j,i*n_solutions+c]
                _idx[c,counter,:] = np.array([j,i*n_solutions+c])
            counter += 1
    for id_,ax_,df,title in zip(_idx,_axs,typing_data,typing_data.index):
        df = df.copy() # dont change the original df
        df = df[colors.index.intersection(df.columns)]
        if normalize: # normalize values per column to give alphas between 0 and 1
            df = df - df.min(axis=0).to_numpy()
            df = df / df.max(axis=0).to_numpy()
        df[['x','y']] = coords
        df = df.loc[:,~df.isna().all(axis=0)] # remove all-nan columns
        df = df.loc[~df.isna().any(axis=1)] # remove any-nan rows
        if isinstance(render, bool) and not render:
            _scatter_frame(df, colors, ax_, id_=id_, cmap=cmap, cmap_vmin_vmax=cmap_vmin_vmax, out_min_max=out_min_max, joint=joint, point_size=point_size, grid=grid, margin=margin, scale=scale, title=title, rasterized=rasterized)
            if not rasterized:
                raise ValueError(f'`render!=False` only works when `rasterized==True`')
            if isinstance(render, bool):
                color_mix_mode = 'xyv'
                color_mix_mode = render
            _render_frame (df, colors, ax_, id_=id_, cmap=cmap, cmap_vmin_vmax=cmap_vmin_vmax, out_min_max=out_min_max, joint=joint, point_size=point_size, grid=grid, margin=margin, scale=scale, title=title, color_mix_mode=color_mix_mode)
        for ax in ax_:
            _set_axes_labels(ax, axes_labels)

            if noticks:
        if joint is None or joint:
        if on_data_legend is not None:
            def weighted_median(df, value_col, weights_col):
                df = df[[value_col, weights_col]].sort_values(value_col)
                return df[value_col][df[weights_col].cumsum() >= 0.5 * df[weights_col].sum()].iloc[0]
            def find_closest_point(center, coords, weights):
                coords = coords.loc[weights >= weights.max() * 0.9].to_numpy() # only consider points with weights above 90% of the max weight
                dists = utils.cdist(np.array(center).reshape((1,2)),coords)
                return coords[np.argmin(dists.flatten()).flatten()[0]]
            for annotation in [c for c in df.columns if c not in ['x','y']]:
                medians = []
                for direction in ['x','y']:
                    medians.append(weighted_median(df, direction, annotation))
                closest = find_closest_point(medians, df[['x','y']], df[annotation])
                for ax in ax_:
                    ax.text(*closest, on_data_legend[annotation] if annotation in on_data_legend else annotation, ha='center', va='center')
    return fig

def write_results_to_adata(adata, typing_data, pfn_factors=None, pfn_key='platform_normalization_factors'):
    if pfn_key in adata.varm:
        pfns = adata.varm[pfn_key]
        pfns = pd.DataFrame(index=adata.var.index)
    for typing, data in typing_data.items():
        adata.obsm[typing] = data.reindex(adata.obs.index)
        if pfn_factors is not None and typing in pfn_factors and pfn_factors[typing] is not None:
            pfns[typing] = pfn_factors[typing]
    if len(pfns.columns) > 0:
        adata.varm[pfn_key] = pfns

[docs] def get_default_colors(n, offset=0): """\ Chooses default colors. This is a convenience wrapper around :func:`seaborn.color_palette` which provides a quasi-periodicity of 10, i.e. every 10 colors, the colors are related. Parameters ---------- n Number of colors to choose OR a list of keys to choose colors for. offset The number of chosen colors to skip before starting to use them. This is useful for generating different sets of colors. Returns ------- If `n` is a number, returns a list of colors. If `n` is a list-like,\ returns a mapping of the elements of `n` to colors. """ if pd.api.types.is_list_like(n): default_colors = get_default_colors(len(n), offset) return {name:color for name,color in zip(n,default_colors)} else: default_colors = [ to_hex(c) for c in [*sns.color_palette("bright"),*sns.color_palette("deep"),*sns.color_palette("dark"),*sns.color_palette("pastel")] ] default_colors *= ((n+offset) // len(default_colors) + 1) return default_colors[offset:(n+offset)]
[docs] def mix_base_colors(weights, base_colors_rgb, mode='xyv'): """\ Mix colors "additively". In contrast to weighted averages over "rgb" values (which results in quite dark colors), the average can be done in "xyv" space, which is "hsv" with the "hs" part converted from polar to cartesian coordinates. Parameters ---------- weights A weight tensor with last dimension `n_base` describing mixtures of `n_base` colors; this can be a :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`. base_colors_rgb An `n_base X 3` matrix defining the base colors in rgb space; this must be a :class:`~numpy.ndarray`. mode The mixing mode; available are: - 'rgb': average the rgb values in the rgb cube - 'xyv': average the xyz values in the hsv cylider Returns ------- Returns the color mixtures depending on the type of `weights` either as\ :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`. """ weights_index = None if hasattr(weights, 'to_numpy'): weights_index = weights.index weights = weights.to_numpy() weights = weights / weights.sum(axis=-1)[...,None] if mode == 'xyv': base_colors_hsv = np.array([matplotlib.colors.rgb_to_hsv(base_color_rgb[:3]) for base_color_rgb in base_colors_rgb]) base_colors_xyv = np.array([ np.cos(base_colors_hsv[:,0] * 2 * np.pi) * base_colors_hsv[:,1], np.sin(base_colors_hsv[:,0] * 2 * np.pi) * base_colors_hsv[:,1], base_colors_hsv[:,2] ]).T mixed_colors_xyv = weights @ base_colors_xyv mixed_colors_hsv = np.stack([ np.arctan2(mixed_colors_xyv[...,1], mixed_colors_xyv[...,0])/(2 * np.pi), np.sqrt(mixed_colors_xyv[...,0]**2 + mixed_colors_xyv[...,1]**2), mixed_colors_xyv[...,2] ],axis=-1) mixed_colors_hsv[mixed_colors_hsv[...,0]<0,0] += 1 mixed_colors_rgb = matplotlib.colors.hsv_to_rgb(mixed_colors_hsv) if weights_index is not None: mixed_colors_rgb = pd.DataFrame(mixed_colors_rgb, index=weights_index) elif mode == 'rgb': mixed_colors_rgb = weights @ base_colors_rgb else: raise ValueError(f'The mode "{mode}" is not implemented!') return mixed_colors_rgb
def _filter_types(typing_data, types, colors, show_only): if show_only is not None: show_only = pd.Index(show_only) if show_only.isin(types).all(): colors = colors[show_only] types = colors.index else: raise Exception('Not all selected types %s are available in the data %s!' % (show_only, types)) typing_data = data: data.reindex(columns=types)) return typing_data, types, colors def _get_colors(colors, types): if colors is not None: colors = pd.Series(colors) if types.isin(colors.index).all(): #colors = colors[colors.index.intersection(types)] types = colors.index else: raise Exception('Not all types %s are given colors with %s!' % (types, colors)) else: colors = pd.Series(get_default_colors(len(types)), index=types) return colors, types def _get_adatas(adata): if isinstance(adata, ad.AnnData): adatas = pd.Series(index=[''],dtype=object) adatas[''] = adata elif isinstance(adata, pd.DataFrame): adatas = pd.Series(index=[''],dtype=object) adatas[''] = utils.dataframe2anndata(adata, None, None) elif isinstance(adata, dict): #adatas = pd.Series(adata) # it could be so simple - but it does not work for adatas... adatas = pd.Series(index=adata.keys(),dtype=object) for k,v in adata.items(): if isinstance(v, pd.DataFrame): v = utils.dataframe2anndata(v, None, None) adatas[k] = v else: adatas = adata if (adatas.index.value_counts() != 1).any(): raise ValueError('The series of adatas has non-unique indices: %s!', adatas.index) return adatas def _validate_args(adata, keys, colors, show_only, reads=False, method_labels=None, counts_location=None, compositional=True): adatas = _get_adatas(adata) if isinstance(keys, str): methods = [keys] else: methods = keys try: #methods = pd.Series({k:v for k,v in methods.items()}) # check basically whether methods is a dict or pd.Series (having an items method), mapping sample names to methods # check basically whether methods is a dict or pd.Series (having an items method), mapping sample names to methods _methods = {} for k,v in methods.items(): if isinstance(v,str): v = [v] _methods[k] = v methods = pd.Series(_methods) except: methods = pd.Series([methods]*len(adatas), index=adatas.index) # assume same methods available for all samples typing_data = [] types = pd.Index([],dtype=object) for sample, adata in adatas.items(): for method in methods[sample]: if pd.api.types.is_list_like(method): data = pd.DataFrame(index=adata.obs.index) for element in method: if element in adata.obs: data[element] = adata.obs[element] if not pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(data[element]): raise Exception(f'The adata obs key {element} did contain non-numeric data%s!' % ('' if sample == '' else (' for sample "%s"' % sample))) elif element in adata.var.index: _data = adata[:,element].X if scipy.sparse.issparse(_data): _data = _data.A data[element] = _data.flatten() else: raise Exception(f'The key {element} is neither in obs.columns nor in var.index%s!' % ('' if sample == '' else (' for sample "%s"' % sample))) elif method in adata.obsm: data = adata.obsm[method].copy() elif method in adata.obs: iscat = hasattr(adata.obs[method], 'cat') number = pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(adata.obs[method]) if iscat or not number: data = pd.get_dummies(adata.obs[method]) if data.shape[1] > 100: print(f'More than 30 categories were discovered in column `.obs[{method}]`, which probably leads to slow plotting! (This message can be removed, if the column is made a categorical column).') else: data = pd.DataFrame({method:adata.obs[method]}) else: raise Exception(f'The method key {method} is neither obs(m) key nor a list-like%s!' % ('' if sample == '' else (' for sample "%s"' % sample))) if compositional: data *= (data>=0).to_numpy() # some methods may export negative values... (RCTD did that once) data = (data / data.fillna(0).sum(axis=1).to_numpy()[:,None]).fillna(0) if reads: # scale by read count counts = get.counts(adata, counts_location=counts_location)[adata.obs.index] if counts.shape[1] != 0: # ...but only if there is data for that data *= np.array(counts.X.sum(axis=1)).flatten()[:,None] if compositional == 'catsize': sizes = get_cellsize(adata, data) data /= sizes[data.columns].to_numpy() data = (data / data.fillna(0).sum(axis=1).to_numpy()[:,None]).fillna(0) types = types.union(data.columns,sort=False) method_label = method if ((method_labels is None) or (method not in method_labels)) else method_labels[method] if sample == '' and method_label == '': name = '' elif sample == '': name = method_label elif isinstance(method_label, str) and method_label == '': name = sample else: name = f'{sample}; {method_label}' typing_data.append((name, sample, method, data)) typing_data = pd.DataFrame(typing_data, columns=['name','sample','method','data']).set_index('name') colors, types = _get_colors(colors, types) if compositional and len(types) < 1: print(f'`compositional==True`, but there were less than 2 categories: {types!r}') typing_data['data'], types, colors = _filter_types(typing_data['data'], types, colors, show_only) return typing_data, adatas, methods, types, colors def _validate_scatter_args(adata, position_key, keys, colors, show_only, method_labels=None, counts_location=None, compositional=True): typing_data, adatas, methods, types, colors = _validate_args(adata, keys, colors, show_only, method_labels=method_labels, counts_location=counts_location, compositional=compositional) coords = {} for sample, adata in adatas.items(): _coords = get.positions(adata, position_key) _coords.columns = ['x','y'] coords[sample] = _coords#.rename(columns={_coords.columns[0]:'x',_coords.columns[1]:'y'}) return typing_data, adatas, methods, types, colors, coords
[docs] def subplots( n_x=1, n_y=1, axsize=(5,5), hspace=0.15, wspace=0.15, x_padding=None, y_padding=None, title=None, sharex='none', sharey='none', width_ratios=None, height_ratios=None, x_shifts=None, y_shifts=None, dpi=None, **kwargs, ): """\ Creates a new figure with a grid of subplots. This is a convenience wrapper around :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots` with parameters for axis instead of figure and absolute instead of relative units. Parameters ---------- n_x Number of plots in horizontal/x direction n_y Number of plots in vertical/y direction axsize Size of a single axis in the plot hspace Relative vertical spacing between plots wspace Relative horizontal spacing between plots x_padding Absolute horizontal spacing between plots; this setting overrides `wspace`; if `None`, use the value from `wspace` y_padding Absolute vertical spacing between plots; this setting overrides `hspace`; if `None`, use the value from `hspace` title Sets the figure suptitle sharex Parameter for sharing the x-axes between the subplots; see the documentation of :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots` sharey Parameter for sharing the y-axes between the subplots; see the documentation of :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots` width_ratios Sets the ratios of widths for the columns of the subplot grid keeping the width of the widest column; if `None`, all columns have the same width height_ratios Sets the ratios of heights for the rows of the subplot grid keeping the height of the highest row; if `None`, all rows have the same height x_shifts The absolute shifts in position in horizontal/x direction per column of subplots; if `None`, the columns are not shifted y_shifts The absolute shifts in position in vertical/y direction per row of subplots; if `None`, the rows are not shifted dpi The dpi setting to use for this figure **kwargs Extra keyword arguments are forwarded to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots` Returns ------- A pair of the created :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` and an 2d\ :class:`~numpy.ndarray` of :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`. """ if x_padding is not None: wspace = x_padding / axsize[0] if y_padding is not None: hspace = y_padding / axsize[1] if width_ratios is None: effective_n_x = n_x effective_wspace = wspace else: effective_n_x = sum(width_ratios) / max(width_ratios) effective_wspace = wspace * n_x / effective_n_x if height_ratios is None: effective_n_y = n_y effective_hspace = hspace else: effective_n_y = sum(height_ratios) / max(height_ratios) effective_hspace = hspace * n_y / effective_n_y # find the values of the figure size which will keep the axis size identical for all numbers of columns and rows... fig_height = axsize[1] * (effective_n_y + hspace * (n_y - 1)) fig_width = axsize[0] * (effective_n_x + wspace * (n_x - 1)) top = 1.0 if title != None: title_space = 0.75 fig_height += title_space top = 1 - title_space / fig_height if dpi is not None: kwargs = {**kwargs} kwargs['dpi'] = dpi fig, axs = plt.subplots(n_y,n_x,figsize=(fig_width,fig_height), squeeze=False, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, gridspec_kw={'wspace':effective_wspace,'hspace':effective_hspace,'left':0,'right':1,'top':top,'bottom':0,'width_ratios': width_ratios,'height_ratios': height_ratios}, **kwargs) if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16, y=1) if x_shifts is not None or y_shifts is not None: if x_shifts is None: x_shifts = [0.0] * n_x else: y_shifts = [0.0] * n_y for i_x in range(n_x): for i_y in range(n_y): [left,bottom,width,height] = axs[i_y,i_x].get_position().bounds axs[i_y,i_x].set_position([left+x_shifts[i_x],bottom+y_shifts[i_y],width,height]) return fig, axs
def _add_legend_or_colorbars(fig, axs, colors, cmap=None, min_max=None, scale_legend=1.0): if cmap is None: axs[0,-1].legend(handles=[mpatches.Patch(color=color, label=ind) for (ind, color) in colors.items() ], bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left', ncol=1) elif cmap is not None: rel_dpi_factor = fig.get_dpi() / 72 height_pxl = 200 * rel_dpi_factor * scale_legend width_pxl = 15 * rel_dpi_factor * scale_legend offset_top_pxl = 0 * rel_dpi_factor * scale_legend offset_left_pxl = 10 * rel_dpi_factor * scale_legend for irow in range(axs.shape[0]): for jcol in range(axs.shape[1]): ax = axs[irow,jcol] left,bottom = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform(ax.transAxes.transform((1,1))+np.array([offset_left_pxl,-offset_top_pxl-height_pxl])) width,height = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform(fig.transFigure.transform((0,0))+np.array([width_pxl,height_pxl])) cax = fig.add_axes((left, bottom, width, height)) norm = Normalize(vmin=min_max[irow,jcol,0], vmax=min_max[irow,jcol,1]) fig.colorbar(ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap), cax=cax)
[docs] def scatter( adata, keys, position_key=('x','y'), group_key=None, colors=None, show_only=None, axsize=(5,5), padding=0.5, margin=0.0, sharex=False, sharey=False, share_scaling=True, n_cols=1, joint=True, method_labels=None, counts_location=None, compositional=False, normalize=False, point_size=3, cmap=None, cmap_vmin_vmax=None, legend=True, on_data_legend=None, title=None, render=True, rasterized=True, background_color=None, grid=False, noticks=False, axes_labels=None, ax=None, ): """\ Scatter plots of annotation. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` including annotation in `.obs` and/or `.obsm`. Can also be a mapping of labels to :class:`~anndata.AnnData` to specify multiple datasets. The :class:`~anndata.AnnData` instances can be replaced also by :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`, which are then treated like the `.obs` of an :class:`~anndata.AnnData`. keys The `.obs`/`.obsm` annotation keys to compare. Can be a single string, or a list of strings, or a mapping of the labels of `adata` to strings or lists of strings. In the list or mapping variant, categorical `.obs` keys can be replaced by list-likes of numerical `.obs` keys or gene names can be used. position_key The `.obsm` key or array-like of `.obs` keys with the position space coordinates. group_key An `.obs` key with categorical group information to split `adata` prior to plotting. This works only if `adata` is a single :class:`~anndata.AnnData` instance. colors A mapping of annotation values to colors. If `None`, default colors are used. show_only A subset of annotation values to restrict the plotting to. axsize Tuple of width and height of a single axis. If one of them is `None`, it is determined from the aspect ratio of the data. If it is a single scalar value, then this is interpreted as a conversion factor from data units to axsize units and `share_scaling` is ignored. padding The absolute padding between the plots. margin The absolute margin between the outermost data points and the boundary of the plot sharex Whether to use common x axis for all axes. sharey Whether to use common y axis for all axes. share_scaling Whether to have the units in all plots be of the same size in pixels n_cols Number of "columns" to plot: If larger than 1 splits columns of plots into `n_cols` columns. joint Whether to plot only one scatter plot with all annotation categories or only the scatter plots with one annotation category per plot. If `None`, plot both. method_labels A mapping from the strings in `keys` and `basis_keys` to (shorter) names to show in the plot. counts_location A string or tuple specifying where the count matrix is stored, e.g. `'X'`, `('raw','X')`, `('raw','obsm','my_counts_key')`, `('layer','my_counts_key')`, ... For details see :func:`~tacco.get.counts`. compositional Whether the annotation is to be interpreted as compositional data or as arbitrary numbers. Compositional data is normalized to sum to 1 per observation. Can also be 'catsize', which rescales the compositions by the average observed size of an annotation category in terms of the contents of `.X`, e.g. reads. normalize Whether to shift the data to non-negative values and normalize them by their maximum. point_size The size of the points in the plot. Like in matplotlib, this is a measure of point area and provided in units of "squared points" corresponding to (1/72)^2 inch^2 = (25.4/72)^2 mm^2. cmap A string/colormap to override the `colors` with. Makes sense mostly for numeric data. cmap_vmin_vmax A tuple giving the range of values for the colormap. legend Whether to plot a legend on_data_legend A mapping from annotation values to (shortened) versions of the labels to use for labels on the plot at the center of the annotation; annotations not occurring in the mapping are used as is; if `None`, no annotation is plotted on the data. title The title of the figure render Whether the scatterplot should be custom rendered using the dpi setting from matplotlib or plotted using a matplotlib's scatterplot. If `True`, the different annotations from the same (and overlapping) positions are added up symmetrically, if `False`, they are plottet on top of each other using an alpha channel proportional to the weight. `True` also has the advantage that only the scatter part of the figure will be exported as pixelated version if the plot is exported as vectorgraphic, with the rest like labels and axes being exported as a vectorgraphic. This parameter provides control over the type of color averaging in the process of the rendering by specifying one of the modes available in :func:`~tacco.plots.mix_base_colors`, e.g. "xyv" or "rgb", with "xyv" being equivalent to setting `True`. rasterized Whether to rasterize the interior of the plot, even when exported later as vectorgraphic. This leads to much smaller plots for many (data) points. `rasterized==False` is incompatible with `render==True` or string. This parameter provides experimental support for plotting pie charts per dot via ´rasterized=="pie"´ and ´render==False´. This is much slower, so only usable for very few points. background_color The background color to draw the points on. grid Whether to draw a grid noticks Whether to switch off ticks on the axes. axes_labels Labels to write on the axes as an list-like of the two labels. ax The 2d array of :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instances to plot on. The array dimensions have to agree with the number of axes which would be created automatically if `ax` was not supplied. If it is a single instance it is treated as a 1x1 array. Returns ------- A :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`. """ if group_key is not None: if not isinstance(adata, ad.AnnData): raise ValueError(f'The `group_key` {group_key!r} is not `None`, but `adata` is not a single `AnnData` instance!') if group_key not in adata.obs: raise ValueError(f'The `group_key` {group_key!r} is not available in `adata.obs`!') adata = { c: adata[df.index] for c, df in adata.obs.groupby(group_key) if len(df) > 0 } typing_data, adatas, methods, types, colors, coords = _validate_scatter_args(adata, position_key, keys, colors, show_only, method_labels=method_labels, counts_location=counts_location, compositional=compositional) n_solutions, n_samples, n_types = len(typing_data), len(adatas), len(types) if joint is None: n_types = n_types + 1 elif joint: n_types = 1 n_cols = 1 n_x = n_solutions*n_cols n_y = (n_types + n_cols - 1) // n_cols axsize = np.array(axsize) scale = None # special treatment of various semi-automatic axsizes if len(axsize.shape) == 0 or axsize[0] is None or axsize[1] is None or ax is not None or share_scaling: minxs, maxxs = [], [] minys, maxys = [], [] for i_sample, sample in enumerate(typing_data['sample'].unique()): minx,maxx = get_min_max(coords[sample].iloc[:,0], log=False) miny,maxy = get_min_max(coords[sample].iloc[:,1], log=False) minxs.append(minx), maxxs.append(maxx) minys.append(miny), maxys.append(maxy) minxs, maxxs = np.array(minxs), np.array(maxxs) minys, maxys = np.array(minys), np.array(maxys) sizexs = maxxs-minxs sizeys = maxys-minys maxsizex = sizexs.max() maxsizey = sizeys.max() minx, maxx = minxs.min(), maxxs.max() miny, maxy = minys.min(), maxys.max() sizex = maxx-minx sizey = maxy-miny if ax is not None: # If `ax` is given, use it. This also ensures that axs is always defined below if isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes): axs = np.array([[ax]]) else: axs = ax if axs.shape != (n_y,n_x): raise ValueError(f'The `ax` argument got the wrong shape of axes: needed is {(n_y,n_x)!r} supplied was {axs.shape!r}!') axsize = axs[0,0].get_window_extent().transformed(axs[0,0].get_figure().dpi_scale_trans.inverted()).size elif len(axsize.shape) == 0: # if it is a single scalar value, use that as a global scale # this also implies that all axes have to have a common scaling if not (sharex or sharey): share_scaling = True if sharex: axsizex = sizex * axsize else: axsizex = maxsizex * axsize if sharey: axsizey = sizey * axsize else: axsizey = maxsizey * axsize axsize = np.array([axsizex, axsizey]) elif axsize[0] is None or axsize[1] is None: # determine the missing axsize if axsize[0] is None and axsize[1] is None: raise ValueError(f'The parameter `axsize` got `(None, None)`, while only one of the entries of the tuple can be `None`!') aspect_ratio = (sizey if sharey else sizeys) / (sizex if sharex else sizexs) if not (sharex and sharey): # if aspect_ratio is not yet fixed and still a vector #aspect_ratio = max(aspect_ratio) #aspect_ratio = min(aspect_ratio) #np.argmax(np.abs(aspect_ratio - 1)) if sharex: # x is fixed: make y as large as needed aspect_ratio = max(aspect_ratio) elif sharey: # y is fixed: make x as large as needed aspect_ratio = min(aspect_ratio) else: aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio.mean() # we are free to take the one which fits best - in some arbitrary sense... if axsize[0] is None: axsize[0] = axsize[1] / aspect_ratio else: # axsize[1] is None axsize[1] = axsize[0] * aspect_ratio if share_scaling: scale_0 = (axsize[0]-2*margin) / maxsizex scale_1 = (axsize[1]-2*margin) / maxsizey scale = min(scale_0, scale_1) aspect_ratio = axsize[1] / axsize[0] wspace, hspace = padding / axsize if ax is None: fig, axs = subplots(n_x,n_y,axsize=axsize,sharex=sharex,sharey=sharey,wspace=wspace,hspace=hspace,title=title) else: fig = axs[0,0].get_figure() min_max = np.zeros((*axs.shape,2)) for i_sample, sample in enumerate(typing_data['sample'].unique()): sub = typing_data[typing_data['sample']==sample] n_methods = len(sub) ax = axs[:,(i_sample*n_methods*n_cols):((i_sample+1)*n_methods*n_cols)] _min_max = None if cmap is None else min_max[:,(i_sample*n_methods*n_cols):((i_sample+1)*n_methods*n_cols)] spatial_distribution_plot(sub['data'], coords[sample], colors, axs=ax, n_cols=n_cols, joint=joint, normalize=normalize, point_size=point_size, cmap=cmap, cmap_vmin_vmax=cmap_vmin_vmax, out_min_max=_min_max, scale=scale, grid=grid, margin=margin, render=render, rasterized=rasterized, noticks=noticks, axes_labels=axes_labels, on_data_legend=on_data_legend) if background_color is not None: for _ax in ax.flatten(): _ax.set_facecolor(background_color) if share_scaling: fig.canvas.draw() # make the transformations have well defined values ax_heights = [] ax_widths = [] for _ax in axs.flatten(): ax_x_low,ax_y_low = _ax.transData.inverted().transform(_ax.transAxes.transform((0,0))) ax_x_high,ax_y_high = _ax.transData.inverted().transform(_ax.transAxes.transform((1,1))) ax_height,ax_width = (ax_y_high-ax_y_low),(ax_x_high-ax_x_low) ax_heights.append(ax_height) ax_widths.append(ax_width) max_height = max(ax_heights) max_width = max(ax_widths) for _ax in axs.flatten(): ax_x_low,ax_y_low = _ax.transData.inverted().transform(_ax.transAxes.transform((0,0))) ax_x_high,ax_y_high = _ax.transData.inverted().transform(_ax.transAxes.transform((1,1))) axes_ratio = (ax_y_high-ax_y_low)/(ax_x_high-ax_x_low) delta = max_height - (ax_y_high - ax_y_low) ax_y_high += delta / 2 ax_y_low -= delta / 2 _ax.set_ylim((ax_y_low,ax_y_high)) delta = max_width - (ax_x_high - ax_x_low) ax_x_high += delta / 2 ax_x_low -= delta / 2 _ax.set_xlim((ax_x_low,ax_x_high)) fig.canvas.draw() # make the transformations have well defined values # make axes use the full axsize for _ax in axs.flatten(): ax_x_low,ax_y_low = _ax.transData.inverted().transform(_ax.transAxes.transform((0,0))) ax_x_high,ax_y_high = _ax.transData.inverted().transform(_ax.transAxes.transform((1,1))) axes_ratio = (ax_y_high-ax_y_low)/(ax_x_high-ax_x_low) if aspect_ratio > axes_ratio: # increase height delta = (aspect_ratio / axes_ratio - 1) * (ax_y_high - ax_y_low) ax_y_high += delta / 2 ax_y_low -= delta / 2 _ax.set_ylim((ax_y_low,ax_y_high)) else: # increase width delta = (axes_ratio / aspect_ratio - 1) * (ax_x_high - ax_x_low) ax_x_high += delta / 2 ax_x_low -= delta / 2 _ax.set_xlim((ax_x_low,ax_x_high)) if legend: _add_legend_or_colorbars(fig, axs, colors, cmap=cmap, min_max=min_max) return fig
def get_cellsize(adata, key='OTT', reference_adata=None, reference_key='OTT', pfn_key=None, counts_location=None): if isinstance(key, pd.DataFrame): solution = key elif key in adata.obsm: solution = adata.obsm[key] else: solution = pd.get_dummies(adata.obs[key]) if reference_adata is not None: counts = get.counts(adata, counts_location=counts_location)[adata.obs.index,adata.var.index] pfn = adata.var.index.isin(reference_adata.var.index).astype(float) # basic level of rescaling: using common genes only bare_read_count = pd.Series(np.array(counts.X @ pfn).flatten(), index=adata.obs.index) #print('get_cell_size0:',pfn.sum()) if pfn_key is not None: if pfn_key in adata.varm and key in adata.varm[pfn_key]: pfn = pfn * adata.varm[pfn_key][key].to_numpy() #print('multiplying', adata.varm[pfn_key][key].to_numpy()) if pfn_key in reference_adata.varm and reference_key in reference_adata.varm[pfn_key]: pfn = pfn / reference_adata.varm[pfn_key][reference_key].reindex(adata.var.index).to_numpy() #print('dividing', reference_adata.varm[pfn_key][reference_key].reindex(adata.var.index).to_numpy()) #print('get_cell_size1:',pfn.sum()) pfn = np.nan_to_num(pfn).astype(float) #print('get_cell_size2:',pfn.sum()) read_count = pd.Series(np.array(counts.X @ pfn).flatten(), index=adata.obs.index) read_count *= bare_read_count.sum() / read_count.sum() else: counts = get.counts(adata, counts_location=counts_location)[adata.obs.index] read_count = pd.Series(np.array(counts.X.sum(axis=1)).flatten(), index=adata.obs.index) by_cells = solution / solution.sum(axis=1).to_numpy()[:,None] by_reads = by_cells * read_count[solution.index].to_numpy()[:,None] cellsize = by_reads.sum(axis=0) / by_cells.sum(axis=0).to_numpy() return cellsize def _validate_cross_args(adata, keys, colors, show_only, basis_adata, basis_keys, reads, method_labels, counts_location=None): typing_data, adatas, methods, types, colors = _validate_args(adata, keys, colors, show_only, reads=reads, method_labels=method_labels, counts_location=counts_location) if basis_adata is None: basis_adata = adata if basis_keys is None: basis_keys = keys basis_typing_data, basis_adatas, basis_methods, basis_types, basis_colors = _validate_args(basis_adata, basis_keys, colors, show_only, reads=reads, method_labels=method_labels, counts_location=counts_location) if len(types.intersection(basis_types)) != len(types): raise Exception('The available types provided in adata %s and basis adata %s dont agree!' % (types, basis_types)) return typing_data, adatas, methods, types, colors, basis_typing_data, basis_adatas, basis_methods def _cross_scatter(data, axs, colors, marker='o'): if data.shape != axs.shape: raise Exception('The shapes of the data and axs arrays %s and %s dont agree!' % (data.shape, axs.shape)) n_y, n_x = data.shape for x in range(n_x): for y in range(n_y): x_data,y_data = data.iloc[y,x] ax = axs[y,x] ax.grid(True) common = colors.index common = common.intersection(x_data[x_data > 0].index) common = common.intersection(y_data[y_data > 0].index) _scatter_plot(ax,x=x_data[common],y=y_data[common], colors=colors[common], marker=marker, log=True) if y == n_y-1: ax.set_xlabel(data.columns[x],rotation=15,va='top',ha='right') ax.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=45, which='both') if x == 0: ax.set_ylabel(data.index[y],rotation='horizontal',ha='right') axs[0,n_x-1].legend(handles=[mpatches.Patch(color=color, label=ind) for (ind, color) in colors.items() ], bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left', ncol=1)
[docs] def cellsize( adata, keys, colors=None, show_only=None, axsize=(1.5,1.5), basis_adata=None, basis_keys=None, pfn_key=None, use_reference=False, method_labels=None, counts_location=None ): """\ Scatter plots of average cell sizes in an annotation category in the whole dataset against some reference dataset. These cell sizes are given as the average number of counts per unit cell. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` including annotation in `.obs` and/or `.obsm`. Can also be a mapping of labels to :class:`~anndata.AnnData` to specify multiple datasets. keys The `.obs`/`.obsm` annotation keys to compare. Can be a single string, or a list of strings, or a mapping of the labels of `adata` to strings or lists of strings. colors A mapping of annotation values to colors. If `None`, default colors are used. show_only A subset of annotation values to restrict the plotting to. axsize Tuple of width and size of a single axis. basis_adata like `adata`, but for reference data. basis_keys like `adata`, but for reference data. pfn_key A `.varm` key containing platform normalization factors. Ignored if platform normalization is not requested via `use_reference`. use_reference Whether and how to use reference data for the determination of cell sizes in non-reference data. Can be a single choice or an array of choices. Possible choices are: - `False`: Dont use the reference - `True`: Determine the cell sizes on the set of common genes with the reference data - 'pfn': Like `True`, but use additionally platform normalization factors. - `None`: Use all settings which are available, i.e. includes `True`, `False, and if `pfn_key!=None` also 'pfn'. method_labels A mapping from the strings in `keys` and `basis_keys` to (shorter) names to show in the plot. counts_location A string or tuple specifying where the count matrix is stored, e.g. `'X'`, `('raw','X')`, `('raw','obsm','my_counts_key')`, `('layer','my_counts_key')`, ... For details see :func:`~tacco.get.counts`. Returns ------- A :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`. """ typing_data, adatas, methods, types, colors, basis_typing_data, basis_adatas, basis_methods = _validate_cross_args(adata, keys, colors, show_only, basis_adata, basis_keys, reads=False, method_labels=method_labels, counts_location=counts_location) n_solutions, n_samples, n_types = len(typing_data), len(adatas), len(types) n_solutions_basis, n_samples_basis = len(basis_typing_data), len(basis_adatas) possible_use_refs = [False,True,'pfn'] if isinstance(use_reference, (str,bool)): use_reference = [use_reference] elif use_reference is None: if pfn_key is None: use_reference = [False,True] else: use_reference = possible_use_refs if 'pfn' in use_reference and pfn_key is None: raise Exception('If platform normalization is desired (as indicated by specifying "pfn" in the "use_reference" argument), the argument "pfn_key" has to be specified!') use_ref_labels = [] for use_ref in use_reference: if use_ref not in possible_use_refs: raise Exception('The argument use_reference got the unknown value "%s"! Only %s are possible.' % (use_ref, possible_use_refs)) if isinstance(use_ref,str): if use_ref == 'pfn': use_ref_label = ' - platform corrected' elif use_ref: # ignore pfn for cellsize estimation use_ref_label = ' - common genes' else: # ignore reference for cellsize estimation use_ref_label = '' use_ref_labels.append(use_ref_label) n_x = n_solutions n_y = n_solutions_basis * len(use_reference) fig, axs = subplots(n_x,n_y,axsize=axsize,sharex='all',sharey='all',wspace=0,hspace=0) data = pd.DataFrame(dtype=object,columns=typing_data.index,index=[basis_typing_data.index[y % n_solutions_basis] + use_ref_labels[y // n_solutions_basis] for y in range(n_y)]) for x in range(n_x): for y in range(n_y): x_key = typing_data['method'].iloc[x] x_adata = adatas[typing_data['sample'].iloc[x]] y_key = basis_typing_data['method'].iloc[y % n_solutions_basis] y_adata = basis_adatas[basis_typing_data['sample'].iloc[y % n_solutions_basis]] use_ref = use_reference[y // n_solutions_basis] if isinstance(use_ref,str): if use_ref == 'pfn': cell_sizes_x = get_cellsize(x_adata, x_key, reference_adata=y_adata, reference_key=y_key, counts_location=counts_location)#, pfn_key=None) # no platform normalization effects, only on common genes cell_sizes_y = get_cellsize(y_adata, y_key, reference_adata=x_adata, reference_key=x_key, counts_location=counts_location, pfn_key=pfn_key) # include platform normalization effects for both adatas in these size estimations elif use_ref: # ignore pfn for cellsize estimation cell_sizes_x = get_cellsize(x_adata, x_key, reference_adata=y_adata, counts_location=counts_location) # no platform normalization effects, only on common genes cell_sizes_y = get_cellsize(y_adata, y_key, reference_adata=x_adata, counts_location=counts_location) # include platform normalization effects for both adatas in these size estimations else: # ignore reference for cellsize estimation cell_sizes_x = get_cellsize(x_adata, x_key, counts_location=counts_location) cell_sizes_y = get_cellsize(y_adata, y_key, counts_location=counts_location) data.iloc[y,x] = (cell_sizes_x,cell_sizes_y) _cross_scatter(data, axs, colors, marker='x') return fig
def _validate_frequency_args(adata, keys, colors, show_only, basis_adata, basis_keys, reads, method_labels=None, counts_location=None): typing_data, adatas, methods, types, _colors = _validate_args(adata, keys, colors, show_only, reads, method_labels=method_labels, counts_location=counts_location) if basis_adata is not None: basis_typing_data, basis_adatas, basis_methods, basis_types, _colors = _validate_args(basis_adata, basis_keys, colors, show_only, reads, method_labels=method_labels, counts_location=counts_location) if len(types.intersection(basis_types)) != len(types): raise Exception('The available types provided in adata %s and basis adata %s dont agree!' % (types, basis_types)) typing_data = pd.concat([basis_typing_data, typing_data]) return typing_data, adatas, methods, types, _colors
[docs] def frequency_bar( adata, keys, colors=None, show_only=None, axsize=None, basis_adata=None, basis_keys=None, horizontal=True, reads=False, method_labels=None, counts_location=None, ax=None, ): """\ Bar plots of the total frequency of annotation in the whole dataset against some reference dataset. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` including annotation in `.obs` and/or `.obsm`. Can also be a mapping of labels to :class:`~anndata.AnnData` to specify multiple datasets. The :class:`~anndata.AnnData` instances can be replaced also by :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`, which are then treated like the `.obs` of an :class:`~anndata.AnnData`. keys The `.obs`/`.obsm` annotation keys to compare. Can be a single string, or a list of strings, or a mapping of the labels of `adata` to strings or lists of strings. colors A mapping of annotation values to colors. If `None`, default colors are used. show_only A subset of annotation values to restrict the plotting to. axsize Tuple of width and size of a single axis. If `None`, a default size is chosen automatically. basis_adata like `adata`, but for reference data. basis_keys like `adata`, but for reference data. horizontal Whether to draw the bars horizontally. reads Whether to work with read or cell count fractions. method_labels A mapping from the strings in `keys` and `basis_keys` to (shorter) names to show in the plot. counts_location A string or tuple specifying where the count matrix is stored, e.g. `'X'`, `('raw','X')`, `('raw','obsm','my_counts_key')`, `('layer','my_counts_key')`, ... For details see :func:`~tacco.get.counts`. ax The :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` to plot on. If `None`, creates a fresh figure for plotting. Returns ------- The :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` containing the plot. """ typing_data, adatas, methods, types, colors = _validate_frequency_args(adata, keys, colors, show_only, basis_adata, basis_keys, reads, method_labels=method_labels, counts_location=counts_location) n_solutions = len(typing_data) if ax is None: if axsize is None: if horizontal: axsize=(9.1,0.7*n_solutions) else: axsize=(0.7*n_solutions,5) fig, axs = subplots(axsize=axsize) ax = axs[0,0] else: fig = ax.figure type_freqs = pd.DataFrame({ method: data.sum(axis=0) for method, data in typing_data['data'].items() }) norm_tf = (type_freqs/type_freqs.sum(axis=0)).T norm_tf = norm_tf.fillna(0) _composition_bar(norm_tf, colors, horizontal=horizontal, ax=ax) return fig
[docs] def frequency( adata, keys, colors=None, show_only=None, axsize=(1.5,1.5), basis_adata=None, basis_keys=None, reads=False, method_labels=None, counts_location=None ): """\ Scatter plots of the total frequency of annotation in the whole dataset against some reference dataset. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` including annotation in `.obs` and/or `.obsm`. Can also be a mapping of labels to :class:`~anndata.AnnData` to specify multiple datasets. The :class:`~anndata.AnnData` instances can be replaced also by :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`, which are then treated like the `.obs` of an :class:`~anndata.AnnData`. keys The `.obs`/`.obsm` annotation keys to compare. Can be a single string, or a list of strings, or a mapping of the labels of `adata` to strings or lists of strings. colors A mapping of annotation values to colors. If `None`, default colors are used. show_only A subset of annotation values to restrict the plotting to. axsize Tuple of width and size of a single axis. basis_adata like `adata`, but for reference data. basis_keys like `adata`, but for reference data. reads Whether to work with read or cell count fractions. method_labels A mapping from the strings in `keys` and `basis_keys` to (shorter) names to show in the plot. counts_location A string or tuple specifying where the count matrix is stored, e.g. `'X'`, `('raw','X')`, `('raw','obsm','my_counts_key')`, `('layer','my_counts_key')`, ... For details see :func:`~tacco.get.counts`. Returns ------- A :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`. """ typing_data, adatas, methods, types, colors, basis_typing_data, basis_adatas, basis_methods = _validate_cross_args(adata, keys, colors, show_only, basis_adata, basis_keys, reads=reads, method_labels=method_labels, counts_location=counts_location) n_solutions, n_samples, n_types = len(typing_data), len(adatas), len(types) n_solutions_basis, n_samples_basis = len(basis_typing_data), len(basis_adatas) n_x = n_solutions n_y = n_solutions_basis fig, axs = subplots(n_x,n_y,axsize=axsize,sharex='all',sharey='all',wspace=0,hspace=0) type_freqs = pd.DataFrame({ method: data.sum(axis=0) for method, data in typing_data['data'].items() }) type_freqs = type_freqs / type_freqs.sum(axis=0) # normalize freqs basis_type_freqs = pd.DataFrame({ method: data.sum(axis=0) for method, data in basis_typing_data['data'].items() }) basis_type_freqs = basis_type_freqs / basis_type_freqs.sum(axis=0) # normalize freqs data = pd.DataFrame(dtype=object,columns=typing_data.index,index=basis_typing_data.index) for x in range(n_x): for y in range(n_y): x_data = type_freqs.iloc[:,x] y_data = basis_type_freqs.iloc[:,y] data.iloc[y,x] = (x_data,y_data) _cross_scatter(data, axs, colors, marker='o') return fig
[docs] def comparison( adata, keys, colors=None, show_only=None, axsize=(2.0,2.0), basis_adata=None, basis_keys=None, method_labels=None, counts_location=None, point_size=2, joint=None ): """\ Scatterplots of the annotation fractions of different annotations, e.g. of different annotation methods or of methods and a ground truth. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` including annotation in `.obs` and/or `.obsm`. Can also be a mapping of labels to :class:`~anndata.AnnData` to specify multiple datasets. keys The `.obs`/`.obsm` annotation keys to compare. Can be a single string, or a list of strings, or a mapping of the labels of `adata` to strings or lists of strings. colors A mapping of annotation values to colors. If `None`, default colors are used. show_only A subset of annotation values to restrict the plotting to. axsize Tuple of width and size of a single axis. basis_adata like `adata`, but for reference data. basis_keys like `adata`, but for reference data. method_labels A mapping from the strings in `keys` and `basis_keys` to (shorter) names to show in the plot. counts_location A string or tuple specifying where the count matrix is stored, e.g. `'X'`, `('raw','X')`, `('raw','obsm','my_counts_key')`, `('layer','my_counts_key')`, ... For details see :func:`~tacco.get.counts`. point_size The size of the points in the plot. joint Whether to plot only one scatter plot with all annotation categories or only the scatter plots with one annotation category per plot. If `None`, plot both. Returns ------- A :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`. """ typing_data, adatas, methods, types, colors, basis_typing_data, basis_adatas, basis_methods = _validate_cross_args(adata, keys, colors, show_only, basis_adata, basis_keys, reads=False, method_labels=method_labels, counts_location=counts_location) n_solutions, n_samples, n_types = len(typing_data), len(adatas), len(types) n_solutions_basis, n_samples_basis = len(basis_typing_data), len(basis_adatas) n_types = len(colors.index) n_x = n_solutions if joint is None: n_y = n_types + 1 elif joint: n_y = 1 else: n_y = n_types n_y = n_solutions_basis * n_y fig, axs = subplots(n_x,n_y,axsize=axsize,sharex='all',sharey='all',wspace=0.25,hspace=0.25) for ax in axs.flatten(): #ax.grid(False) #ax.axes.xaxis.set_ticks([]) #ax.axes.yaxis.set_ticks([]) pass for i,basis_name in enumerate(basis_typing_data.index): basis_sample, basis_type_freqs = basis_typing_data.loc[basis_name,['sample', 'data']] basis_type_freqs /= basis_type_freqs.sum(axis=1).to_numpy()[:,None] for j,name in enumerate(typing_data.index): sample, type_freqs = typing_data.loc[name,['sample', 'data']] type_freqs /= type_freqs.sum(axis=1).to_numpy()[:,None] common = type_freqs.index.intersection(basis_type_freqs.index) type_freqs = type_freqs.loc[common] _basis_type_freqs = basis_type_freqs.loc[common] def plotit(t, ax): x = type_freqs[t] y = _basis_type_freqs[t] ax.scatter(x, y, color=colors[t], s=point_size, label=t, edgecolors='none') if joint is None: joint_ax = axs[i * (n_types + 1),j] for it,t in enumerate(colors.index): plotit(t, joint_ax) ax = axs[i * (n_types + 1) + it + 1, j] plotit(t, ax) pc, x2 = _correlations(type_freqs[t], _basis_type_freqs[t], log=False) #ax.set_title('%s\nr=%.2f $\\chi^2_m$=%.2f'%(t, pc, x2)) ax.set_title('r=%.2f $\\chi^2_m$=%.2f'%(pc, x2)) pc, x2 = _correlations(type_freqs.to_numpy().flatten(), _basis_type_freqs.to_numpy().flatten(), log=False) joint_ax.set_title('r=%.2f $\\chi^2_m$=%.2f'%(pc, x2)) elif joint: joint_ax = axs[i,j] for t in colors.index: plotit(t, joint_ax) pc, x2 = _correlations(type_freqs.to_numpy().flatten(), _basis_type_freqs.to_numpy().flatten(), log=False) joint_ax.set_title('r=%.2f $\\chi^2_m$=%.2f'%(pc, x2)) else: for it,t in enumerate(colors.index): ax = axs[i * n_types + it, j] plotit(t, ax) pc, x2 = _correlations(type_freqs[t], _basis_type_freqs[t], log=False) #ax.set_title('%s\nr=%.2f $\\chi^2_m$=%.2f'%(t, pc, x2)) ax.set_title('r=%.2f $\\chi^2_m$=%.2f'%(pc, x2)) for ax,name in zip(axs[n_y-1,:],typing_data.index): ax.set_xlabel(name,rotation=15,va='top',ha='right') #ax.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=45, which='both') for ax,basis_name in zip(axs[:,0],list(basis_typing_data.index) * (n_y//n_solutions_basis)): ax.set_ylabel(basis_name,rotation='horizontal',ha='right') axs[0,n_x-1].legend(handles=[mpatches.Patch(color=color, label=ind) for (ind, color) in colors.items() ], bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left', ncol=1) #typing = pd.Series({'%s (%s)' % (name, basis_name): pd.get_dummies(mdata.obs['split_type'])}) return fig
[docs] def compositions( adata, value_key, group_key, basis_adata=None, basis_value_key=None, basis_group_key=None, fillna=None, restrict_groups=None, restrict_values=None, basis_restrict_groups=None, basis_restrict_values=None, reads=False, colors=None, horizontal=False, axsize=None, ax=None, legend=True, ): """\ Plot compositions of groups. In contrast to :func:`~tacco.plots.contribution`, compositions have to add up to one. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with annotation in `.obs`. value_key The `.obs` or `.obsm` key with the values to determine the enrichment for. group_key The `.obs` key with categorical group information. basis_adata Another :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with annotation in `.obs` to compare. If `None`, only the `adata` composition is shown. basis_value_key The `.obs` or `.obsm` key for `basis_adata` with the values to determine the enrichment for. If `None`, `value_key` is used. basis_group_key The `.obs` key with categorical group information for `basis_adata`. If `None`, `value_key` is used. fillna If `None`, observation containing NA in the values are filtered. Else, NA values are replaced with this value. restrict_groups A list-like containing the groups within which the enrichment analysis is to be done. If `None`, all groups are included. restrict_values A list-like containing the values within which the enrichment analysis is to be done. If `None`, all values are included. Works only for categorical values. basis_restrict_groups Like `restrict_groups` but for `basis_adata`. basis_restrict_values Like `restrict_values` but for `basis_adata`. reads Whether to weight the values by the total count per observation colors The mapping of value names to colors. If `None`, a set of standard colors is used. horizontal Whether to plot the bar plot horizontally. axsize Tuple of width and size of a single axis. If `None`, use automatic values. ax The :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` to plot on. If `None`, creates a fresh figure for plotting. legend Whether to include the legend Returns ------- A :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` if `ax` is `None`, else `None`. """ compositions = get_compositions(adata=adata, value_key=value_key, group_key=group_key, fillna=fillna, restrict_groups=restrict_groups, restrict_values=restrict_values, reads=reads) colors, types = _get_colors(colors, compositions.columns) if basis_adata is not None: if basis_value_key is None: basis_value_key = value_key if basis_group_key is None: basis_group_key = group_key basis_compositions = get_compositions(adata=basis_adata, value_key=basis_value_key, group_key=basis_group_key, fillna=fillna, restrict_groups=basis_restrict_groups, restrict_values=basis_restrict_values, reads=reads) basis_compositions.index = basis_compositions.index.astype(str) + ' (reference)' compositions = pd.concat([basis_compositions,compositions]) n_solutions = len(compositions.index) if ax is not None: fig = None else: if axsize is None: if horizontal: axsize=(9.1,0.7*n_solutions) else: axsize=(0.7*n_solutions,5) fig, axs = subplots(axsize=axsize) ax = axs[0,0] _composition_bar(compositions, colors, horizontal=horizontal, ax=ax, legend=legend) return fig
def _prep_contributions( adata, value_key, group_key, sample_key=None, basis_adata=None, basis_value_key=None, basis_group_key=None, basis_sample_key=None, fillna=None, restrict_groups=None, restrict_values=None, basis_restrict_groups=None, basis_restrict_values=None, reduction='sum', normalization=None, assume_counts=None, reads=False, colors=None, ): """\ Prepares contribution data. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with annotation in `.obs`. value_key The `.obs` or `.obsm` key with the values to determine the enrichment for. group_key The `.obs` key with categorical group information. sample_key The `.obs` key with categorical sample information. If `None`, only the aggregated data is plotted. Otherwise the data is aggregated per sample and total and per-sample values are plotted. basis_adata Another :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with annotation in `.obs` to compare. If `None`, only the `adata` composition is shown. basis_value_key The `.obs` or `.obsm` key for `basis_adata` with the values to determine the enrichment for. If `None`, `value_key` is used. basis_group_key The `.obs` key with categorical group information for `basis_adata`. If `None`, `value_key` is used. basis_sample_key The `.obs` key with categorical sample information for `basis_adata`. If `None`, `sample_key` is used. fillna If `None`, observation containing NA in the values are filtered. Else, NA values are replaced with this value. restrict_groups A list-like containing the groups within which the enrichment analysis is to be done. If `None`, all groups are included. restrict_values A list-like containing the values within which the enrichment analysis is to be done. If `None`, all values are included. Works only for categorical values. basis_restrict_groups Like `restrict_groups` but for `basis_adata`. basis_restrict_values Like `restrict_values` but for `basis_adata`. reduction The reduction to apply on each (group,sample) subset of the data. Possible values are: - 'sum': sum of the values over observations - 'mean': mean of the values over observations - 'median': median of the values over observations - a callable mapping a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` to its reduced counterpart normalization The normalization to apply on each reduced (group,sample) subset of the data. Possible values are: - 'sum': normalize values by their sum (yields fractions) - 'percent': like 'sum' scaled by 100 (yields percentages) - 'gmean': normalize values by their geometric mean (yields contributions which make more sense for enrichments than fractions, due to zero-sum issue; see :func:``) - 'clr': "Center logratio transform"; like 'gmean' with additional log transform; makes the distribution more normal and better suited for t tests - `None`: no normalization - a value name from `value_key`: all values are normalized to this contribution - a callable mapping a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` to its normalized counterpart assume_counts Ony relevant for `normalization=='gmean'` and `normalization=='clr'`; whether to regularize zeros by adding a pseudo count of 1 or by replacing them by 1e-3 of the minimum value. If `None`, check whether the data are consistent with count data and assume counts accordingly, except if `reads==True`, then also `assume_counts==True`. reads Whether to weight the values by the total count per observation colors The mapping of value names to colors. If `None`, a set of standard colors is used. Returns ------- A tuple containing contributions, detailed_contributions, colors, types. """ contributions = get_contributions(adata=adata, value_key=value_key, group_key=group_key, sample_key=None, fillna=fillna, restrict_groups=restrict_groups, restrict_values=restrict_values, reads=reads, reduction=reduction, normalization=normalization, assume_counts=assume_counts) detailed_contributions = None if sample_key is not None: detailed_contributions = get_contributions(adata=adata, value_key=value_key, group_key=group_key, sample_key=sample_key, fillna=fillna, restrict_groups=restrict_groups, restrict_values=restrict_values, reads=reads, reduction=reduction, normalization=normalization, assume_counts=assume_counts) colors, types = _get_colors(colors, contributions.columns) if basis_adata is not None: if basis_value_key is None: basis_value_key = value_key if basis_group_key is None: basis_group_key = group_key if basis_sample_key is None: basis_sample_key = sample_key basis_contributions = get_contributions(adata=basis_adata, value_key=basis_value_key, group_key=basis_group_key, sample_key=None, fillna=fillna, restrict_groups=basis_restrict_groups, restrict_values=basis_restrict_values, reads=reads, reduction=reduction, normalization=normalization, assume_counts=assume_counts) basis_contributions.index = basis_contributions.index.astype(str) + ' (reference)' contributions = pd.concat([basis_contributions,contributions]) if sample_key is not None: if basis_sample_key is None: basis_sample_key = sample_key detailed_basis_contributions = get_contributions(adata=basis_adata, value_key=basis_value_key, group_key=basis_group_key, sample_key=basis_sample_key, fillna=fillna, restrict_groups=basis_restrict_groups, restrict_values=basis_restrict_values, reads=reads, reduction=reduction, normalization=normalization, assume_counts=assume_counts) detailed_basis_contributions.index = detailed_basis_contributions.index.set_levels([detailed_basis_contributions.index.levels[0].astype(str) + ' (reference)',detailed_basis_contributions.index.levels[1].astype(str) ]) detailed_basis_contributions.index.names = detailed_contributions.index.names detailed_contributions = pd.concat([detailed_basis_contributions,detailed_contributions]) return contributions, detailed_contributions, colors, types
[docs] def contribution( adata, value_key, group_key, sample_key=None, basis_adata=None, basis_value_key=None, basis_group_key=None, basis_sample_key=None, fillna=None, restrict_groups=None, restrict_values=None, basis_restrict_groups=None, basis_restrict_values=None, reduction='sum', normalization='gmean', assume_counts=None, reads=False, colors=None, axsize=None, log=True, ax=None, ): """\ Plot contribution to groups. In contrast to :func:`~tacco.plots.composition`, contributions dont have to add up to one. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with annotation in `.obs`. value_key The `.obs` or `.obsm` key with the values to determine the enrichment for. group_key The `.obs` key with categorical group information. sample_key The `.obs` key with categorical sample information. If `None`, only the aggregated data is plotted. Otherwise the data is aggregated per sample and total and per-sample values are plotted. basis_adata Another :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with annotation in `.obs` to compare. If `None`, only the `adata` composition is shown. basis_value_key The `.obs` or `.obsm` key for `basis_adata` with the values to determine the enrichment for. If `None`, `value_key` is used. basis_group_key The `.obs` key with categorical group information for `basis_adata`. If `None`, `value_key` is used. basis_sample_key The `.obs` key with categorical sample information for `basis_adata`. If `None`, `sample_key` is used. fillna If `None`, observation containing NA in the values are filtered. Else, NA values are replaced with this value. restrict_groups A list-like containing the groups within which the enrichment analysis is to be done. If `None`, all groups are included. restrict_values A list-like containing the values within which the enrichment analysis is to be done. If `None`, all values are included. Works only for categorical values. basis_restrict_groups Like `restrict_groups` but for `basis_adata`. basis_restrict_values Like `restrict_values` but for `basis_adata`. reduction The reduction to apply on each (group,sample) subset of the data. Possible values are: - 'sum': sum of the values over observations - 'mean': mean of the values over observations - 'median': median of the values over observations - a callable mapping a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` to its reduced counterpart normalization The normalization to apply on each reduced (group,sample) subset of the data. Possible values are: - 'sum': normalize values by their sum (yields fractions) - 'percent': like 'sum' scaled by 100 (yields percentages) - 'gmean': normalize values by their geometric mean (yields contributions which make more sense for enrichments than fractions, due to zero-sum issue; see :func:``) - 'clr': "Center logratio transform"; like 'gmean' with additional log transform; makes the distribution more normal and better suited for t tests - `None`: no normalization - a value name from `value_key`: all values are normalized to this contribution - a callable mapping a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` to its normalized counterpart assume_counts Ony relevant for `normalization=='gmean'` and `normalization=='clr'`; whether to regularize zeros by adding a pseudo count of 1 or by replacing them by 1e-3 of the minimum value. If `None`, check whether the data are consistent with count data and assume counts accordingly, except if `reads==True`, then also `assume_counts==True`. reads Whether to weight the values by the total count per observation colors The mapping of value names to colors. If `None`, a set of standard colors is used. axsize Tuple of width and size of a single axis. If `None`, use automatic values. log Whether to plot on the log scale. ax The :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` to plot on. If `None`, creates a fresh figure for plotting. Returns ------- A :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` if `ax` is `None`, else `None`. """ contributions, detailed_contributions, colors, types = _prep_contributions( adata=adata, value_key=value_key, group_key=group_key, sample_key=sample_key, basis_adata=basis_adata, basis_value_key=basis_value_key, basis_group_key=basis_group_key, basis_sample_key=basis_sample_key, fillna=fillna, restrict_groups=restrict_groups, restrict_values=restrict_values, basis_restrict_groups=basis_restrict_groups, basis_restrict_values=basis_restrict_values, reduction=reduction, normalization=normalization, assume_counts=assume_counts, reads=reads, colors=colors, ) labels = contributions.columns.astype(str) total_bars_width = 0.8 n_states = len(contributions.index) bars_separation = total_bars_width / (n_states * 3) bar_separation = total_bars_width / (n_states * 5) n_states = len(contributions.index) if ax is not None: fig = None else: if axsize is None: axsize = (len(labels) * (0.3 * n_states + .2), 4) fig, ax = subplots(axsize=axsize) ax = ax[0,0] ax.set_axisbelow(True) ax.yaxis.grid()#color='gray', linestyle='dashed') alpha = 1 if detailed_contributions is None else 0.5 minor_x_labeling = {'position':[],'label':[]} for i_state, state in enumerate(contributions.index): for i_column, column in enumerate(contributions.columns): bar_width = (total_bars_width-n_states*bar_separation)/n_states bar_start = i_column - 0.5*total_bars_width + i_state * total_bars_width/n_states + 0.5*bar_separation, contributions.loc[state,column], bar_width, color=colors[column], align='edge', alpha=alpha) minor_x_labeling['position'].append(i_column - 0.5*total_bars_width + (i_state+0.5)/(n_states) * total_bars_width) minor_x_labeling['label'].append(state) if detailed_contributions is not None: for i_state, state in enumerate(contributions.index): df = detailed_contributions[detailed_contributions.index.get_level_values(0) == state] n_samples = df.shape[0] for i_column, column in enumerate(contributions.columns): heights = df[column].sort_values(ascending=False) bar_start = i_column - 0.5*total_bars_width + 0.5*bars_separation + i_state/n_states * total_bars_width bar_width = (total_bars_width - (n_states - 0) * bars_separation) / (n_states * n_samples) + np.arange(0,(n_samples-0.5)*bar_width,bar_width), heights, bar_width, color=colors[column], align='edge') # Add some text for labels, title and custom x-axis tick labels, etc. ax.set_ylabel('contribution') if log: ax.set_yscale('log') x = np.arange(len(labels)) # the label locations ax.set_xticks(x) ax.set_xticklabels(labels) ax.set_xlim(x[0]-0.5,x[-1]+0.5) minor_x_labeling = pd.DataFrame(minor_x_labeling).sort_values('position') minor_x_labeling['position'] += 1e-2 # tiny shift to make the central minor annotation not be superseded by the major annotation... ax.set_xticks(minor_x_labeling['position'],minor=True) ax.set_xticklabels(minor_x_labeling['label'], rotation=50, ha='right',minor=True) for t in ax.get_xticklabels(minor=True): t.set_y(-0.05) ax.tick_params( axis='x', which='major', bottom=False, top=False ) ax.tick_params( axis='x', which='minor', bottom=False, top=False ) return fig
[docs] def heatmap( adata, value_key, group_key, basis_adata=None, basis_value_key=None, basis_group_key=None, fillna=None, restrict_groups=None, restrict_values=None, basis_restrict_groups=None, basis_restrict_values=None, reduction='sum', normalization=None, assume_counts=None, reads=False, colors=None, alpha=None, axsize=None, axes_labels=None, annotation=None, value_cluster=False, group_cluster=False, value_dendrogram=False, group_dendrogram=False, value_order=None, group_order=None, group_labels_rotation=None, ax=None, cmap=None, cmap_center=0, cmap_vmin_vmax=None, complement_colors=True, colorbar=True, colorbar_label=None, ): """\ Plot heatmap of contribution to groups. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with annotation in `.obs`. Can also be a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` with the data to show in the heatmap. In the latter case all adata processing arguments are ignored. value_key The `.obs` or `.obsm` key with the values to determine the enrichment for. group_key The `.obs` key with categorical group information. basis_adata Another :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with annotation in `.obs` to compare. If `None`, only the `adata` composition is shown. basis_value_key The `.obs` or `.obsm` key for `basis_adata` with the values to determine the enrichment for. If `None`, `value_key` is used. basis_group_key The `.obs` key with categorical group information for `basis_adata`. If `None`, `value_key` is used. fillna If `None`, observation containing NA in the values are filtered. Else, NA values are replaced with this value. restrict_groups A list-like containing the groups within which the enrichment analysis is to be done. If `None`, all groups are included. restrict_values A list-like containing the values within which the enrichment analysis is to be done. If `None`, all values are included. Works only for categorical values. basis_restrict_groups Like `restrict_groups` but for `basis_adata`. basis_restrict_values Like `restrict_values` but for `basis_adata`. reduction The reduction to apply on each (group,sample) subset of the data. Possible values are: - 'sum': sum of the values over observations - 'mean': mean of the values over observations - 'median': median of the values over observations - a callable mapping a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` to its reduced counterpart normalization The normalization to apply on each reduced (group,sample) subset of the data. Possible values are: - 'sum': normalize values by their sum (yields fractions) - 'percent': like 'sum' scaled by 100 (yields percentages) - 'gmean': normalize values by their geometric mean (yields contributions which make more sense for enrichments than fractions, due to zero-sum issue; see :func:``) - 'clr': "Center logratio transform"; like 'gmean' with additional log transform; makes the distribution more normal and better suited for t tests - `None`: no normalization - a value name from `value_key`: all values are normalized to this contribution - a callable mapping a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` to its normalized counterpart assume_counts Ony relevant for `normalization=='gmean'` and `normalization=='clr'`; whether to regularize zeros by adding a pseudo count of 1 or by replacing them by 1e-3 of the minimum value. If `None`, check whether the data are consistent with count data and assume counts accordingly, except if `reads==True`, then also `assume_counts==True`. reads Whether to weight the values by the total count per observation colors The mapping of value names to colors. If `None`, a set of standard colors is used. alpha A value-group-dataframe specifying a separate alpha value for all cells in the histogram. If `None`, no transparency is used. axsize Tuple of width and size of a single axis. If `None`, use automatic values. axes_labels Labels to write on the axes as an list-like of the two labels. annotation A :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` containing annotation for each heatmap cell. If "value", annotate by the values. If `None`, don't annotate. If a tuple of "value" and a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`, append the annotation from the dataframe to the values. value_cluster Whether to cluster and reorder the values. group_cluster Whether to cluster and reorder the groups. value_dendrogram Whether to draw a dendrogram for the values. If `True`, this implies `value_cluster=True`. group_dendrogram Whether to draw a dendrogram for the groups. If `True`, this implies `group_cluster=True`. value_order Set the order of the values explicitly with a list or to be close to diagonal by specifying "diag"; this option is incompatible with `value_cluster` and `value_dendrogram`. group_order Set the order of the groups explicitly with a list or to be close to diagonal by specifying "diag"; this option is incompatible with `group_cluster` and `group_dendrogram`. group_labels_rotation Adjusts the rotation of the group labels in degree. ax The :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` to plot on. If `None`, creates a fresh figure for plotting. Incompatible with dendrogram plotting. cmap A string/colormap to override the `colors` with. cmap_center A value to use as center of the colormap. E.g. choosing `0` sets the central color to `0` for every colormap in the plot (i.e. `0` will get white, positive and negative colors the color and complement color given by `colors` for `cmap` is `None`, and whatever the central color of the supplied colormap is if `cmap` is not `None`). If `None`, the colormap spans the entire value range. cmap_vmin_vmax A tuple giving the range of values for the colormap. This can be modfied by `cmap_center`. complement_colors Whether to use complement colors for values below `cmap_center` if `cmap==None`. colorbar Whether to draw a colorbar; only available if `cmap` is not `None`. colorbar_label The label to use for the colorbar; only available if `colorbar` is `True`. Returns ------- A :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` if `ax` is `None`, else `None`. """ if isinstance(adata, pd.DataFrame): contributions = adata.fillna(0) types = contributions.index else: contributions, detailed_contributions, colors, types = _prep_contributions( adata=adata, value_key=value_key, group_key=group_key, sample_key=None, basis_adata=basis_adata, basis_value_key=basis_value_key, basis_group_key=basis_group_key, basis_sample_key=None, fillna=fillna, restrict_groups=restrict_groups, restrict_values=restrict_values, basis_restrict_groups=basis_restrict_groups, basis_restrict_values=basis_restrict_values, reduction=reduction, normalization=normalization, assume_counts=assume_counts, reads=reads, colors=colors, ) value_cluster = value_cluster or value_dendrogram group_cluster = group_cluster or group_dendrogram if value_order is not None and value_cluster: raise ValueError('The options `value_cluster` and `value_dendrogram` are incompatible with the option `value_order`.') if group_order is not None and group_cluster: raise ValueError('The options `group_cluster` and `group_dendrogram` are incompatible with the option `group_order`.') group_order_diag = isinstance(group_order, str) and group_order == 'diag' value_order_diag = isinstance(value_order, str) and value_order == 'diag' if group_order_diag and value_order is not None and not value_order_diag: raise ValueError('The option `group_order=="diag"` is incompatible with non-´None´ or "diag" values for `value_order`.') if value_order_diag and group_order is not None and not group_order: raise ValueError('The option `value_order=="diag"` is incompatible with non-´None´ or "diag" values for `group_order`.') if group_order_diag and group_cluster: raise ValueError('The option `group_order=="diag"` is incompatible with the options `value_cluster` and `value_dendrogram`.') if value_order_diag and value_cluster: raise ValueError('The option `value_order=="diag"` is incompatible with the options `group_cluster` and `group_dendrogram`.') if ax is not None: if value_dendrogram or group_dendrogram: raise ValueError('The options `value_dendrogram` and `group_dendrogram` are incompatible with the option `ax`.') fig = ax.get_figure() else: n_ax_x, n_ax_y = 1+value_dendrogram, 1+group_dendrogram if axsize is None: y_per_value = 0.25 x_per_group = y_per_value if annotation is None else 0.7 plot_size_y = contributions.shape[1] * y_per_value plot_size_x = contributions.shape[0] * x_per_group axsize = (plot_size_x,plot_size_y) else: plot_size_x,plot_size_y = axsize width_ratios = [plot_size_x,0.5*np.log(contributions.shape[1])] if value_dendrogram else None height_ratios = [0.5*np.log(contributions.shape[0]),plot_size_y] if group_dendrogram else None fig,axs = subplots(n_ax_x, n_ax_y, axsize=axsize, wspace=0, hspace=0, width_ratios=width_ratios, height_ratios=height_ratios) ax = axs[-1,0] if group_labels_rotation is None: if annotation is None: group_labels_rotation = 45 else: group_labels_rotation = 30 if value_cluster: Z = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage(contributions.T, method='average', metric='cosine') dn = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram(Z, ax=(axs[-1,-1] if value_dendrogram else None), orientation='right', color_threshold=0, above_threshold_color='tab:gray', no_plot=(not value_dendrogram)) if value_dendrogram: axs[-1,-1].set_axis_off() reordering = pd.Series(dn['ivl']).astype( contributions = contributions.iloc[:,reordering] if group_cluster: Z = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage(contributions, method='average', metric='cosine') dn = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram(Z, ax=(axs[0,0] if group_dendrogram else None), orientation='top', color_threshold=0, above_threshold_color='tab:gray', no_plot=(not group_dendrogram)) if group_dendrogram: axs[0,0].set_axis_off() reordering = pd.Series(dn['ivl']).astype( contributions = contributions.iloc[reordering] if value_dendrogram and group_dendrogram: axs[0,-1].set_axis_off() if isinstance(value_order,str) and value_order == 'diag': # permute towards diagonal for i in range(10): contributions = contributions.iloc[:,np.argsort(np.argmax(contributions.to_numpy(),axis=0))] contributions = contributions.iloc[np.argsort(np.argmax(contributions.to_numpy().T,axis=0))] else: if value_order is not None: contributions = contributions.loc[:,value_order] if group_order is not None: contributions = contributions.loc[group_order] _x, _y = [np.arange(-0.5,s+0.5,1) for s in contributions.shape] x, y = (_x[:-1] + _x[1:]) / 2, (_y[:-1] + _y[1:]) / 2 def _vmin_vmax(vmin, vmax): if cmap_vmin_vmax is not None: vmin, vmax = cmap_vmin_vmax if cmap_center is not None: delta_max = vmax - cmap_center delta_min = -(vmin - cmap_center) delta = max(delta_max, delta_min) vmax = cmap_center + delta vmin = cmap_center - delta return vmin, vmax if cmap is None: rgba = np.zeros((*contributions.shape,4)) for j in range(contributions.shape[1]): r, g, b = to_rgb(colors[contributions.columns[j]]) _r, _g, _b = _complement_color(r,g,b) # complement colors for negative values vmin, vmax = _vmin_vmax(contributions.iloc[:,j].min(), contributions.iloc[:,j].max()) norm = Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if complement_colors: cmap_j=LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(contributions.columns[j], [(0,(_r, _g, _b)),(0.5,(1, 1, 1)),(1,(r, g, b))]) else: cmap_j=LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(contributions.columns[j], [(0,(1, 1, 1)),(1,(r, g, b))]) mapper = ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap_j) rgba[:,j,:] = mapper.to_rgba(contributions.iloc[:,j].to_numpy()) else: vmin, vmax = _vmin_vmax(contributions.to_numpy().min(), contributions.to_numpy().max()) norm = Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) mapper = ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap) rgba = mapper.to_rgba(contributions.to_numpy()) if colorbar: height_pxl = 200 width_pxl = 15 offset_top_pxl = 0 offset_left_pxl = 20 left,bottom = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform(ax.transAxes.transform((1,1))+np.array([offset_left_pxl,-offset_top_pxl-height_pxl])) width,height = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform(fig.transFigure.transform((0,0))+np.array([width_pxl,height_pxl])) cax = fig.add_axes((left, bottom, width, height)) cb = fig.colorbar(mapper, cax=cax, label=colorbar_label) if alpha is not None: alpha = alpha.reindex(index=contributions.index, columns=contributions.columns) rgba[...,-1] = alpha ax.imshow(np.swapaxes(rgba, 0, 1), origin='lower', aspect='auto') if annotation is not None: for i,ind in enumerate(contributions.index): for j,col in enumerate(contributions.columns): if isinstance(annotation, str): if annotation == 'value': ann = f'{contributions.loc[ind,col]:.2}' else: raise ValueError(f'`annotation` got unknown string argument "{annotation}"') elif (hasattr(annotation, 'shape') and annotation.shape == (2,)) or (not hasattr(annotation, 'shape') and len(annotation) == 2): if isinstance(annotation[0], str) and annotation[0] == 'value': if ind in annotation[1].index and col in annotation[1].columns: val = annotation[1].loc[ind,col] else: val = 0#np.nan ann = f'{contributions.loc[ind,col]:.2}{val}' else: raise ValueError('`annotation` got a tuple argument where the first entry is not "value"') else: ann = annotation.loc[ind,col] ax.annotate(ann, xy=(x[i],y[j]), ha='center', va='center') ax.set_xticks(x) ax.set_xticklabels(contributions.index, rotation=group_labels_rotation, ha=('right' if group_labels_rotation not in [0,90] else 'center')) ax.set_yticks(y) ax.set_yticklabels(contributions.columns) _set_axes_labels(ax, axes_labels) return fig
def _asterisks_from_pvals(pvals): pvals = pvals.astype(object) anstr = pvals.astype(str) anstr.loc[:,:] = '' anstr[(pvals > 0) & (np.abs(pvals) <= 0.05)] = '$^{\\ast}$' anstr[(pvals > 0) & (np.abs(pvals) <= 0.01)] = '${^{\\ast}}{^{\\ast}}$' anstr[(pvals > 0) & (np.abs(pvals) <= 0.001)] = '${^{\\ast}}{^{\\ast}}{^{\\ast}}$' anstr[(pvals < 0) & (np.abs(pvals) <= 0.05)] = '$_{\\ast}$' anstr[(pvals < 0) & (np.abs(pvals) <= 0.01)] = '${_{\\ast}}{_{\\ast}}$' anstr[(pvals < 0) & (np.abs(pvals) <= 0.001)] = '${_{\\ast}}{_{\\ast}}{_{\\ast}}$' return anstr
[docs] def sigmap( adata, value_key, group_key, sample_key=None, position_key=None, position_split=2, min_obs=0, basis_adata=None, basis_value_key=None, basis_group_key=None, basis_sample_key=None, basis_position_key=None, basis_position_split=None, basis_min_obs=None, fillna=None, restrict_groups=None, restrict_values=None, basis_restrict_groups=None, basis_restrict_values=None, p_corr='fdr_bh', method='mwu', reduction=None, normalization=None, assume_counts=None, reads=False, colors=None, axsize=None, value_dendrogram=False, group_dendrogram=False, value_order=None, group_order=None, ax=None, ): """\ Plot heatmap of contribution to groups and mark significant differences with asterisks. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with annotation in `.obs`. value_key The `.obs` or `.obsm` key with the values to determine the enrichment for. group_key The `.obs` key with categorical group information. sample_key The `.obs` key with categorical sample information for p-value determination. If `None`, use only the aggregated data is plotted. position_key The `.obsm` key or array-like of `.obs` keys with the position space coordinates. If `None`, no position splits are performed. position_split The number of splits per spatial dimension before enrichment. Can be a tuple with the spatial dimension as length to assign a different split per dimension. If `None`, no position splits are performed. See also `min_obs`. min_obs The minimum number of observations per sample: if less observations are available, the sample is not used. This also limits the number of `position_split` to stop splitting if the split would decrease the number of observations below this threshold. basis_adata Another :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with annotation in `.obs` to compare. If `None`, only the `adata` composition is shown. basis_value_key The `.obs` or `.obsm` key for `basis_adata` with the values to determine the enrichment for. If `None`, `value_key` is used. basis_group_key The `.obs` key with categorical group information for `basis_adata`. If `None`, `value_key` is used. basis_sample_key The `.obs` key with categorical sample information for `basis_adata`. If `None`, `sample_key` is used. basis_position_key Like `position_key` but for `basis_adata`. If `None`, no position splits are performed. basis_position_split Like `position_split` but for `basis_adata`. If `None`, `position_split` is used. basis_min_obs Like `min_obs` but for `basis_adata`. If `None`, `min_obs` is used. fillna If `None`, observation containing NA in the values are filtered. Else, NA values are replaced with this value. restrict_groups A list-like containing the groups within which the enrichment analysis is to be done. If `None`, all groups are included. restrict_values A list-like containing the values within which the enrichment analysis is to be done. If `None`, all values are included. Works only for categorical values. basis_restrict_groups Like `restrict_groups` but for `basis_adata`. basis_restrict_values Like `restrict_values` but for `basis_adata`. p_corr The name of the p-value correction method to use. Possible values are the ones available in :func:`~statsmodels.stats.multitest.multipletests`. If `None`, no p-value correction is performed. method Specification of methods to use for enrichment. Available are: - 'fisher': Fishers exact test; only for categorical values. Ignores the `reduction` and `normalization` arguments. - 'mwu': MannWhitneyU test reduction The reduction to apply on each (group,sample) subset of the data. Possible values are: - 'sum': sum of the values over observations - 'mean': mean of the values over observations - 'median': median of the values over observations - `None`: use observations directly - a callable mapping a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` to its reduced counterpart normalization The normalization to apply on each reduced (group,sample) subset of the data. Possible values are: - 'sum': normalize values by their sum (yields fractions) - 'percent': like 'sum' scaled by 100 (yields percentages) - 'gmean': normalize values by their geometric mean (yields contributions which make more sense for enrichments than fractions, due to zero-sum issue; see :func:``) - 'clr': "Center logratio transform"; like 'gmean' with additional log transform; makes the distribution more normal and better suited for t tests - `None`: no normalization - a value name from `value_key`: all values are normalized to this contribution - a callable mapping a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` to its normalized counterpart assume_counts Ony relevant for `normalization=='gmean'` and `normalization=='clr'`; whether to regularize zeros by adding a pseudo count of 1 or by replacing them by 1e-3 of the minimum value. If `None`, check whether the data are consistent with count data and assume counts accordingly, except if `reads==True`, then also `assume_counts==True`. reads Whether to weight the values by the total count per observation colors The mapping of value names to colors. If `None`, a set of standard colors is used. axsize Tuple of width and size of a single axis. If `None`, use automatic values. value_dendrogram Whether to draw a dendrogram for the values group_dendrogram Whether to draw a dendrogram for the groups value_order Set the order of the values explicitly; this option is incompatible with `value_dendrogram`. group_order Set the order of the groups explicitly; this option is incompatible with `group_dendrogram`. ax The :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` to plot on. If `None`, creates a fresh figure for plotting. Incompatible with dendrogram plotting. Returns ------- A :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` if `ax` is `None`, else `None`. """ pvals = enrichments( adata=adata,value_key=value_key,group_key=group_key,sample_key=sample_key, method=method,fillna=fillna, position_key=position_key, position_split=position_split,min_obs=min_obs,p_corr=p_corr, restrict_groups=restrict_groups,restrict_values=restrict_values, reads=reads, reduction=reduction,normalization=normalization,assume_counts=assume_counts, ) if basis_adata is not None: if basis_position_split is None: basis_position_split = position_split if basis_min_obs is None: basis_min_obs = min_obs if basis_sample_key is None: basis_sample_key = sample_key if basis_group_key is None: basis_group_key = group_key if basis_value_key is None: basis_value_key = value_key basis_pvals = enrichments( adata=basis_adata,value_key=basis_value_key,group_key=basis_group_key,sample_key=basis_sample_key, method=method,fillna=fillna, position_key=basis_position_key, position_split=basis_position_split,min_obs=basis_min_obs,p_corr=p_corr, restrict_groups=basis_restrict_groups,restrict_values=basis_restrict_values, reads=reads, reduction=reduction,normalization=normalization,assume_counts=assume_counts, ) basis_pvals.rename(columns={basis_value_key:value_key}, inplace=True) basis_pvals[basis_group_key] = basis_pvals[basis_group_key].cat.rename_categories(lambda c: c + ' (reference)') basis_pvals.rename(columns={basis_group_key:group_key}, inplace=True) joint_categories = [*list(basis_pvals[group_key].cat.categories), *list(pvals[group_key].cat.categories)] pvals = pd.concat([basis_pvals,pvals]) pvals[group_key] = pvals[group_key].astype(pd.CategoricalDtype(joint_categories,ordered=True)) ann = pd.pivot_table(pvals[pvals['enrichment']=='enriched'],values=f'p_{method}_{p_corr}',index=group_key,columns=value_key) annp = pd.pivot_table(pvals[pvals['enrichment']!='enriched'],values=f'p_{method}_{p_corr}',index=group_key,columns=value_key) ann[annp<ann] = -annp anstr = _asterisks_from_pvals(ann) fig = heatmap( adata=adata,value_key=value_key,group_key=group_key, basis_adata=basis_adata,basis_value_key=basis_value_key,basis_group_key=basis_group_key, fillna=fillna,restrict_groups=restrict_groups,restrict_values=restrict_values, basis_restrict_groups=basis_restrict_groups,basis_restrict_values=basis_restrict_values, reduction=reduction,normalization=normalization,reads=reads,colors=colors,axsize=axsize,annotation=('value',anstr), value_dendrogram=value_dendrogram, group_dendrogram=group_dendrogram,assume_counts=assume_counts, ax=ax, colorbar=False, complement_colors=False, cmap_center=None, value_order=value_order,group_order=group_order, ); return fig
[docs] def significances( significances, p_key, value_key, group_key, enrichment_key='enrichment', enriched_label='enriched', pmax=0.05, pmin=1e-5, annotate_pvalues=True, value_cluster=False, group_cluster=False, value_order=None, group_order=None, axsize=None, ax = None, scale_legend=1.0 ): """\ Plot enrichment significances. Parameters ---------- significances A :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` with p-values and their annotation. If it contains significances for enrichment and depletion, this direction has to be specified with values "enriched" and something else (e.g. "depleted" or "purified") in a column "enrichment" of the DataFrame. See also the parameters `enrichment_key` and `enrichment_label`. p_key The key with the p-values. value_key The key with the values for which the enrichment was determined. group_key The key with the groups in which the enrichment was determined. enrichment_key The key with the direction of enrichment, i.e something like "enriched" and "purified". See also parameter `enriched_label`. Default: "enrichment". enriched_label The value under the key `enrichment_key` which indicates something like enrichment. Default: "enriched". pmax The maximum p-value to show. pmin The minimum p-value on the color scale. annotate_pvalues Whether to annotate p-values value_cluster Whether to cluster and reorder the values. group_cluster Whether to cluster and reorder the groups. value_order Set the order of the values explicitly with a list or to be close to diagonal by specifying "diag"; this option is incompatible with `value_cluster`. group_order Set the order of the groups explicitly with a list or to be close to diagonal by specifying "diag"; this option is incompatible with `group_cluster`. axsize Tuple of width and size of a single axis. If `None`, use automatic values. ax The :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` to plot on. If `None`, creates a fresh figure for plotting. Incompatible with dendrogram plotting. scale_legend Set to scale height and width of legend. Returns ------- A :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`. """ small_value = 1e-300 max_log = -np.log(pmin) min_log = -np.log(pmax) depleted_label = None if enrichment_key is not None: if enrichment_key not in significances: raise ValueError(f'The column "{enrichment_key}" does not exist in the supplied dataframe! If this is intentional and you want to supress this error, supply "enrichment_key=None" as argument.') unique_significance_labels = significances[enrichment_key].unique() if len(unique_significance_labels) == 1: enriched_label = unique_significance_labels[0] else: if len(unique_significance_labels) > 2 or enriched_label not in unique_significance_labels: raise ValueError(f'The column "{enrichment_key}" is expected to have exactly 2 different values: "{enriched_label}" and something else, e.g. "depleted" or "purified"! The supplied column has the values {significances[enrichment_key].unique()}!') depleted_label = unique_significance_labels[unique_significance_labels!=enriched_label][0] if depleted_label is not None: enr_e = pd.pivot(significances[significances[enrichment_key]==enriched_label], index=value_key, columns=group_key, values=p_key) enr_p = pd.pivot(significances[significances[enrichment_key]==depleted_label], index=value_key, columns=group_key, values=p_key) enr_e = np.maximum(enr_e,small_value) enr_p = np.maximum(enr_p,small_value) enr_p = enr_p.reindex_like(enr_e) enr = pd.DataFrame(np.where(enr_e < enr_p, -np.log(enr_e), np.log(enr_p)),index=enr_e.index,columns=enr_e.columns) ann = pd.DataFrame(np.where(enr_e < enr_p, enr_e, enr_p),index=enr_e.index,columns=enr_e.columns) else: ann = pd.pivot(significances, index=value_key, columns=group_key, values=p_key) enr = -np.log(ann) # avoid discrepancies between color and annotation by basing both color and annotation on cuts on the same values enr = pd.DataFrame(np.where(ann > pmax, 0, enr),index=enr.index,columns=enr.columns) ann = pd.DataFrame(np.where(ann > pmax, '', ann.applymap(lambda x: f'{x:.2}')),index=enr.index,columns=enr.columns) enr = enr.T ann = ann.T if not annotate_pvalues: ann = None # setup the plotting enriched_color = (1.0, 0.07058823529411765, 0.09019607843137255) depleted_color = (0.30196078431372547, 0.5215686274509804, 0.7098039215686275) null_color = (0.9,0.9,0.9) slightly_weight = 0.2 slightly_enriched_color, slightly_depleted_color = mix_base_colors( np.array([[slightly_weight,1-slightly_weight,0.0],[0.0,1-slightly_weight,slightly_weight],]), np.array([list(enriched_color),list(null_color),list(depleted_color)]) ) if depleted_label is None: ct2 = min_log/max_log cdict = {'red': [[0.0, null_color[0], null_color[0]], [ct2, null_color[0], slightly_enriched_color[0]], [1.0, enriched_color[0], enriched_color[0]]], 'green': [[0.0, null_color[1], null_color[1]], [ct2, null_color[1], slightly_enriched_color[1]], [1.0, enriched_color[1], enriched_color[1]]], 'blue': [[0.0, null_color[2], null_color[2]], [ct2, null_color[2], slightly_enriched_color[2]], [1.0, enriched_color[2], enriched_color[2]]]} cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap('sigmap', segmentdata=cdict, N=256) fig = heatmap(enr, None, None, cmap=cmap, cmap_vmin_vmax=(0.0,max_log), cmap_center=max_log/2, annotation=ann, colorbar=False, value_cluster=value_cluster, group_cluster=group_cluster, value_order=value_order, group_order=group_order, axsize=axsize, ax=ax); else: ct1 = 0.5 * (1 - min_log/max_log) ct2 = 0.5 * (1 + min_log/max_log) cdict = {'red': [[0.0, depleted_color[0], depleted_color[0]], [ct1, slightly_depleted_color[0], null_color[0]], [ct2, null_color[0], slightly_enriched_color[0]], [1.0, enriched_color[0], enriched_color[0]]], 'green': [[0.0, depleted_color[1], depleted_color[1]], [ct1, slightly_depleted_color[1], null_color[1]], [ct2, null_color[1], slightly_enriched_color[1]], [1.0, enriched_color[1], enriched_color[1]]], 'blue': [[0.0, depleted_color[2], depleted_color[2]], [ct1, slightly_depleted_color[2], null_color[2]], [ct2, null_color[2], slightly_enriched_color[2]], [1.0, enriched_color[2], enriched_color[2]]]} cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap('sigmap', segmentdata=cdict, N=256) fig = heatmap(enr, None, None, cmap=cmap, cmap_vmin_vmax=(-max_log,max_log), cmap_center=0.0, annotation=ann, colorbar=False, value_cluster=value_cluster, group_cluster=group_cluster, value_order=value_order, group_order=group_order, axsize=axsize, ax=ax); rel_dpi_factor = fig.get_dpi() / 72 height_pxl = 200 * rel_dpi_factor * scale_legend width_pxl = 15 * rel_dpi_factor * scale_legend offset_top_pxl = 0 * rel_dpi_factor * scale_legend offset_left_pxl = 30 * rel_dpi_factor * scale_legend if ax is None: ax = fig.axes[0] left,bottom = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform(ax.transAxes.transform((1,1))+np.array([offset_left_pxl,-offset_top_pxl-height_pxl])) width,height = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform(fig.transFigure.transform((0,0))+np.array([width_pxl,height_pxl])) cax = fig.add_axes((left, bottom, width, height)) norm = Normalize(vmin=(0.0 if depleted_label is None else -max_log), vmax=max_log) cb = fig.colorbar(ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap), cax=cax) if depleted_label is None: cb.set_ticks([min_log,max_log]) cb.set_ticklabels([pmax,pmin]) else: cb.set_ticks([-max_log,-min_log,min_log,max_log]) cb.set_ticklabels([pmin,pmax,pmax,pmin])'enriched', xy=(0, 1), xycoords='axes fraction', xytext=(-3, -5), textcoords='offset pixels', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', rotation=90, fontsize=10*scale_legend)'insignificant', xy=(0, (0.0 if depleted_label is None else 0.5)), xycoords='axes fraction', xytext=(-3, 5), textcoords='offset pixels', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment=('bottom' if depleted_label is None else 'center'), rotation=90, fontsize=10*scale_legend) if depleted_label is not None:'depleted', xy=(0, 0), xycoords='axes fraction', xytext=(-3, 5), textcoords='offset pixels', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom', rotation=90, fontsize=10*scale_legend) return fig
def _escape_math_special_characters(string): string = string.replace('_','\_') return string def _get_co_occurrence(adata, analysis_key, show_only, show_only_center, colors, score_key, log_base): if analysis_key not in adata.uns: raise ValueError(f'`analysis_key` "{analysis_key}" is not found in `adata.uns`! Make sure to run first.') if score_key in adata.uns[analysis_key]: mean_scores = adata.uns[analysis_key][score_key] if score_key.startswith('log'): if log_base is not None: mean_scores = mean_scores / np.log(log_base) else: raise ValueError(f'The score_key {score_key!r} was not found!') if mean_scores is None: raise ValueError(f'The score {score_key!r} in `adata.uns[{analysis_key}]` is None!') intervals = adata.uns[analysis_key]['interval'] annotation = adata.uns[analysis_key]['annotation'] center = adata.uns[analysis_key]['center'] if show_only is not None: if isinstance(show_only, str): show_only = [show_only] select = annotation.isin(show_only) if select.sum() < len(show_only): raise ValueError(f'The `show_only` categories {[s for s in show_only if s not in annotation]!r} are not available in the data!') annotation = annotation[select] mean_scores = mean_scores[select,:,:] # check if the order is the same as in the show_only selection permutation = np.argsort(annotation)[np.argsort(np.argsort(show_only))] if not np.all(permutation == np.arange(len(permutation))): annotation = annotation[permutation] mean_scores = mean_scores[permutation,:,:] if show_only_center is not None: if isinstance(show_only_center, str): show_only_center = [show_only_center] select = center.isin(show_only_center) if select.sum() < len(show_only_center): raise ValueError(f'The `show_only_center` categories {[s for s in show_only_center if s not in center]!r} are not available in the data!') center = center[select] mean_scores = mean_scores[:,select,:] # check if the order is the same as in the show_only_center selection permutation = np.argsort(center)[np.argsort(np.argsort(show_only_center))] if not np.all(permutation == np.arange(len(permutation))): center = center[permutation] mean_scores = mean_scores[:,permutation,:] colors, types = _get_colors(colors, pd.Series(annotation)) return mean_scores, intervals, annotation, center, colors, types def _get_cooc_expression_label(score_key,log_base): if score_key == 'occ': expression = '$\\frac{p(anno|center)}{p(anno)}$' elif score_key == 'log_occ': base_str = '' if log_base is None else f'_{log_base}' expression = '$log' + base_str + '\\left(\\frac{p(anno|center)}{p(anno)}\\right)$' elif score_key == 'z': expression = '$\\frac{log(N(anno,center))-random expectation}{standard deviation}$' elif score_key == 'composition': expression = '$p(anno|center)$' elif score_key == 'log_composition': base_str = '' if log_base is None else f'_{log_base}' expression = '$log' + base_str + '(p(anno|center))$' elif score_key == 'distance_distribution': expression = '$p(dist|anno,center)$' elif score_key == 'log_distance_distribution': base_str = '' if log_base is None else f'_{log_base}' expression = '$log' + base_str + '(p(dist|anno,center))$' elif score_key == 'relative_distance_distribution': expression = '$\\frac{p(dist|anno,center)}{p(dist|*,center)}$' elif score_key == 'log_relative_distance_distribution': base_str = '' if log_base is None else f'_{log_base}' expression = '$log' + base_str + '\\left(\\frac{p(dist|anno,center)}{p(dist|*,center)}\\right)$' else: base_str = '' if log_base is None else f'_{log_base}' expression = '$log' + base_str + '\\left(\\frac{p(anno|center)/p(anno)}{gmean\\left(p(anno|center)/p(anno)\\right)}\\right)$' return expression
[docs] def co_occurrence( adata, analysis_key, score_key='log_occ', log_base=None, colors=None, show_only=None, show_only_center=None, axsize=(4,3), sharex=True, sharey='col', wspace=0.15, hspace=0.3, legend=True, grid=True, merged=False, ax=None ): """\ Plot co-occurrence as determined by :func:``. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with the co-occurence analysis in `.uns`. Can also be a mapping of labels to :class:`~anndata.AnnData` to specify multiple datasets. analysis_key The `.uns` key with the co-occurence analysis result. score_key The `.uns[analysis_key]` key of the score to use or the `.uns[analysis_key]['comparisons']` sub-key specifying the comparison to plot. Available keys `.uns[analysis_key]` include: - 'occ': co-occurrence - 'log_occ': logarithm of the co-occurrence - 'log2_occ': base-2-logarithm of the co-occurrence; this is a not a real key but a convenience function to rescale the 'log_occ' values - 'z': z-score of the log of the neighbourship counts with respect to random neighbourships - 'composition': distance dependent composition, `p(anno|center, dist)` - 'log_composition': log of 'composition' - 'distance_distribution': distribution of distances between anno and center ´p(dist|anno,center)´ - 'log_distance_distribution': log of 'distance_distribution' - 'relative_distance_distribution': 'distance_distribution' normalized to `p(dist|*,center)`, the distance distribution of any annotation to the center - 'log_relative_distance_distribution': log of 'relative_distance_distribution' log_base The base of the logarithm to use for plotting if `score_key` is 'log_occ' or a comparison key. If `None`, use the natural logarithm. colors The mapping of value names to colors. If `None`, a set of standard colors is used. show_only A subset of annotation values to restrict the plotting to. show_only_center A subset of the center annotation values to restrict the plotting to. axsize Tuple of width and size of a single axis. sharex, sharey Whether and how to use common x/y axis. Options include `True`, `False`, "col", "row", "none", and "all". wspace, hspace Control the spacing between the plots. legend Whether to include the legend grid Whether to plot a grid merged Whether to merge the plots for all :class:`~anndata.AnnData` instances into a single row of plots. This makes only sense if more instances are provided in `adata`. ax The :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` to plot on. If `None`, creates a fresh figure for plotting. Returns ------- A :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`. """ adatas = _get_adatas(adata) fig = None linestyles = ['solid','dashed','dotted','dashdot'] for adata_i, (adata_name, adata) in enumerate(adatas.items()): mean_scores, intervals, annotation, center, colors, types = _get_co_occurrence(adata, analysis_key, show_only, show_only_center, colors, score_key, log_base) if merged: if len(adatas) > len(linestyles): raise ValueError(f'`merged==True` is ony possible with up to {len(linestyles)} andatas!') if fig is None: if ax is not None: if isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes): axs = np.array([[ax]]) else: axs = ax if axs.shape != (len(center), 1): raise ValueError(f'The `ax` argument got the wrong shape of axes: needed is {(len(center), 1)!r} supplied was {axs.shape!r}!') axsize = axs[0,0].get_window_extent().transformed(axs[0,0].get_figure().dpi_scale_trans.inverted()).size fig = axs[0,0].get_figure() else: fig, axs = subplots(len(center), 1, axsize=axsize, hspace=hspace, wspace=wspace, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, ) for ir, nr in enumerate(center): x = (intervals[1:] + intervals[:-1]) / 2 for ja, na in enumerate(annotation): y = mean_scores[ja,ir,:] linestyle = linestyles[adata_i] axs[0,ir].plot(x, y, color=colors[na], linestyle=linestyle) if adata_i == len(adatas) - 1: axs[0,ir].set_xlabel('distance') adata_title = f'center {}={nr}: ' anno_title = 'annotation: ' + axs[0,ir].set_xlabel('distance') axs[0,ir].set_ylabel(anno_title) expression = _get_cooc_expression_label(score_key,log_base) axs[0,ir].set_title(adata_title + expression) axs[0,ir].grid(grid) else: if fig is None: if ax is not None: if isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes): axs = np.array([[ax]]) else: axs = ax if axs.shape != (len(center), len(adatas)): raise ValueError(f'The `ax` argument got the wrong shape of axes: needed is {(len(center), len(adatas))!r} supplied was {axs.shape!r}!') axsize = axs[0,0].get_window_extent().transformed(axs[0,0].get_figure().dpi_scale_trans.inverted()).size fig = axs[0,0].get_figure() else: fig, axs = subplots(len(center), len(adatas), axsize=axsize, hspace=hspace, wspace=wspace, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, ) for ir, nr in enumerate(center): x = (intervals[1:] + intervals[:-1]) / 2 for ja, na in enumerate(annotation): y = mean_scores[ja,ir,:] linestyle = linestyles[nr==na] axs[adata_i,ir].plot(x, y, color=colors[na], linestyle=linestyle) axs[adata_i,ir].set_xlabel('distance') adata_title = f'{adata_name}, center {}={nr}: ' if adata_name != '' else f'center {}={nr}: ' anno_title = 'annotation: ' + axs[adata_i,ir].set_xlabel('distance') axs[adata_i,ir].set_ylabel(anno_title) expression = _get_cooc_expression_label(score_key,log_base) axs[adata_i,ir].set_title(adata_title + expression) axs[adata_i,ir].grid(grid) if legend: handles = [] if merged: handles.extend([mlines.Line2D([], [], color='gray', label=adata_name, linestyle=linestyle) for ((adata_name, adata), linestyle) in zip(adatas.items(), linestyles) ]) handles.extend([mpatches.Patch(color=color, label=ind) for (ind, color) in zip(annotation, colors[annotation]) ]) axs[0,len(center)-1].legend(handles=handles, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left', ncol=1) return fig
[docs] def co_occurrence_matrix( adata, analysis_key, score_key='log_occ', log_base=None, colors=None, show_only=None, show_only_center=None, axsize=None, hspace=None, wspace=None, x_padding=2.0, y_padding=2.0, value_cluster=False, group_cluster=False, restrict_intervals=None, p_corr='fdr_bh', cmap='bwr', cmap_vmin_vmax=None, legend=True, ax = None, scale_legend=1.0 ): """\ Plot co-occurrence as determined by :func:`` or :func:`` as a matrix. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with the co-occurence analysis in `.uns`. Can also be a mapping of labels to :class:`~anndata.AnnData` to specify multiple datasets. analysis_key The `.uns` key with the co-occurence analysis result. score_key The `.uns[analysis_key]` key of the score to use. Available keys `.uns[analysis_key]` include: - 'occ': co-occurrence - 'log_occ': logarithm of the co-occurrence - 'log2_occ': base-2-logarithm of the co-occurrence; this is a not a real key but a convenience function to rescale the 'log_occ' values - 'z': z-score of the log of the neighbourship counts with respect to random neighbourships - 'composition': distance dependent composition, `p(anno|center, dist)` - 'log_composition': log of 'composition' - 'distance_distribution': distribution of distances between anno and center ´p(dist|anno,center)´ - 'log_distance_distribution': log of 'distance_distribution' - 'relative_distance_distribution': 'distance_distribution' normalized to `p(dist|*,center)`, the distance distribution of any annotation to the center - 'log_relative_distance_distribution': log of 'relative_distance_distribution' log_base The base of the logarithm to use for plotting if `score_key` is a log quantity. If `None`, use the natural logarithm. colors The mapping of value names to colors. If `None`, a set of standard colors is used. show_only A subset of annotation values to restrict the plotting to. show_only_center A subset of the center annotation values to restrict the plotting to. axsize Tuple of width and size of a single axis. If `None`, some heuristic value is used. hspace, vspace Relative horizontal and vertical spacing between plots x_padding, y_padding Absolute horizontal and vertical spacing between plots; this setting overrides `hspace` and `vspace`; if `None`, use the value from `hspace` `vspace`; if `None`, use the value from `vspace` value_cluster Whether to cluster and reorder the values. group_cluster Whether to cluster and reorder the groups. restrict_intervals A list-like containing the indices of the intervals to plot. If `None`, all intervals are included. cmap A string/colormap to override the `colors` with globally. cmap_vmin_vmax A tuple giving the range of values for the colormap. legend Whether to include the legend scale_legend Set to scale height and width of legend. ax The :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` to plot on. If `None`, creates a fresh figure for plotting. Incompatible with dendrogram plotting. Returns ------- A :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`. """ adatas = _get_adatas(adata) min_max = None # first pass through the data to get global min/max of the values for colormap for adata_i, (adata_name, adata) in enumerate(adatas.items()): mean_scores, intervals, annotation, center, colors, types = _get_co_occurrence(adata, analysis_key, show_only, show_only_center, colors, score_key=score_key, log_base=log_base) if min_max is None: if restrict_intervals is None: restrict_intervals = np.arange(len(intervals)-1) min_max = np.zeros((len(adatas),len(restrict_intervals),2)) data = mean_scores[:,:,restrict_intervals] min_max[adata_i,:,:] = data.min(),data.max() min_max[:,:,0] = min_max[:,:,0].min() min_max[:,:,1] = min_max[:,:,1].max() if cmap_vmin_vmax is not None: min_max[:,:,:] = np.array(cmap_vmin_vmax) if axsize is None: axsize = (0.2*len(center),0.2*len(annotation)) if ax is not None: if isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes): axs = np.array([[ax]]) else: axs = ax if axs.shape != (len(adatas), len(restrict_intervals)): raise ValueError(f'The `ax` argument got the wrong shape of axes: needed is {(len(adatas), len(restrict_intervals))!r} supplied was {axs.shape!r}!') axsize = axs[0,0].get_window_extent().transformed(axs[0,0].get_figure().dpi_scale_trans.inverted()).size fig = axs[0,0].get_figure() else: fig, axs = subplots(len(restrict_intervals), len(adatas), axsize=axsize, hspace=hspace, wspace=wspace, x_padding=x_padding, y_padding=y_padding, ) # second pass for actual plotting for adata_i, (adata_name, adata) in enumerate(adatas.items()): mean_scores, intervals, annotation, center, colors, types = _get_co_occurrence(adata, analysis_key, show_only, show_only_center, colors, score_key=score_key, log_base=log_base) data = mean_scores[:,:,restrict_intervals] for _ii, rii in enumerate(restrict_intervals): interval = f'({intervals[rii]},{intervals[rii+1]})' ax = axs[adata_i,_ii] data = mean_scores[:,:,_ii] data = pd.DataFrame(data, index=annotation, columns=center).T heatmap( data, value_key=None, group_key=None, colors=colors, value_cluster=value_cluster, group_cluster=group_cluster, ax=ax, cmap=cmap, cmap_center=None,#(0 if log else None), cmap_vmin_vmax=min_max[adata_i,_ii], group_labels_rotation=90, colorbar=False, ); adata_title = f'{adata_name}, interval {interval}: ' if adata_name != '' else f'interval {interval}: ' expression = _get_cooc_expression_label(score_key,log_base) ax.set_title(adata_title + expression) anno_title = 'annotation: ' + _escape_math_special_characters( anno_center_title = 'center: ' + _escape_math_special_characters( ax.set_ylabel(anno_title) ax.set_xlabel(anno_center_title) if legend: _add_legend_or_colorbars(fig, axs, colors, cmap=cmap, min_max=min_max, scale_legend=scale_legend) return fig
[docs] def annotated_heatmap( adata, obs_key=None, var_key=None, n_genes=None, var_highlight=None, obs_colors=None, var_colors=None, cmap='bwr', cmap_center=0, cmap_vmin_vmax=(-2,2), trafo=None, axsize=(4,4), ): """\ Plots a heatmap of cells and genes grouped by categorical annotations. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` with annotation in `.obs` and/or `.var`. obs_key The `.obs` key with the categorical `obs` annotation to use. If `None`, the observations are not grouped and plotted in the order in which they appear in `adata`. var_key The `.var` key with the categorical `var` annotation to use. Can also be a mapping of annotations to list-likes of var names. If `None`, the genes are not grouped and plotted in the order in which they appear in `adata`. If `n_genes` is set, the meaning of this key is modified. n_genes The number of differentially expressed genes to find for the groups of observations. The differentially exressed genes will be used in place of a categorical `var` annotation. Setting `n_genes` changes the behaviour of `var_key`: It is interpreted as a categorical `.obs` key defining the groups of observations for which to derive the differentially expressed genes. If `var_key` is `None`, `obs_key` is used for that. var_highlight A list-like of var names to annotate. obs_colors A dict-like with the colors to use for the `obs_key` annotation. If `None`, default colors are used. var_colors A dict-like with the colors to use for the `var_key` annotation. If `None`, default colors are used, except if `n_genes` is set which triggers the usage of `obs_colors` for `var_colors`. cmap A string/colormap to use in the heatmap. cmap_center A value to use as center of the colormap. E.g. choosing `0` sets the central color to `0`. If `None`, the colormap spans the entire value range. cmap_vmin_vmax A tuple giving the range of values for the colormap. This can be modfied by `cmap_center`. trafo Whether to normalize, logarithmize, and scale the data prior to plotting. This makes sense if bare count data is supplied. If the data is already preprocessed, this can be set to `False`. If `None`, a heuristic tries to figure out whether count data was supplied, and if so performs the preprocessing. axsize Tuple of width and size of the main axis. Returns ------- A :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`. """ if trafo is None: got_counts = True try: preprocessing.check_counts_validity(adata.X) except: got_counts = False if got_counts: print('`adata` looks like it contains bare counts and will be normalized, logarithmized, and scaled for plotting. If that is not desired (and to get rid of this message) explicitly set `trafo` to something else than `None`.') trafo = True else: trafo = False if trafo or n_genes: adata = adata.copy() if trafo: sc.pp.normalize_total(adata, target_sum=1e6) sc.pp.log1p(adata) if var_key is not None or n_genes is not None: if n_genes is not None: if var_key is not None: if hasattr(var_key, 'items'): raise ValueError(f'`var_key` cannot be a dict-like if `n_genes` is set!') if var_key not in adata.obs: raise ValueError(f'`var_key` {var_key!r} is not a column of `adata.obs` even though `n_genes` is set!') if not hasattr(adata.obs[var_key], 'cat'): print(f'WARNING: `var_key` {var_key!r} is not a categorical column of `adata.obs` even though `n_genes` is set! Treating it as a categorical column...') group_key = var_key elif obs_key is not None: if obs_key not in adata.obs: raise ValueError(f'`obs_key` {obs_key!r} is not a column of `adata.obs`!') if not hasattr(adata.obs[obs_key], 'cat'): print(f'WARNING: `obs_key` {obs_key!r} is not a categorical column of `adata.obs`! Treating it as a categorical column...') group_key = obs_key if var_colors is None: var_colors = obs_colors else: raise ValueError(f'`n_genes` can only be used if at least one of [`obs_key`, `var_key`] is not `None`!') ukey = utils.find_unused_key(adata.uns), group_key, key_added=ukey, n_genes=n_genes,) marker = pd.DataFrame(adata.uns[ukey]['names']) del adata.uns[ukey] else: # if var_key is not None: if hasattr(var_key, 'items'): marker = var_key else: if var_key not in adata.var: raise ValueError(f'`var_key` {var_key!r} is not a column of `adata.var`!') if not hasattr(adata.var[var_key], 'cat'): print(f'WARNING: `var_key` {var_key!r} is not a categorical column of `adata.var`! Treating it as a categorical column...') marker = {c: df.index for c,df in adata.var.groupby(var_key)} all_marker = [c for l,m in marker.items() for c in m] # reorder genes to represent the annotation adata = adata[:,all_marker] if var_colors is None: var_colors = to_rgba_array(get_default_colors(len(marker))) var_colors = {cat:col for cat,col in zip(marker.keys(),var_colors)} else: var_colors = {cat:to_rgba(col) for cat,col in var_colors.items()} all_marker_colors = [var_colors[l] for l,m in marker.items() for g in m] all_marker_labels = [l for l,m in marker.items() for c in m] marker_centers = { l: np.median(np.arange(len(all_marker_labels))[np.array(all_marker_labels) == l]) for l in marker.keys() } if obs_key is not None: if obs_key not in adata.obs: raise ValueError(f'`obs_key` {obs_key!r} is not a column of `adata.obs`!') if not hasattr(adata.obs[obs_key], 'cat'): print(f'WARNING: `obs_key` {obs_key!r} is not a categorical column of `adata.obs`! Treating it as a categorical column...') cells = {c: df.index for c,df in adata.obs.groupby(obs_key)} all_cells = [c for l,m in cells.items() for c in m] # reorder cells to represent the annotation adata = adata[all_cells] if obs_colors is None: obs_colors = to_rgba_array(get_default_colors(len(cells))) obs_colors = {cat:col for cat,col in zip(cells.keys(),obs_colors)} else: obs_colors = {cat:to_rgba(col) for cat,col in obs_colors.items()} all_cell_colors = [obs_colors[l] for l,m in cells.items() for c in m] all_cell_labels = [l for l,m in cells.items() for c in m] cell_centers = { l: np.median(np.arange(len(all_cell_labels))[np.array(all_cell_labels) == l]) for l in cells.keys() } if var_highlight is not None: # reorder highlighted genes to simplify labelling var_highlight = pd.Series(adata.var.index)[adata.var.index.isin(var_highlight)] highlight_centers = pd.Series(var_highlight.index, index=var_highlight ) if trafo: if adata.is_view: adata = adata.copy() sc.pp.scale(adata) data = adata.X if scipy.sparse.issparse(data): data = data.A if cmap_vmin_vmax is None: cmap_vmin_vmax = [data.min(),data.max()] cmap_vmin_vmax = np.array(cmap_vmin_vmax) if cmap_center is not None: shifted = cmap_vmin_vmax - cmap_center abs_max = np.max(np.abs(shifted)) shifted[:] = [-abs_max,abs_max] cmap_vmin_vmax = shifted + cmap_center # plotting fig,axs=subplots(2,2,axsize=axsize,width_ratios=[0.03,axsize[0]/4],height_ratios=[0.03,axsize[1]/4],x_padding=0.05,y_padding=0.05) axs[0,0].axis('off') im = axs[1,1].imshow(data.T,aspect='auto',cmap=cmap, vmin=cmap_vmin_vmax[0], vmax=cmap_vmin_vmax[1]) axs[1,1].set_xticks([]) axs[1,1].set_yticks([]) rel_dpi_factor = fig.get_dpi() / 72 cax_width = 100 * rel_dpi_factor # color bar width in pixel cax_height = 10 * rel_dpi_factor # color bar height in pixel cax_offset = 10 * rel_dpi_factor # color bar y offset in pixel cax_l = 1 - fig.transFigure.inverted().transform([cax_width,0])[0] + fig.transFigure.inverted().transform([0,0])[0] cax_b = 0 - fig.transFigure.inverted().transform([0,cax_height+cax_offset])[1] + fig.transFigure.inverted().transform([0,0])[1] cax_w = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform([cax_width,0])[0] - fig.transFigure.inverted().transform([0,0])[0] cax_h = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform([0,cax_height])[1] - fig.transFigure.inverted().transform([0,0])[1] cax = fig.add_axes((cax_l,cax_b,cax_w,cax_h)) fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal') # labelling def _collides(ann1, ann2, offset1, offset2, fig, direction): if offset1 != offset2: return False extent1 = ann1.get_window_extent(fig.canvas.get_renderer()) extent2 = ann2.get_window_extent(fig.canvas.get_renderer()) if direction == 'x': return extent2.x1 > extent1.x0 else: return extent1.y1 > extent2.y0 def _collides_any(ann, off, anns, offs, fig, direction): for ann2, off2 in zip(anns, offs): if _collides(ann, ann2, off, off2, fig, direction): return True return False def _find_offset(ann, anns, offs, fig, direction): off = 0 while _collides_any(ann, off, anns, offs, fig, direction): off += 1 return off def _find_shift(ann, anns, fig, direction): if len(anns) == 0: return 0 extent1 = ann.get_window_extent(fig.canvas.get_renderer()) extent2 = anns[-1].get_window_extent(fig.canvas.get_renderer()) if direction == 'x': delta = extent2.x1 - extent1.x0 else: delta = extent1.y1 - extent2.y0 if delta > 0: return delta else: return 0 if obs_key is not None: axs[0,1].imshow(np.array([all_cell_colors]),aspect='auto') axs[0,1].set_xticks([]) axs[0,1].set_yticks([]) anns = [] offs = [] bar = (axs[0,1].transData.inverted().transform([0,-15*rel_dpi_factor])[1] - axs[0,1].transData.inverted().transform([0,0])[1]) for l,c in cell_centers.items(): ann = axs[0,1].annotate(l, (c, -0.5), (c, -0.5-bar), ha="center", va="center", rotation=0, size=10, arrowprops={'arrowstyle':'-'},) offset = _find_offset(ann, anns, offs, fig, direction='x') ann.xyann = (ann.xyann[0],ann.xyann[1]-offset*1.8) anns.append(ann) offs.append(offset) else: axs[0,1].axis('off') if var_key is not None or n_genes is not None: axs[1,0].imshow(np.array([all_marker_colors]).swapaxes(0,1),aspect='auto') axs[1,0].set_xticks([]) axs[1,0].set_yticks([]) anns=[] bar = (axs[1,0].transData.inverted().transform([15*rel_dpi_factor,0])[0] - axs[1,0].transData.inverted().transform([0,0])[0]) for l,c in marker_centers.items(): ann = axs[1,0].annotate(l, (-0.5, c), (-0.5-bar, c), ha="right", va="center", rotation=0, size=10, arrowprops={'arrowstyle':'-'},) shift = _find_shift(ann, anns, fig, direction='y') shift = (axs[1,0].transData.inverted().transform([0,shift])[1] - axs[1,0].transData.inverted().transform([0,0])[1]) ann.xyann = (ann.xyann[0],ann.xyann[1]-shift) anns.append(ann) else: axs[1,0].axis('off') if var_highlight is not None: anns=[] bar = (axs[1,1].transData.inverted().transform([15*rel_dpi_factor,0])[0] - axs[1,1].transData.inverted().transform([0,0])[0]) offset = (axs[1,1].transData.inverted().transform([0*rel_dpi_factor,0])[0] - axs[1,1].transData.inverted().transform([0,0])[0]) - 0.5 for l,c in highlight_centers.items(): ann = axs[1,1].annotate(l, (len(adata.obs.index)+offset, c), (len(adata.obs.index)+offset+bar, c), ha="left", va="center", rotation=0, size=10, arrowprops={'arrowstyle':'-'}, annotation_clip=False,) shift = _find_shift(ann, anns, fig, direction='y') shift = (axs[1,1].transData.inverted().transform([0,shift])[1] - axs[1,1].transData.inverted().transform([0,0])[1]) ann.xyann = (ann.xyann[0],ann.xyann[1]-shift) anns.append(ann) return fig
@njit(parallel=False,fastmath=True,cache=True) def _anno_hist(mist, intervals, weights, anno): Nobs,Nanno = anno.shape assert(Nobs==len(mist)) assert(Nobs==len(weights)) Nd = len(intervals)-1 hist = np.zeros((Nd,)) sums = np.zeros((Nd,Nanno)) for i in range(Nobs): di = mist[i] _di = np.argmax(di <= intervals) - 1 if di > 0: hist[_di] += weights[i] sums[_di] += weights[i] * anno[i] for d in range(Nd): sums[d] /= hist[d] return sums
[docs] def annotation_coordinate( adata, annotation_key, coordinate_key, group_key=None, reference_key=None, max_coordinate=None, delta_coordinate=None, axsize=None, colors=None, stacked=True, verbose=1, ): """\ Plots an annotation density with respect to a scalar coordinate. Parameters ---------- adata A :class:`~anndata.AnnData`. annotation_key The `.obs` or `.obsm` key to plot. coordinate_key The `.obs` key or (`.obsm` key, column name) pair with the scalar coordinate(s). group_key A categorical group annotation. The plot is done separately per group. If `None`, plots for only one group are generated. reference_key The `.obs` key to use as weights (i.e. the weight to use for calculating the annotation density). If `None`, use `1` per observation, which makes sense if the annotation is categorical or fractional annotations which should sum to `1`. max_coordinate The maximum coordinate to use. If `None` or `np.inf`, uses the maximum coordinate in the data. delta_coordinate The width in coordinate for coordinate discretization. If `None`, takes `max_coordinate/100`. axsize Size of a single axis in the plot colors A mapping of annotation values to colors. If `None`, default colors are used. stacked Whether to plot the different annotations on different scales on separate stacked plots or on the same scale in a single plot. verbose Level of verbosity, with `0` (no output), `1` (some output), ... Returns ------- A :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`. """ if group_key is None: group_adatas = {'':adata} else: group_adatas = {group:adata[df.index] for group,df in adata.obs.groupby(group_key) if len(df)>0 } if annotation_key in adata.obs: annotation = adata.obs[annotation_key] if hasattr(annotation, 'cat'): annotation = pd.get_dummies(annotation) else: annotation = pd.DataFrame(annotation) elif annotation_key in adata.obsm: annotation = adata.obsm[annotation_key].copy() else: raise ValueError(f'The `annotation_key` {annotation_key!r} is neither in `adata.obs` nor `adata.obsm`!') if pd.api.types.is_list_like(coordinate_key): if len(coordinate_key) == 2 and coordinate_key[0] in adata.obsm and coordinate_key[1] in adata.obsm[coordinate_key[0]]: coordinates = adata.obsm[coordinate_key[0]][coordinate_key[1]] else: raise ValueError(f'The `coordinate_key` {coordinate_key!r} is list/like, but not something of length 2 containing a `adata.obsm` key and a column name therein!') #coordinate_key = f'{coordinate_key[0]}:{coordinate_key[1]}' coordinate_key = f'{coordinate_key[1]}' elif coordinate_key in adata.obs: coordinates = adata.obs[coordinate_key] else: raise ValueError(f'The `coordinate_key` {coordinate_key!r} is not in `adata.obs` and not a valid specification for something in `adata.obsm`!') if max_coordinate is None or max_coordinate == np.inf: max_coordinate = coordinates.to_numpy().max() max_coordinate = float(max_coordinate) if delta_coordinate is None: delta_coordinate = max_coordinate / 100 n_intervals = int(max_coordinate / delta_coordinate) max_coordinate = n_intervals * delta_coordinate intervals = np.arange(0,max_coordinate+delta_coordinate*0.5,delta_coordinate) midpoints = (intervals[1:] + intervals[:-1]) * 0.5 if reference_key is None: reference_weights = pd.Series(np.ones(len(adata.obs.index),dtype=float),index=adata.obs.index) elif reference_key in adata.obs: reference_weights = adata.obs[reference_key] else: raise ValueError(f'The `reference_key` {reference_key!r} is not in `adata.obs`!') annotation_categories = annotation.columns colors,annotation_categories = _get_colors(colors, annotation_categories) if stacked: if axsize is None: axsize = (6,0.7) fig,axs = subplots(len(group_adatas),len(annotation.columns),axsize=axsize,sharex=True,sharey='row',y_padding=0,x_padding=0) else: if axsize is None: axsize = (6,4) fig,axs = subplots(len(group_adatas),1,axsize=axsize,sharex=True,sharey='row',y_padding=0,x_padding=0) for gi,(group,group_adata) in enumerate(group_adatas.items()): group_annotation = annotation.loc[group_adata.obs.index].to_numpy() group_coordinates = coordinates.loc[group_adata.obs.index].to_numpy() group_reference_weights = reference_weights.loc[group_adata.obs.index].to_numpy() no_nan = ~np.isnan(group_annotation).any(axis=1) anno = _anno_hist(group_coordinates[no_nan], intervals, group_reference_weights[no_nan], group_annotation[no_nan]) anno = pd.DataFrame(anno,index=midpoints,columns=annotation.columns) if stacked: for i,c in enumerate(colors.index): axs[i,gi].plot(anno[c],c=colors[c],label=c) axs[i,gi].xaxis.grid(True) else: for i,c in enumerate(colors.index): axs[0,gi].plot(anno[c],c=colors[c],label=c) axs[0,gi].xaxis.grid(True) group_string = f' in {group}' if group != '' else '' axs[0,gi].set_title(f'{annotation_key} VS distance from {coordinate_key}{group_string}') axs[0,-1].legend(handles=[mpatches.Patch(color=color, label=ind) for (ind, color) in colors.items() ], bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left', ncol=1) return fig
[docs] def dotplot( adata, genes, group_key, log1p=True, marks=None, marks_colors=None, swap_axes=True, ): """\ Dot plot of expression values. This is similar to :func:`` with customizations, e.g. the option to mark selected dots. Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` including annotation in `.obs`. genes The `.var` index values to compare use as a list-like. group_key An `.obs` key with categorical group information. log1p Whether to log1p-transform the data prior to plotting. marks A :class:`pandas.DataFrame` containing categorical markers for the dots with genes in the rows and groups in the columns. marks_colors A mapping from the categories in `marks` to colors; if `None`, default colors are used. swap_axes If `False`, the x axis contains the genes and the y axis the groups. Otherwise the axes are swapped. Returns ------- A :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`. """ if not pd.Index(genes).isin(adata.var.index).all(): raise ValueError(f'The genes {pd.Index(genes).difference(adata.var.index)!r} are not available in `adata.var`!') markers = genes[::-1] if group_key not in adata.obs.columns: raise ValueError(f'The `group_key` {group_key!r} is not available in `adata.obs`!') if hasattr(adata.obs[group_key], 'cat'): cluster = adata.obs[group_key].cat.categories else: cluster = adata.obs[group_key].unique() if swap_axes: xticklabels = cluster yticklabels = markers else: xticklabels = markers yticklabels = cluster fig,axs = subplots(axsize=0.25*np.array([len(xticklabels),len(yticklabels)])) x = np.arange(len(xticklabels)) # the label locations y = np.arange(len(yticklabels)) # the label locations if not swap_axes: x = x[::-1] y = y[::-1] axs[0,0].set_xticks(x) axs[0,0].set_xticklabels(xticklabels, rotation=45, ha='right',) axs[0,0].set_yticks(y) axs[0,0].set_yticklabels(yticklabels) axs[0,0].set_xlim((x.min()-0.5,x.max()+0.5)) axs[0,0].set_ylim((y.min()-0.5,y.max()+0.5)) axs[0,0].set_axisbelow(True) axs[0,0].grid(True) marker_counts = adata[:,markers].to_df() if log1p: marker_counts = np.log1p(marker_counts) mean_exp = pd.DataFrame({c: marker_counts.loc[df.index].mean(axis=0) for c,df in adata.obs.groupby(group_key) }) mean_pos = pd.DataFrame({c: (marker_counts.loc[df.index] != 0).mean(axis=0) for c,df in adata.obs.groupby(group_key) }) if marks is not None: marks = marks.reindex_like(mean_pos) mean_exp_index_name = 'index' if is None else mean_pos_index_name = 'index' if is None else mean_exp = pd.melt(mean_exp, ignore_index=False).reset_index().rename(columns={mean_exp_index_name:'value','variable':'cluster','value':'mean_exp'}) mean_pos = pd.melt(mean_pos, ignore_index=False).reset_index().rename(columns={mean_pos_index_name:'value','variable':'cluster','value':'mean_pos'}) if marks is not None: = None = None marks_index_name = 'index' if is None else marks = pd.melt(marks, ignore_index=False).reset_index().rename(columns={marks_index_name:'value','variable':'cluster','value':'marks'}) if marks_colors is None: marks_colors = get_default_colors(marks['marks'].unique()) all_df = pd.merge(mean_exp, mean_pos, on=['value', 'cluster']) if marks is not None: all_df = pd.merge(all_df, marks, on=['value', 'cluster'], how='outer') if all_df['marks'].isna().any(): raise ValueError(f'There were gene-group combinations without a match in "marks"!') if swap_axes: all_df['x'] = all_df['cluster'].map(pd.Series(x,index=xticklabels)) all_df['y'] = all_df['value'].map(pd.Series(y,index=yticklabels)) else: all_df['x'] = all_df['value'].map(pd.Series(x,index=xticklabels)) all_df['y'] = all_df['cluster'].map(pd.Series(y,index=yticklabels)) legend_items = [] mean_exp_min, mean_exp_max = all_df['mean_exp'].min(), all_df['mean_exp'].max() norm = Normalize(vmin=mean_exp_min, vmax=mean_exp_max) cmap='Reds'#LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('mean_exp', [(0,(1, 1, 1)),(1,(1, g, b))]) mapper = ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap) color = [ tuple(x) for x in mapper.to_rgba(all_df['mean_exp'].to_numpy()) ] legend_items.append(mpatches.Patch(color='#0000', label='mean expression')) mean_exp_for_legend = np.linspace(mean_exp_min, mean_exp_max, 4) legend_items.extend([mpatches.Patch(color=color, label=f'{ind:.2f}') for color,ind in zip(mapper.to_rgba(mean_exp_for_legend),mean_exp_for_legend)]) mean_pos_min, mean_pos_max = all_df['mean_pos'].min(), all_df['mean_pos'].max() def size_map(x): return (x/mean_pos_max * 14)**2 size = size_map(all_df['mean_pos']) legend_items.append(mpatches.Patch(color='#0000', label='fraction of expressing cells')) mean_pos_for_legend = np.linspace(mean_pos_min, mean_pos_max, 5)[1:] legend_items.extend([mlines.Line2D([], [], color='#aaa', linestyle='none', marker='o', markersize=np.sqrt(size_map(ind)), label=f'{ind:.2f}') for ind in mean_pos_for_legend]) edgecolors = '#aaa' if marks is None else all_df['marks'].map(marks_colors) if marks is not None: marks_name = if hasattr(marks_colors, 'name') else '' legend_items.append(mpatches.Patch(color='#0000', label=marks_name)) legend_items.extend([mlines.Line2D([], [], color='#aaa', linestyle='none', fillstyle='none', markeredgecolor=color, marker='o', markersize=np.sqrt(size_map(mean_pos_for_legend[-2])), label=f'{ind}') for ind,color in marks_colors.items()]) axs[0,0].scatter(all_df['x'], all_df['y'], c=color, s=size, edgecolors=edgecolors) axs[0,0].legend(handles=legend_items, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left', ncol=1) return fig